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3. Biff and Sarah

2. Zoe's POV

1. You Are What You Wish

The Switcheroo: Biff and Sarah

avatar on 2018-10-22 06:26:06

2634 hits, 189 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Body Swap FTP MC Musc NBM Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware

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Biff yawned as he reached over to switch off his alarm clock which had been playing some sort of pop music.

Wait, pop music? Biff radio was usually tuned to the local sports radio station. Biff's eyes snapped open and he was greeted by the bright sunshine bouncing off the pink painted walls of his bedroom.

“What the fuck?” Biff exclaimed as he sat up causing locks of blonde hair to fall in front of his face. “What’s going on!?” He asked as he jumped out of bed.

It was then that he noticed what he was wearing. He was wearing a pink nightie, definitely not what he wore to bed last night. He gingerly grabbed the hem as if he was afraid to touch it and he noticed that his fingernails were painted pink as well.

Biff looked up in panic as he tried to work out what the hell was going on and that’s when he saw what had happened to his room. His redecorated room.

Biff’s bedroom was no longer the stereotypical room of a high school jock. In fact, it looked completely the opposite.

Pink walls, plush carpet, posters of boy bands on the wall and even a walk in closet. There was no sign of the gym equipment that he had spent hundreds of dollars on. In it's place was a vanity table with a lot of make-up products on it.

Biff noticed a floor length mirror and rushed up to it. He nearly passed out. Standing in front of him was his reflection but as Biff took note of his hair and what he was wearing he began to realise something.

Everything in his room, including himself, looked like they belonged to his girlfriend Sarah.

Sarah yawned as she reached over to turn off her alarm clock. Instead of her favourite pop station there were two people talking. As she started to wake up she realised that they were talking about sports.

“What the hell?” Sarah asked frowning as she sat up. Why was her radio tuned to the sports network?

It was then that she noticed what had happened to her room. Her redecorated room.

Sarah’s bedroom was no longer the stereotypical room of a high school cheerleader. In fact, it was completely the opposite.

Blue painted walls, blue carpet that was nowhere near as soft as her regular carpet. There were posters of athletes and sports teams hanging up on the walls and there was no sign of the vanity table or the expensive make-up kit that Sarah had begged her parents to spend hundreds of dollars on. Instead, in it's place was a weight machine.

“What on Earth is going on?” Sarah asked as she stepped out of bed. She screamed when she saw what she was wearing.

Instead of her favourite pink nightie that she had worn to bed last night, she was wearing just a pair of baggy pyjama bottoms. Her breasts were on full display. Sarah quickly tried to cover herself up as she looked around the room for any clues as to what was going on.

She spotted a small mirror on one of the walls and walked over to it. There, she nearly fainted.

Her beautiful long locks of blonde hair had gone and so had her make-up. In it's place was a very short buzz cut. As Sarah stood there in shock she began to realise something. Everything in her room, including her, looked like they belonged to her boyfriend Biff.

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