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Oldest episodes

Micropolis Guild
Random Call
1Ryguy1150Age Inanimate MTF SciFi Size Super
Familial Visits
The PEA Lab
1Ryguy1149Age Anthro Aware FTM FTP Herm Magic SciFi Size Super
Running Into 0911
Engineer Duties
1Ryguy1145FTM FTP Inanimate MC Musc Omni Part Theft Super Unaware
Birth of the AEP Units
Location Reports
1Ryguy1137Age Anthro Magic Musc Omni Size Super Unaware
Walking Around Dwan Town
Mission Cooldown
1Ryguy1129Body Swap Herm MC Omni Super
Choosing Ghost Town
Inside Guys
1Ryguy1128Animal Body Swap FTP Herm Myth NBM Super Unaware
The Right Guy
The Contact
1Ryguy1126Animal Herm Inanimate MC Musc Super Unaware
A Major Meeting
Finding Leads
1Ryguy1125Animal Anthro Aware FTM Myth Part Swap SciFi Size Super Unaware
The Demons of the Village
Demon Types
1Ryguy156Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate Magic Musc Omni Super TF
Being Aggressive
Fighting Spirit
1Ryguy151Anthro Body Swap FTM FTP MC MTF Magic Size Super
Eiko Trying His Best
Eiko Vs. E-san
1Ryguy150Age Body Swap Magic Part Swap SciFi Super
A Surprisingly Good Start
Keisuke's Round
1Ryguy149Animal Aware Body Swap MC MTF Magic Myth Part Theft Super
Totally Cheating
Devil Team
1Ryguy148Body Swap FTM MTF Myth SciFi Super TF
Their Ceremony
Juro and Akita
1Ryguy139Aware FTP Herm MC NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Wishes, Well and Ill
Some Progress
1Ryguy135Animal Aware Body Swap Inanimate Part Swap Super
The Blame Game
Clan Meeting
1Ryguy129Herm Inanimate MC Super TF
A Boss Fight
The Elder
1Ryguy127Aware Body Swap Herm MTF Musc Myth Omni SciFi Size Super TF
Akaime Ambush
Clan Mission 2
1Ryguy119Inanimate Magic Musc Myth Omni Part Theft SciFi Super Unaware
Reporting In
Akaime Activity
1Ryguy117Age Animal FTM Inanimate Magic Musc Part Swap Size Super
The Refugees
Clan Mission 1
1Ryguy116Animal FTM FTP MC Part Theft Size Super
Lose the Race, Win the War
Total Victory
1Ryguy1237Age Body Swap MC Myth NBM Omni Size Super
Getting Readyt to Sortie
War Rally
1Ryguy1234Animal Inanimate MC Magic Musc Part Theft Super
Planning a Hit
06-002's Group
1Ryguy1233Age Animal Anthro Body Swap Inanimate MC Part Swap Super
Removing Balls1Ryguy1232Aware FTM MTF NBM Omni Super
Adding Balls1Ryguy1231Body Swap FTM FTP MC NBM Part Swap SciFi Super Unaware
Looking at them Closer
Kids in the Clan
1Ryguy1228Animal MC MTF Musc Myth NBM Omni Super TF
Drawing From the Classics
Naming Them
1Ryguy1227Age Animal Body Swap FTP Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Size Super Unaware
Mason's Legacy
Fair Trade
1Ryguy1225FTP Inanimate MC Myth Omni Part Theft Super TF
R.I.P. Mason
The Funeral
1Ryguy1224Anthro FTP MC MTF Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Size Super
Threats Eliminated
End of Crisis
1Ryguy1221Anthro Aware MTF Myth Part Theft Super TF
PEP Assassin
Unit 04700
1Ryguy1218Body Swap Inanimate MTF Myth Part Swap SciFi Super
A Clear Betrayal
At War
1Ryguy1216FTM FTP Herm Inanimate MC SciFi Size Super
The New Wind Clan
Wind Clan
1Ryguy1214Age Animal Aware Inanimate Musc Myth Size Super Unaware
Drenor, Lindon and Zamir
Naming Them
1Ryguy1231Age Aware FTM FTP Inanimate MTF SciFi Size Super Unaware
Hacking to the Rescue
Big Remote
1Ryguy1228Age Aware Body Swap FTM FTP Magic NBM SciFi Size Super
More Guests
Syndicate Reps
1Ryguy1222Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM FTP Size Super
Going Into the Lounge
The Meeting
1Ryguy1221Animal Anthro FTM Herm NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size Super
Nasty Bar Flies
Dylan's Conflict
1Ryguy1219Age FTM FTP NBM Part Swap Super TF
Teaming Up
Shank Fight
1Ryguy112Body Swap Herm MTF Magic Myth NBM Omni Super TF
The Villagers
The Candidates
1Ryguy111Age Animal Anthro Body Swap Musc Myth Omni Size Super
Bashing the Bandits
1Ryguy110Animal Body Swap FTM Herm Magic NBM Part Theft Super
Crossing Over to the New World
The Big Portal
1Ryguy19Animal Anthro FTP MTF Magic Musc Omni Part Theft Super TF
The Second Round of the Fight
Krit and Knat
1Ryguy18Animal Inanimate Part Theft Size Super
Spirit Arguments
Fighting Krit
1Ryguy17Age Animal Omni Super
Escaping With My Life
A Nuisance
1Ryguy1216Animal Aware Body Swap Myth NBM Part Theft Size Super Unaware
Not so Subtle After All
1Ryguy1213Aware Body Swap FTP Inanimate Magic NBM Omni Super TF
Squashing the Beef
Cold Clan
1Ryguy1212Animal Body Swap Musc Myth Super TF
1Ryguy1210Age FTP NBM Part Theft SciFi Super
Taking Care of Business
Heat Clan
1Ryguy1209Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate Myth NBM Part Swap SciFi Super TF
Breaking News
Total Assault
1Ryguy1206Age Aware Inanimate Part Theft Super
Commotion in the Club
A Big Injury
1Ryguy1205Aware FTP MC MTF Magic Myth Part Swap Part Theft Super
Back In Town1Ryguy1204Aware FTP Herm Magic NBM Part Swap Super TF
07-001 and 07-002
Lightning Clan
1Ryguy1203Anthro Body Swap Herm MTF Magic Musc Super TF
Leaving Nova City
Return Trip
1Ryguy1202Age FTM Magic Musc NBM Super Unaware
A Full Rampage
Toxic Organ
1Ryguy1198Aware Herm MC MTF Magic NBM Part Swap Part Theft Super
Escort Complete
In Nova City
1Ryguy1197Anthro FTP Herm MTF Musc SciFi Super TF
Clicking Timebomb
More Twins
1Ryguy1193Aware FTM Magic NBM Omni Super
06660's Proposition
Hard Alliance
1Ryguy1192Aware FTP Herm MTF Myth SciFi Size Super TF
Niko and Chase
Half AEP
1Ryguy1188Anthro Body Swap Inanimate Magic Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
The 1st PEA Unit
Father Keith
1Ryguy1187Body Swap FTM Herm NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super TF Unaware
The Radioactive Clan
1Ryguy1184Animal FTM MTF Part Swap Super Unaware
Going to Bed
Party Debrief
1Ryguy1180Aware Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Size Super TF Unaware
Some Heroics
Car Accident
1Ryguy1176Animal Anthro Aware Herm Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super Unaware
Backed in a Corner
Push It
1Ryguy1168Aware FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi Size Super TF
A Voyeur1Ryguy1165Aware Body Swap FTM NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super TF
Mouthing Off
Kill Switch
1Ryguy1164Aware FTM MTF Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super TF
AEP Tease
Strip Show
1Ryguy1163Aware Body Swap Herm MC NBM Super Unaware
New Visitor
Found Out
1Ryguy1162Animal Body Swap FTP Herm Inanimate SciFi Size Super TF Unaware
Beating the Kid
Use Magic
1Ryguy1161FTP Herm Inanimate MC Super
The Honey Trap
Hostile AEP 2
1Ryguy1160Age Animal Aware Body Swap Herm Magic Myth NBM Omni Super TF
Diplomatic Immunity
Arrested Again
1Ryguy1159Age Body Swap FTM Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Trapped in the Restaurant
The Lemonade
1Ryguy1157Aware Body Swap Herm MC MTF Musc Super Unaware
The Red Pilling
He Copes
1Ryguy131Aware Body Swap Myth NBM Part Swap SciFi Super TF Unaware
Hunter on the Hunt
1Ryguy194Animal Aware Body Swap FTM Inanimate Musc NBM Part Theft Size Super
Searching for Cyborgs
In Volta City
1Ryguy193FTM Inanimate Musc Myth Part Theft SciFi Size Super Unaware
Strong Assassin
New Hitman
1Ryguy191Animal Aware FTP MTF Musc Myth Size Super
Our Brotherhood
Teasing Keith
1Ryguy1151Anthro Aware Inanimate Magic NBM Size Super TF Unaware
What's in a Name?
The Children
1Ryguy1150Aware MTF NBM Omni Part Theft Size Super
Going Home Again
A Large Gift
1Ryguy1149Age Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate Musc Myth Part Theft Super Unaware
Friendly Visit
The Void Clan
1Ryguy1147Animal MC Musc Part Theft Size Super TF Unaware
Life on the Island
The Breeding
1Ryguy1144Age FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Myth Super Unaware
Joint Operation
Volition Joins
1Ryguy1142Inanimate MTF Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Theft Super TF Unaware
Checking our Clan Roster
Taking Stock
1Ryguy1141Age Animal Anthro Musc Size Super Unaware
Mason LaDip
Jail Break
1Ryguy1133MC MTF Magic Part Swap Super
Protected by an Android
C-JAM 719
1Ryguy1132Animal Anthro Aware Omni Super TF
Wrestling the Cyborg
Ground Game
1Ryguy1130Animal Herm Inanimate MTF Magic Myth NBM Part Swap Super Unaware
Leaving Neo-Rutten
Back in Dwan
1Ryguy1129FTP MC MTF Magic Part Theft Super Unaware
Betty the Libra Force Fixer
The Fixer
1Ryguy1127Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTM Herm Omni Super
Getting Results
It Works
1Ryguy1126FTP Myth SciFi Super Unaware
No Gloating
Not Really
1Ryguy1122Anthro Herm MTF Omni Part Swap Size Super
Super Gymnasts
My Nonsense
1Ryguy1121Animal Anthro Aware FTM Herm Inanimate MC Myth Omni SciFi Size Super
PEA units Taken
Seized Kids
1Ryguy1120Aware FTP Herm Omni Super TF
Getting In the Facility
Our Infiltration
1Ryguy1111Age Anthro FTM Inanimate MC Part Swap Super
Getting Out the Way
The Bar
1Ryguy114Aware Body Swap Herm Inanimate MTF Super Unaware
Revealing the Truth
Spill the Beans
1Ryguy112Aware FTP Magic Musc Myth Super TF
Danielle Playing
Sister's Game
1Ryguy15Body Swap FTP Herm MC Magic NBM Part Swap Super
1Ryguy199Age Animal Herm MC Myth Omni Part Theft Super TF
Dragsterz Compound
1Ryguy198Animal Body Swap FTP Herm MC Musc Omni Part Theft Size Super
Fighting Some More
1Ryguy196Body Swap FTM Magic Part Theft SciFi Super
Face to Face
1Ryguy193Animal Herm MC MTF Magic NBM Part Swap Part Theft Super

1 2 3 4 ... 9

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