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chickenchaos's profile

Member since 2010-04-09 08:46:18

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The Pool: A Flaw in that Plan
Daphne Intervenes.
2011-11-05You Are What You Wish112
The Bench: Allison's Next Up
Allison's Next Up
2011-11-05You Are What You Wish205
Dirty Slut: Steve Finds a Shirt
A New Shirt Enters the Mix
2011-11-05You Are What You Wish55
SSAMT: Zoe takes after her Sister
Zoe looks like Jane now
2011-11-05You Are What You Wish38
The Pool: Protocol Dictates.
Poolside Death
2011-11-05You Are What You Wish110
Dirty Slut: Second Round
Not Done Yet
2011-11-03You Are What You Wish53
SSAMT: Athena and Tiffany Aren't Friends
2011-11-03You Are What You Wish36
The Bench: Gloria enlists Bethany's help.
Gloria, meanwhile....
2011-11-03You Are What You Wish203
The Pool: Reunion
status update.
2011-11-03You Are What You Wish108
The Bench: Back at School
Gillian and Bert Again.
2011-11-02You Are What You Wish201
SSAMT: Athena is Spotted
Athena meets Sarah.
2011-11-02You Are What You Wish34
The Pool: A Slight Problem
2011-11-02You Are What You Wish106
SSAMT: Trevor Settles In
Trevor in charge
2011-10-31You Are What You Wish32
The Bench: Quill and Demi Talk
Phone Conversation
2011-10-31You Are What You Wish199
The Pool: Consolation
Consoling Steve and Laura
2011-10-31You Are What You Wish104
The Bench: Demi and Nadie Bloom
Denise is finished too.
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish197
SSAMT: Meeting Jane Mammar
Mikey and Jane
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish30
The Pool: Red Sees Red
Jonell and Sawyer Spot their new Arrivals.
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish102
SSAMT: Sarah McMillian
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish28
The Bench: Back with the Families
Ben's done too.
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish195
The Pool: Reintroduction
Meet The New Yellow PAir.
2011-10-30You Are What You Wish100
The Bench: Melony takes charge
Melony takes charge
2011-10-28You Are What You Wish193
The Pool: Steve Farber
Steve Farber
2011-10-28You Are What You Wish98
SSAMT: Mikey's at the party.
Mikey and the party.
2011-10-27You Are What You Wish26
The Bench: Location
Getting to Class
2011-10-27You Are What You Wish191
The Pool: Don't Forget About Mikey
forgetting someone?
2011-10-27You Are What You Wish96
The Bench: Gillian and Bethany arrive at School
Gillian and Bethany are back.
2011-10-27You Are What You Wish189
The Pool: Deflection through Deception
Daphne lies.
2011-10-27You Are What You Wish94
The Bench: Bert Whitefield
Another Parent.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish187
Blank Slate: Sarah gets a little exotic.
Sarah's the target.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish9
Blank Slate: Bizarre Evolution
strange series.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish8
Blank Slate: A Lost Child
A lost child.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish5
Blank Slate: Variety.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish6
The Bench: Who's Completed Next, Round 3.
Who's Next?
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish184
The Pool: Escape Prevented Again.
Jay may be resisting, but Athena.
2011-10-25You Are What You Wish92
The Bench: Nathan's Deception.
Back to the Wilson house
2011-10-24You Are What You Wish182
Dirty Slut: Zach sets his sights on the Ice Queen.
Vyler and Zach.
2011-10-24You Are What You Wish49
The Pool: Implications
Daphe implies something big...
2011-10-24You Are What You Wish90
The Bench: Quill and Sorrow
Quill gives an order.
2011-10-24You Are What You Wish180
The Bench: Changing Subject
Talking to someone else
2011-10-19You Are What You Wish201
The Pool: Hitting a Wall
2011-10-19You Are What You Wish88
The Bench: Odd outfit
Colorful character
2011-10-17You Are What You Wish197
The Pool: Sonja helps the Yellow
Sonja, Sally, and Benny
2011-10-17You Are What You Wish86
The Bench: Bethany's Outfit.
Her clothes change, of course.
2011-10-17You Are What You Wish195
The Bench: Making the call
Band #2, Member #4
2011-10-16You Are What You Wish187
The Bench: Childish Instincts
very shy
2011-10-15You Are What You Wish185
The Pool: Moving things along.
the newcomer's plot
2011-10-15You Are What You Wish84
The Bench: Someone finds Simon.
Someone finds Simon.
2011-10-15You Are What You Wish181
The Bench: Investigations
the plot thickens.
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish161
The Bench: So You Want to Be a Star?
Bow Tie Begone
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish158
The Bench: Rachel returns to class.
Rachel returns.
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish156
The Bench: Gloria makes the Decision
Gloria takes charge.
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish154
The Bench: Got the People, what about the Venue?
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish152
Dirty Slut: Lipstick Lesbian
Lipstick Lesbian
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish45
The Bench: Inside the Car
Melony and Derek
2011-10-13You Are What You Wish150
The Bench: Gloria's friend.
A strange triangle.
2011-10-12You Are What You Wish148
SSAMT: Jon is still Growing
Jon and Mikey
2011-10-10You Are What You Wish23
The Bench: Tom reaches the Hotel.
Tom arrives
2011-10-10You Are What You Wish144
The Bench: Karyn Completes
Karyn's next
2011-10-10You Are What You Wish139
Dirty Slut: Who Gets Kevin First?
2011-10-09You Are What You Wish43
The Bench: Denise's Encounter
Denise's encounter
2011-10-09You Are What You Wish137
The Bench: The Competition Grows.
Growing Competition
2011-10-09You Are What You Wish132
The Bench: Moose is now Molly Leer
Moose is Next
2011-10-09You Are What You Wish130
The Bench: Quill sends Alana back.
Quill is quite responsible.
2011-10-08You Are What You Wish127
The Bench: Sister Thalia
Athena to Thalia
2011-10-08You Are What You Wish125
The Bench: Nova Doesn't Exist. Yet.
Nova doesn't exist yet...
2011-10-08You Are What You Wish123
The Bench: Tom Is Very Happy
2011-10-06You Are What You Wish118
The Bench: Tom Welles
another musician?
2011-10-06You Are What You Wish116
The Bench: Gladys' Confidence
In the Hall with Danny and Gladys (2)
2011-10-06You Are What You Wish114
The Bench: Officer Grady Leer.
Grace to Grady
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish109
The Pool: Where did the Baby Go?
the (baby's) return
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish80
The Pool: Division
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish80
Silver Bracelet: Brivian isn't going to bring Arthur
Arthur won't be coming.
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish41
The Bench: Sorrow Completes the Journey.
last two members of the band.
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish107
The Pool: Red Flash
the third stage
2011-10-03You Are What You Wish78
The Pool: The Yellow Pair Grow Ambiguous
children won't be children for long....
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish76
The Bench: Sorrow Yi Strikes Again
Third victim of Sorrow Yi.
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish104
The Pool: Completing the Set
Jay Duncan
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish74
The Pool: Leonard notices Gladys
the purples meet.
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish72
The Bench: Benny Arrives.
Benny arrives to meet the full Tapanga
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish102
The Pool: Gathering of the Blues.
the blue couple to trio.
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish70
The Bench: Mia's Other Daughter.
Biff Next
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish100
SSAMT: What About Jon's Family?
what happened to jon's family.
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish20
Silver Bracelet: Freddy Orr gets a call.
Freddy Orr next.
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish39
The Pool: White and Blue as Well
not just Red
2011-10-02You Are What You Wish68
SSAMT: Sarah's not interested
not exactly an answer
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish18
The Bench: Who's Next
next integration.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish98
Dirty Slut: Ice Queen
Ice Queen
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish36
The Pool: Mikey Madison
the next entrant and the next step
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish66
The Pool: The Second Chair
Another Chair Opens Up
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish64
The Bench: Moose is nearly there
moose is shopping.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish96
The Pool: Green Trio Are Into the Pool Party Now.
not fighting for long.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish62
Silver Bracelet: Calling Home
making a call.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish31
Dirty Slut: Mikey and Leonard.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish32
The Pool: The Little Boy
meanwhile, on the lounge chair.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish60
SSMAT: Jon Dons a Bra.
Jon's bra
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish16
The Bench: Jay runs into someone.
Jay's journey continues
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish93
SSAMT: Back Upstairs
back upstairs
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish14
The Pool: The Mean Lady
Buffy interrupts.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish58
The Bench: Meet Nadie Bloom
Nadie makes a call.
2011-10-01You Are What You Wish91

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