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3. The start of a normal morning

2. Karyn's Mistake

1. You Are What You Wish

The start of a normal morning

on 2018-10-25 05:33:18
Episode last modified by jenna_b on 2018-10-25 05:34:14

4763 hits, 281 views, 9 upvotes.

Anthro Aware FTP MC Part Theft TF

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Jon slept through the night not noticing his body shifting and changing as the hours passed. His alarm went off at 7am and before he even opened his eyes he felt the familiar weight of his breasts squished into the bed. He hated it when he fell asleep on his chest, it made his boobs hurt. Jon grabbed his left boob where the pain was. He felt his smooth masculine flesh under his fingers as he gently squished his chest. He was fine. Jon continued to absentmindedly fondle his breast for a few moments as he got lost in his thoughts. He paused on his nipple, gently rubbing his soft fingertips overtop feeling a familiar tingle. Slowly he rolled over and dragged himself out of bed. He was wearing what would have been loose boxers if it wasn't for his rather wide hips but they fit him nicely. Clumsily he put on a large t-shirt that was just long enough that it went past his crotch, His legs were fully exposed. he was glad he'd remembered to shave them last night. Every dude loves the feel of freshly shaven legs. he pranced over to the bathroom door only to find it locked. Jon knocked.

"Occupied! Fuck off!" Zoe shouted her voice booming and deep echoed though the door. Jon brushed his bangs to the side as he put his ear to the door. He could hear the shower running. "Oh come on!" Jon chirped, his soprano voice carrying a melodic yet sarcastic tint to it "You always take so long in the bathroom! I bet you're just jerking your dick in there."

Zoe paused annoyed. She actually had been masturbating at the time Jon knocked. But what did he know about a girl's needs? Getting off in the shower was part of a lot of girls regular routines, and Zoe was no different. the interruption was really killing her boner. But Jon didn't know that. She closed her eyes and tried to block Jon from her mind as she held her semi-hard dick in her thick hand.

"Go away!!" She roared. "Fine!" Jon squeaked and made his way back to his room. his breasts bouncing under his baggy shirt. Jon was proud of his boobs. He knew size didn't really matter, he knew that guys boobs came in all shapes and sizes because guys bodies came in all shapes and sizes. Boys just have more varied body types than girls. But even though Jon knew that there was some prestige among the guys for having such a nice manly body There was still some jealousy too sometimes. He recalled a time when one of his jerk classmates with tiny tits kept calling him names and sneaking up on him and tweaking his nipple when Jon wasn't expecting it. Theres just some things guys should not do to one another! But yeah Jon was proud of his body, the wobble his chest gave with every gentle step he took raised his spirits. It was a repetitive bounce he'd grown used to, and he was fond of it. He really felt like his breasts made him more of a man. Girls loved them too, that was for sure. He got back to his room and began digging through his underwear drawer to grab the stone. he shoved aside some boxers and a couple bras before he found it. He grabbed a bra on the way as he lifted the rock out of the drawer. He placed it on his bed ready for him to put on after his shower.

Then Jon remembered how he decided he would start off with small wishes, so he could just wish Zoe to be done in the shower. He picked up the stone and walked back to the bathroom.

Meanwhile Zoe had been getting back into her fantasy. As the water from the shower spilled off of her tall muscled frame she began to think about the biggest hunk she knew. She'd never admit it to anybody in person, since she knew they'd never get along if they were friends, but she knew as well as any other girl did that Biff was quite the looker. As she gently massaged her gradually hardening dick she imagined Biff in all his naked masculine glory, his perky tits and ass bubbling out from his petite yet athletic frame. Biff's chest was really only moderate in size, not big jugs like her annoying brother. She'd never actually seen him naked before so she didn't really know, but in her imagination Biff became sexier than ever.

Jon was standing outside the bathroom and wasn't about to wait for Zoe any longer. holding the rock in his hands he quietly said "I wish Zoe would finish up in the bathroom soon".

Suddenly Zoe's mind jumped into overdrive as her dick went rock hard, she began to imagine Biff riding her, her reaching out her hand and grabbing Biff's perky ass and watching his nipples sway as Biff began to gyrate his hips moving his body closer to Zoe. She came immediately spurting semen all over the shower wall. She grunted thinking that sudden boost in energy was weird but it was still pretty hot. But she was finished now, so she might as well get out of the shower. She scratched her face looking in the mirror debating about whether she needed to shave or not. She thought it was fine, boys like a girl with some stubble sometimes, she just had to be finished in the bathroom quickly. She put some gel in her short hair and stroked her flat muscled chest, giving herself a brief itch. She pulled up her panties taking a moment to adjust her dick, she looked at if briefly. She felt like her penis really represented a lot of her femininity. She never felt more like a woman than when she was rock hard and ready to fuck. She reached around her dick briefly and scratched the side of her balls, before wrapping a towel around her waist and opening the bathroom door.

"Fine, it's your turn" She grunted as she walked shirtless towards her room. Jon eyed her briefly, seeing shirtless girls always made him a little nervous sexually. He wondered what it would be like to walk around without his boobs constantly being a presence in every movement he made. How weird it would be to never be able to grab his chest whenever he wanted. Jon couldn't imagine what that might have been like. if he didn't have his breasts he would feel so emasculated! He walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He went over to the toilet lifting his shirt over his butt and pulling down his boxers as he sat down on the toilet. Jon winced, realizing he had just put his round butt into pee that had been on the seat. Jon grumbled thinking of Zoe. He stood up to wipe it off and sat back down.As Jon listened to his urine sputtering stream into the bowl he was thinking of ideas for things to wish for with the stone. He was looking forward to meeting up with Karyn. Maybe she had some good ideas. He ripped a piece of toilet paper bringing it to his crotch, gently cleaning the moisture off of his vagina. He got up flushing the toilet and looked in the mirror. He thought he was a pretty good looking dude. His round soft face lit up into a smile, he tilted his narrow shoulders forward so his boobs would shift a little bit as he posed in the mirror. He had placed the stone on the bathroom counter and he looked at it wistfully, biting his lip and wondering what sort of strange effects it could cause.

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