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3. Karyn's Problem Twisted

2. Karyn's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn's Problem Twisted

on 2000-10-20 17:15:56

4836 hits, 195 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Look, this isn't the end of the world. Give me the rock and let me wish it away." said Jon.

"Fine lot's of luck. Like I didn't try that already!" said Karyn as she handed over the stone.

"I wish Karyn didn't have a penis." said Jon and nothing happened.

"Duh, hello, I tried that like a dozen times, no a hundred, no .just noooooooooo" wailed Karyn.

Jon held Karyn in his arms, with the rock grasped behind her back. Karyn held him back and with her head bent down sobbed against his chest.

"Go ahead and cry. I don't know what to do. I just wish the wishes would work. I'd wish that you wouldn't half to go around looking like a freak. (She started sobbing worse!) No, I mean I wished you'd be extremely attractive and that we could be together as boy friend and girlfriend, not you with half and half."

"What? You going to make this better by some stupid wish like that? I wasn't attractive before? I was pretty! I never needed these big boobs and blonde hair to be pretty! Let alone a dick .whaaaa" sobbed Karyn.

"No, Karyn I am so sorry. No, I just meant I really care for you and wish we had the right equipment to make love to each other. I think you were very pretty before "

"BEFORE! BEFORE! Before whaaaa"

"No, no, no I mean, gosh ok, Like I am not sorry for the wish to have big boobs and blonde hair, and if I were a girl I'd wish to have your face and figure "

"But with big boobs and blonde hair!" said Karyn getting mad

"Oh, come on, you know what I mean. I wish we could just be boyfriend and girlfriend again."

Jon was so busy comforting Karyn that he had forgotten that he still had the rock. At this point the rock became white hot and dropped from Jon's grasp.

"OW!" said Jon

"Oh, Honey did you burn your hand?" said Karyn to Jon as he looked down at her.

"No Dear, I think I dropped it soon enough." Said Jon

"Well, you need to watch yourself or else you will get those pretty hands burned." Said Karyn tenderly to Jon as he took both of Jon's hands to his lips and started to kiss them.

Jon loved it when Karyn was tender. He was so manly in all other regards, but that tenderness around Jon drove her crazy! Well, that and the way he'd hold her large breasts in his big hands. She really loved being felt up by Karyn. Which was what Karyn was starting to do. Jon just smiled as she watched Karyn undo the buttons on her shirt. Odd, why was she wearing a man's shirt? Then it hit Jon like a ton of bricks!

"Karyn, Karyn, Karyn oh, that feels good no wait, KARYN!" and while fighting an inner pulse that wanted Karyn to continue the foreplay, Jon pushed Karyn's hands away from the front of her shirt.

"Karyn, the rock. The damn rock! I don't think geeze Karyn, I think we switched sexes or something? Look, I am dressed like a guy and I don't think a guy like you would really be wearing a sweater top and heels? I think we did something with the rock." Said Jon.

"Wait, oh Jon, you get so cute when you get confused." said Karyn as she tried to kiss Jon, not tried did, it was very difficult for Jon to pull away, as she didn't want too.

"No, think!" said Jon

"The only thinking I am doing is right here. Tell me you don't want to think along with me." said Karyn as he dropped his pants to reveal a very large erect throbbing penis.

"We, mmmm, we, oh my, maybe we could think later" squealed Jon while fantasying how great it would be to be making love to Karyn.

Karyn smiled deeply at Jon, then felt his penis throb. It felt strange! (S)he wasn't supposed to have a penis!

"You're right! Something did happen with that rock." Said Karyn.

"Not NOOOWWWW! Later, come here big boy!" said Jon will stripping off her blouse and pants.

"No, we need to think straight. Something happened. I know I didn't have a penis, well one this big anyway." Said Karyn

A frustrated Jon sat up. Her large breasts shifting to the front of her and having an enticing jiggle when she became fully up right. "Yea, let us think Oh, I am so horny!"

"No, you and this got me thinking. Wait, yea, I was a girl, but had screwed up a wish. I came over to you for help. Then you, ha, ha, you screwed up worse than I did and here we are! At least I am feeling better and Honey, you look fine!"

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