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9. Linda comes to the house

8. He is not realy bad

7. Megan gats back...and has word

6. pizzzzza

5. Nick wakes from his/her transf

4. Nick's made some interesting c

3. What the note said

2. A man fresh out of college.

1. Altered Fates

Bertha and Linda hit it off.

on 2005-03-29 19:53:50

1288 hits, 68 views, 0 upvotes.

Herm Inanimate Musc Myth Size

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"Would you like to know what offends me most about that, Nick?"

Nick swallowed, then shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

" have to..."

Megan took Nicks hand and squeezed...hard. The huge girl winced, then closed her eyes. Megan squeezed even harder, and Nick gasped " hurts..."

"What offends me most, you loathsome cow, is that you EXPECTED ME TO SWALLOW THAT!"

Megan loomed over the obese girl, backing her up against the wall and raising her voice as she came. Nick was normally a rather forceful fellow, but ever since becoming a fat woman he seemed to lose his inner strength. As Megan came on, Nick began to cry.

"Do you think I'm stupid, you fat bitch? I've seen you with her three times! Our friends have seen you with her! She's called the house twice! I'm not stupid, Nick! You've been cheating on me!"

"B-b-but...I've been trying to break off with her, Megan..." Nick said through her tears. "...Linda's been following me around... trying to get back together with me. I told her it was all over between us, but she...she's just so..."

Megan slapped her across the face, and Nick really started to cry. She slid down the wall and bawled like a child for almost a minute while Megan watched. Finally, Megan dropped to her knees and hugged the huge girl. She crooned and rocked her former boyfriend, soothing the massive girl until she stopped crying and merely sniffled. Megan stood and retrieved a box from the bags she brought in. She held it out to Nick and the girl took it. She looked-up at Megan and saw that her girlfriend was smiling down at her. Megan slipped the Medallion around her thick neck and said "Put that on, Nick. Put it on...and maybe some day...I can forgive you. But I can't even begin to think of it...unless you put this on."

Nick reached out and took the box. She looked down at it...then nodded and opened the box.

(one week later)

Linda Parker waited until she saw that bitch Megan get into her car and drive off before she drove to the house and parked. She looked up at the house and thought again about Nick. All week she'd tried to contact him, but he'd just dropped off the face of the earth. She'd called his folks, but they didn't know where he was. She'd called his cell phone and learned it was disconnected. She'd called his job, but found that he'd called in a quit with no notice.

That wasn't quite true. What she'd been that Megan had quite for him.

And now this. Parked in front of the house was Nick's car...with a "For Sale By Owner" sign in the window.

Getting out of her car, Linda peeked into Nick's car and saw that all of his stuff was still inside. The book sitting on the passenger seat was the same one he'd been reading the last time she'd seen him. The friendship necklace that dangled from the rear-view mirror was the one she'd given him.

She went to the door and knocked, knowing that no one would be home. She intended to use the key that she'd...borrowed from Nick and snoop around the house.

As she fumbled for the key, she heard the sound of boards creaking and knew that someone was coming to the door. Knowing that Megan must have a house guest, she prepared to give her cover story. "Hi..." she'd say. "...I noticed that you have a car for sale. Might I inspect the insides?"

It was a safe cover story. After all, Megan didn't even know who she was.

The door opened, and Linda was confronted by the single most distinctive individual she'd ever met in her life. The woman was very short (about 5 foot 3 inches) but so fat that she looked like a cartoon brought to life. Hugely broad and round, with a very pretty face and hair drawn back into a prim bun. She wore a tight fitting maids uniform in black (nothing sexy about it...and that wasn't just because she was so fat.), and a white, lacy apron and starched cap. Dispite her tremendous obesity, her face was very pretty...and some how familiar. Though so round as to be oval and bracketed with triple-chins and thick jowls...she looked like someone she'd seen before. It was odd, because she was certain she'd never met anyone as fat as this before.

The girl seemed to recognize her as least for a moment. Her eyes (slightly squinted at first) widened and the mouth (large, though cupid-bowed because of the press of the jowls) dropped open in shock.

That ended quickly, though. Her face slid into composure and the gigantic little woman (both terms fit) said "Yes? May I help you ma'am? I'm afraid the Mistress is away at present."

She had a sweet, fine voice...but once again - dispite the formal way of speaking - her voice sounded familiar.

"Well..." Linda began. "...I noticed that there was a car for sale in the driveway, and I thought I'd enquire about it. Who does it belong to?"

The huge girl (Linda noticed that the name "Bertha" was embroidered on the uniform) said "I'm certain I haven't the faintest idea, ma'am. The vehicle in question must belong to the Mistress."

Bertha's face no longer betrayed any recognition. She spoke with the clipped formality of a long time member of the serving class, and her face had become slightly bland in expression.

Linda frowned at the tone, then started "Listen, Honey..."

The fat maid tilted her head back and looked down her piggish nose at Linda. "My name is 'Bertha', ma'am."

"Very well then, 'Bertha'.." Linda snapped " tell the 'Mistress' that someone was here to ask about the car. I want to buy it."

The obese maid suddenly brightened and smiled. "OH! I'm so sorry, ma'am. I didn't realize that you were interested in purchasing the vehicle. I'm certain the Mistress would wish to speak with you in that case. Please provide me with your address and phone number and I'll be sure to pass the information on to the Mistress."

"Actually, I'd rather wait if I may."

Bertha paused - then nodded. "Certainly, ma'am. Would you like to wait on the patio?"

Linda smiled and nodded. She followed the obese maid, amused at the girls comical waddle and jiggling buttocks. Linda decided that a name like "Bertha" fit her perfectly.

Bertha led her into the back of the house and onto the enclosed patio. Linda had been here once, and she remembered that this was where Nick had kept his collection of sports memorabilia. The patio was now decorated in an extra-girly manner, with flowers and a collection of dolls and teapots.

"Where did all of Nick's stuff go?" she wondered, but didn't say. She had to keep-up the fiction that she was just an interested buyer.

Bertha left the room and returned with a pot of tea and a plate of fancy cookies. She lumbered around in a ponderous fashion, but she was very professional in her movements. She was obviously a very skilled maid and housekeeper.

"Can I get you anything else, ma'am?"

"Sure, Bertha. You can sit with me awhile and keep me company while I wait for your...'Mistress'."

Bertha flushed crimson, then bowed her head in a servile manner.

"I shouldn't do that, ma'am. I'm...I'm just a maid. I always have been...and always will be. I..I should remember my place."

Linda was touched by the poor girls attitude. She had been so formal earlier, but was now so very intimidated that she was on the verge of tears.

Linda smiled and put her arm around Bertha. "You're a servant, Bertha...but you're also a human being. You're as deserving of respect and dignity as the next person."

"No..." Bertha muttered. "...I'm just a maid. I'm fat and stupid...the Mistress..."

"Screw the 'Mistress', Bertha. Now sit down and let's have some tea."

Bertha looked shocked at first (a sort of "How dare you saw that about the Mistress!" reaction), but then she smiled...and it lit her face. She looked radiantly happy, then left and waddled back with a second cup...and another plate of cookies.

It was very good tea, and Linda complemented Bertha. Bertha blushed, and thanked her. They chatted for almost a half an hour about the house and the 'Mistress' and little else. Bertha seemed to have a very limited body of interests.

"Would you like to go to a movie, Bertha? After work, I mean."

Bertha looked stunned, then blinked...and a tear ran down her rounded cheek. Linda was a little shocked by the reaction.

"Is something wrong, Bertha?"

"I...I...but I'm very stupid...and no one could like me...I'm..."

"Is that what Megan says, Bertha!"

Bertha nodded.

"Then she's wrong. You're not stupid, Bertha. You're a charming, sweet, darling girl. And you make a wonderful cup of tea."

Bertha smiled...then her smile blossomed into a grin.

"You...really think so, ma'am?"

"Please, me Linda."


The sound of the front door opening made Bertha stand-up. She waddled into the front room and Linda followed. All three woman met at the same time.

"Mistress, this is Linda Parker. She's inquiring about the car for sale."

Megan and Linda locked eyes...

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