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dr_g's profile

Member since 2001-01-13 06:56:05

Recent Comments

Too much to handel2001-07-29You Are What You Wish24
A virus?
Some on call H.A.Z.M.A.T!
2001-07-29You Are What You Wish23
Whishing stone2001-07-29You Are What You Wish22
It dosent stop
It continuses
2001-07-29You Are What You Wish21
Mad dash
Canadians are Weird....
2001-06-28You Are What You Wish20
Wet2001-06-28You Are What You Wish19
How could you Jon?
2001-06-28You Are What You Wish18
Kyran find the rock
Kyran finds the rock
2001-06-28You Are What You Wish17
Maid to help
Maid to help
2001-06-28You Are What You Wish16
Power....or responcibility
2001-06-27You Are What You Wish17
Don't be asshamed of who you are.
Shit it's Megan!
2001-06-27You Are What You Wish16
Found out
It can't be done
2001-06-26You Are What You Wish15
Time to think
2001-06-26You Are What You Wish14
2001-06-26You Are What You Wish13
Coke any one?
The Joy of Cola
2001-06-26You Are What You Wish12
I left my manhood in America
2001-06-26You Are What You Wish11
Troubles on the way
Powereless to stop her
2001-04-02You Are What You Wish9
This isn't my life!
2001-04-01You Are What You Wish8
Something less reveling
2001-04-01You Are What You Wish7
Smells to good to resist
Jon alone with figgure out what will happen.
2001-01-13You Are What You Wish9
Jon's true Friend
Karen, was just kidding...or not?
2001-01-13You Are What You Wish8

Recent Comments

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