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3. Hermpaphroditic Wonder

2. Karyn's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Hermaphroditic Wonder

on 2017-05-20 04:09:22

2186 hits, 88 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Aware FTP Herm Inanimate Myth Omni SciFi TF Unaware

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"Ok, Karyn, give me back the stone," Jon demanded. He held out his right palm forward.

Karyn hesitated. "How can I be sure you'll help me instead of..."

"You woke me up because you wanted my help. The fee for that is giving me back the stone. If you won't give me back my stone, then I'm going to sleep now, good night."

"All right! Here, what are you going to do!"

"Ok, I wish Karyn was back at her home."

"Wha what I knew it, you dirty rat..." she took a swipe at the stone but Jon pulled it away and poof, she vanished.

"I wish Karyn had no memory of this stone, of why she has big breasts, long blonde hair or a penis, and that she'll just be asleep now and wake up tomorrow with these extra parts and it will be a complete surprise and a mystery to her, she'll have all her other memories, it will just be the scene where I told and showed her about the stone and every moment of thought she devoted to it that will be stripped from her mind."

Jon put the stone away in its box.

"You shouldn't have stolen from me Karyn. Because of my penis? Please. Whose ass did she pull THAT excuse out from? This was a gift from my grandfather, to me. He'd have gifted it to me if I was born a girl. What, you expected him to give it to YOU, who isn't related to him, who never met him, instead of his own grandson? It has nothing to do with male privilege or any crap like that. I never took her for a vile manhating feminist or whatever that shit was." Jon was furious. He had been so badly betrayed by this person who he thought was his best friend, who shared so much with him. "Reducing all the circumstances of my life down to basic assumption of the world being delivered on a silver platter for me because of my gender. I thought you were BETTER than that. You think you know someone. Well I can't think of a better punishment for such a woman. Maybe you'll learn to think more highly of men now. But I don't need any 'friend' who will sneak into my house and steal from me instead of being my friend and sharing this thing which I freely shared with you. How DARE you. I put my trust in you and you betrayed me. Well you know what? You're not worthy of this. And I can have all the friends in the world. I'll find someone who is worthy of it, if I want to share this with someone. Obviously I made a bad choice of who to be friends with, of who to trust with my biggest secret."

Jon pondered for a moment. To be fair, he hadn't really taken a good hard look at her equipment when she'd exposed herself to him, he was too grossed out to look at it directly for more than an instant, and he wasn't sure whether she was all male, whether she was actually a hermaphrodite, with a cock and balls AND the girl parts, or if it was JUST the penis. He was morosely curious now.

So he got out the stone again and wished to know the answer; it was JUST the penis, replacing the clitoris, and she was still otherwise a girl. No balls. Just a redirect of the urethra through what was effectively a big clit. "Hmpf. You hardly even have a reason to be upset. All it means is that you can pee standing up, have more options for playing with yourself and can have sex with a girl like a guy but without the risk of getting her pregnant. Well I'll give you more of a reason to be upset about. I wish Karyn had the complete male and female package. Both sexual organs in their entirety, testicles, scrotum, ovaries, uterus, vagina, even a penis AND a clitoris separately, and two urinary tracts, involving two separate bladders and four kidneys, the COMPLETE package, and that things were rearranged a little so that the testicles are on either side of the labia and the penis was at the BOTTOM of the labia and nearly at the asshole, so that she can literally screw herself, and that she'll be completely fertile as a man or a woman, so she can get herself pregnant with the most inbred thing that has ever walked the Earth since even a brother and a sister only share HALF their DNA while she's 100% in common with herself. And also, I wish that Karyn would become very sexually attracted to both men and women, after all, she is both herself now, why should she be denied the full experience of being a man and a woman at the same time. But I'll give you a little mercy, Karyn. I also wish that other than muscle growth, your body would be immune to the effects of testosterone, so you will only get the body hair a girl would, and your face and body shape will remain completely feminine, and other than bigger muscles, it will only be your actual sex organs that will be different." He put the stone back away. "There, that ought to do it. Now I'll watch her from a distance and enjoy the spectacle."

The next day in school, Karyn looked very anxious. She went up to Jon and said, "hi, Jon. How's it going."

"Hi Karyn," Jon answered. He thought to himself, damn, I should have wished she would stop seeing me as a friend and not approach me. Maybe wish that she would understand that she betrayed me despite not being able to specifically remember how she betrayed me. But hey, this could be interesting. Jon thought about her extra parts. "I like what you've done with your hair. I can't even tell that's a wig." Might as well tease her a bit about it. She doesn't know I know it's not a wig, so I should pretend that's what I think it is.

"It's, it's not a wig!" she said with a little fear in her voice. "I was like this when I woke up this morning! And that's not all!" She looked to be on the edge of despair. She was also dancing around strangely like crazy. She had been stepping around and moving very strangely the whole time.

"Well that's weird, but why are you telling me this? What do you want me to do about it?" Time to be harsh with her, he thought. She has no reason to believe I would be able to do anything about it.

"I, I don't know, I just don't know where to turn!" she was blushing.

Jon surreptitiously looked out of the corner of his eyes at her crotch. She was wearing baggy pants. He admitted it wasn't exactly fair that she didn't know that he was done with her as a friend, and it would be too weird for him to throw her to the curb without her even having any memory of what she did to get that treatment. It felt kind of like hurting an innocent person. If you removed the criminal of the memory of having done it, did that make them innocent? Are they really the same person who did the crime? There's an ethical dilemma. He was feeling remorseful about the prospects of just being merciless and unempathetic.

But while he was thinking about this, she shouted "I, I HAVE TO GO!" and ran off.

Jon spent the rest of the day wondering if he had gone too far and if there was some way he could make it right and patch things up with Karyn. He was feeling really bad about what he had done. But when he saw her again at the end of the day, she was much more calm and less upset. This at least put his mind at ease. But maybe he had blown it. He couldn't tell her about the rock again, because then she'd know how this thing had happened to her.

Karyn's morning:

Karyn woke up from a vivid erotic dream, with some highly unusual feelings down there.

"AH! Something's inside and, what, what the hell?" Something was inside her, and she was inches away from orgasm. But she could also feel that something, like it was part of her. She looked around, and no one else was in her room. "I, I, AHH!" And she was in orgasm. Perhaps the most powerful, furious one she had ever had. "What the hell is, is, !!!!" she could feel it, she was pumping out fluid, but into herself, but from where? The feeling came from parts that registered as altogether new and beyond her experience. And she could feel it flowing into herself, warm. It felt really, really good. She was almost paralyzed as she fell back on her bed and spasmed. 30 seconds later, she tentatively got up and looked down there. And she yelled "HOLY SH.."

She had spent the next few minutes purging herself with rubbing alcohol. That did NOT feel good, but she figured at least that it should do the job. Because if not, she might actually get herself pregnant.

"What the hell has happened to me!?" she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. She broke down in tears and cried for at least 5 minutes straight. She kept it quiet so her parents wouldn't hear. She didn't know who to turn to. Maybe Jon! Jon was her best friend. But how could she explain this to him. He wouldn't just believe something so ridiculous, would he? What was she going to do?

She tried to figure out what to do with her new assets. "Oh my god," she said to herself, looking at them carefully. Worst of all, when she let her parts loose in her underwear, the boy part had a tendency of slipping inside, all on its own. She couldn't stop it from happening, as it being inside her vagina seemed to be its most natural resting position due to its placement and the direction it was pointed!

And then she remembered the condom. Her mother had given her a condom, as part of a "talk" to show how "hip" she was. She discouraged her daughter from having sex at her age, but said that if she did go through with it, she should at least do it with protection. Karyn had sarcastically rebuffed the idea at the time but had accepted the condom to shut her mom up. She was once again at the verge of tears and a mental breakdown as she opened the package, unrolled it and put the condom on her dick. At least that should protect her from, THAT happening.

When she got to school, she was still trying hard to hold back tears. She looked for and found Jon. She tried to explain subtly beg for help, but he was surprisingly cold to her. And as she was going to try to be more specific and consider explaining to him what no sane person would ever believe, it once again slipped inside, but this time it started getting erect, and she couldn't dislodge it no matter how she twisted. It got harder and bigger and straighter and now it definitely wasn't coming out. Oh no, it was going to happen again! At least the condom was on it, but still!

Fortunately, she found that running was very effective at sapping sexual arousal. She had planned on running to the girl's bathroom to deal with her problem there, but by the time she got there, the desperation of her situation was gone, red alert had gone back down to yellow alert.

She stepped into a stall and sat down on the toilet with the seat cover down. She relaxed. And yellow alert went back to red alert.

But another thought crossed her mind. In a way, this was kind of neat. Kind of fun. With the condom on it, she could just relax and see how it goes on its own, just let it happen. And happen it proceeded to do. It occurred to her now that this situation was actually kind of really sexy. She wasn't even using her hands. She might not even need to do this in private, she might be able to do it out in the open and no one would know. Well, she put her hands on her new, larger breasts and started tenderly rubbing them. That was something more she could do in private. It occurred to her that they were extremely sexy. It occurred to her that breasts in general were sexy. It occurred to her that she was kind of thinking like a guy now in addition to thinking like a girl. She clenched her thighs, squeezing her new parts inside herself. This time, she allowed herself to enjoy the ordeal, from start to finish. She surprised herself by fantasizing about having sex with a beautiful girl with big breasts from the front, while a sexy guy who was the paragon of masculinity did her from behind. Where the hell did THAT image come from, she wondered. But she found herself very much interested in doing both. She was thinking like a guy and a girl at the same time. And she liked that she was thinking like a guy and a girl at the same time, since it occurred to her that she liked guys and girls, a lot.

After about 5 minutes of this, she had another intense orgasm, and could feel some fluid pumping into the condom. She did her best to squeeze out all that she could and drag it out as long as she could before realizing that she was going to be late for class if she waited any longer.

In the middle of class, she felt the feeling again. She mentally tried to coax it along. She tightened her thighs, and bore down a bit, and didn't let it show on her face. And there, in the middle of class, she came inside herself, without touching herself with her hands, and no one else in class knew. All she did was lose grip on her pencil that she was writing with, and breathe heavily, but quietly. Nobody noticed.

She did this 3 more times during the day. She was starting to love her new body. She saw Jon again at the end of the day, and by then, she had relaxed considerably.

Jon, however, seemed to be anxious, and seemed to be bothered by something. Karyn re-evaluated him, she thought he was cold this morning, but maybe there was more to it.

"Karyn," Jon said. "I'm sorry I was so cold to you this morning. You were obviously deeply troubled by something. But I should have stopped and listened and been nicer to you."

"It's all right. I was upset by something, something that happened to me. But not any more."

"Oh?" he asked.

"Yeah. This thing that happened, I decided that actually I like it. I like it a lot, and I wouldn't change anything about it."

It occurred to Karyn that Jon was absolutely stunned by her saying that. It shouldn't have been that surprising what I just said, she thought to herself. After all, he has no idea what I'm talking about. I wonder what he thinks my dilemma was?

She hugged Jon in an embrace. "Thank you for caring about me. You're my best friend." she said. Maybe more, one day, she thought to herself. I hope you can accept me like this. Maybe we we can both get a girl, and all three of us can do sexual things together, with me in the middle, and one day, she can have my child, and I can have yours. Damn, I'm going to need to buy more condoms, this one is about at its limit.

Jon however, didn't know whether to feel really guilty, or to consider if there was some way to twist this into a way of building back their friendship and even telling her about the stone again. Would she ever be able to forgive him, to accept him, if she knew that he was the one who did this to her, even if she says she likes it now? Hadn't he gone too far in changing her like this?

He didn't realize that while Karyn was hugging him, she was having an intense orgasm. She hid it pretty well.

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