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3. Pervert Jon again

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

I'm sure anyone would love to have that power.

on 2014-01-05 10:33:35

2584 hits, 121 views, 3 upvotes.

Animal Aware FTP Magic NBM Size Unaware

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John wake up in the morning, he just had the best idea ever. But Sarah don't have to know so, Jon takes his stone and makes a big breath.

"I wish I could change the shape of any clothes I see with only my will. And I wish the changes won't be noticed by anyone but me, the wearer will remember have buy that clothe like that and put it just before even if it's his style."

The stone glow proving the wish worked, but he doesn't feel any different.

"Well I guess I have to try..." he think out loud.

He walk to the window and look in the street, but at 6 in the morning there is no one.
So Jon wait until he goes to the bust stop, he didn't want to takes the risk to do that to his mom or sister.
There is few girls and boys of the class, but he pick a woman passing by with her buisiness style clothes.
He start by shortening her dress slowly, just with imagination he can control the lenght and even make it so short it looks like a belt. But he stop to the limits of her buttock. Having seen her panties, he turn them into a very small fishnet G-string.

Immediately he can see the look of the boys and the unconfortable look of the woman.

Why did I do that think Amanda This skirt is really too small, if I make too big steps, anyone can see the lower of my ass and maybe more... Plus I have that fishnet G-string who don't hide anything. And I have reunion at the first hour in the morning, gosh what my coworker will think of me... If I bend too much they will see all my cleavage too with that verry lowcut neckline shirt. Everyone look at me, I'm so screwed...

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