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Oldest episodes

Misty is in trouble...
A hole?
Paradox13Age Animal Anthro FTP MC Musc NBM Part Swap TF Unaware
Meet Shazan
A guide?
Orochi9Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MC NBM Omni Part Swap Super TF
Fight it!
White_Raven10Age Aware Inanimate NBM Part Swap
Procession of the damned
I should know better
Daedalus17Animal Anthro FTP NBM Super TF
A New Body
Test drive
Daedalus3Age Animal Anthro Aware Herm MC Magic NBM Super Unaware
My greatest lover
Sapphireplace-story page
cw18Age Animal FTM Inanimate Magic Myth NBM Unaware
My first combatGhost_Hand14Animal Anthro FTM FTP Herm MTF Magic Musc NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF
my amazingly hot new reflectionanonymous7Animal Herm Inanimate Musc NBM Size
the hacker's turn
somewhat different
astrangefish2Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
i don't think so.spooky10Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP MTF NBM Omni Size TF
Daughterspooky14Age Anthro Magic NBM Omni SciFi Size Unaware
A new job
Paradox9Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap MC NBM Omni Part Swap
A devils prize
Demoness David
Paradox8Aware Body Swap FTM MC Myth NBM Part Theft Super
Some explinations are necessary
Waking Up...
Cassavetes7Animal FTM MTF NBM Part Swap Size Super
Enter the mother
Mother enters
Paradox6Body Swap FTM Herm Inanimate MC MTF NBM Omni SciFi
Legend of ZeldaParadox3Body Swap FTM Herm NBM Omni SciFi Size Super TF Unaware
Uh huh
Arkain8Animal Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate MTF NBM Size
What else can the naturalizing functions do?no7Anthro Aware FTP Inanimate MC Magic NBM Part Swap
How NOT to take over the World. [Version Two]
Mel's Foiled Plans [Version Two]
NWNABA9Age Anthro Aware FTM FTP Herm Magic NBM
It is a game after all.
Level Up!
NWNABA3Age Myth NBM Part Swap Super Unaware
Mission #1
Game you can play
blackwolf_2Body Swap Inanimate NBM Omni Size
So may choices.......
Becoming the dragon
Silvers3Anthro Aware Inanimate MC MTF Musc NBM Part Theft Super
Zippy17Animal Anthro FTM Herm MC MTF Musc NBM Super
Things were different
Zippy15Anthro Aware FTP MTF Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Unaware
Rylen tries to decide
A Suitible Guardian
Zippy14Age Animal MC Musc NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi Size TF Unaware
Playing games - but someone else is playing too.
Suddenly you notice another figure in the room.
Jynx4Age Animal Body Swap FTM Herm NBM TF
Choosing a villianous persona
Never mind heros, you wanna be bad to the bone!
Vorhees2Body Swap Herm Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Part Theft
The Cavalier's DenCassavetes5Magic Myth NBM Super Unaware
Enter The Wizard
Cassavetes2FTM FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Myth NBM Part Theft
What happened?
Knocked out by...
Sara2Age Animal Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Omni Super Unaware
It begins
Let it begin
Sara8Body Swap FTM FTP Inanimate Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni Unaware
A meeting at the arena
Meeting with Suzie
AVP6Animal Anthro Body Swap FTP NBM Part Swap Size TF
We won everything!
Sara16Animal FTP Inanimate MTF NBM Omni Size TF
No one else was riding with us!
No one else on board
Sara14Age Body Swap Herm Magic NBM Part Theft SciFi TF Unaware
All Aboard!
AirShip Ride
Sara13Animal FTM MTF NBM Part Swap Unaware
Found the Trigger for the Curse!
NPC - Time for Work
Sara13Animal FTM Inanimate MTF NBM SciFi TF Unaware
To the Seer
Sara11Age FTM Myth NBM
Monster Fights
Sara11Age FTP Inanimate MC Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super TF
I Think He Likes It
So, what do you think?
Sara8Animal FTM FTP MC Magic Myth NBM Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Royalty it is
Princess ...
Lady_Janey3Age Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Omni
The End...?
Only the beginning...
--60Anthro Aware MC MTF Magic Musc NBM Part Theft TF Unaware
The Meeting
The car enters a garage and drives straight towards the far wall...
digitalchick15Age FTP Inanimate MC Magic Myth NBM Part Swap Size
my freind... the deer hunter
bumping into someone
ltnthallsworth3Age Anthro NBM Super TF
I better think this one over a bit
Maybe Later
Sara5Age Herm NBM Omni SciFi TF Unaware
Dressed a bit more
Dressed for Success
Sara9Herm Inanimate NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size Super Unaware
Dressed for the Part?
Clothing Shopping
Sara8Anthro FTP Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Part Swap
What did you get yourself into?
A little more about David's Dilemma
Sara7Body Swap MC MTF Musc Myth NBM Part Swap
I want to go the Normal Route
Play It Safe
Sara5Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTM Herm NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft
What do you want to do for the rest of your life?
Job Search
Sara4Body Swap FTM Herm MTF Magic Musc NBM SciFi Super TF
waitress at the Bar in the Restaurant below your roomSara49Animal Aware FTM Inanimate Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni SciFi Super
Continued MessageSara46Animal Aware Magic NBM Part Swap Part Theft Super TF
Message in a bottleSara44Age Anthro Aware FTP Myth NBM SciFi Super
Confusion?Sara43Anthro Inanimate NBM Omni Part Theft
Panic AttackSara41Age Anthro FTM Inanimate MC Musc NBM Part Theft SciFi Size
Images of WarSara40Age Animal FTP MTF Myth NBM SciFi Size
Spellcrafter (frendly to all transformations)
off_the_deep_end2Animal FTM Inanimate Magic NBM Omni Part Theft
Let's not go there...
Lets not go there...
Sara39Animal Anthro Aware FTM Herm Inanimate Musc NBM Part Swap Part Theft TF
Daisy, Daisy give me your answer doRJH22Age Aware FTM FTP Herm Musc NBM SciFi
OK, I guessanonymous21Age Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC NBM Super
Obedience Training
Delta19Animal MTF NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF
There are some perks
Taking to the Stage
RJH15Aware FTP Herm MC MTF NBM Omni Size
Adjusting to Womanhood
Taking Stock...
griever14Anthro Body Swap FTM FTP Herm Magic NBM Omni Super Unaware
"..I'm sorry. I can't do this..."griever10Animal FTM Inanimate MC Magic Myth NBM Omni Super TF
Epic is the word
And away we go...
griever3Age Musc Myth NBM Size
A Disguise
A Way Out
alan_burke10Body Swap Inanimate Musc Myth NBM Omni Part Theft Super
The bad day, that will not end.
We have a few questions for you.
Sara9Body Swap Inanimate MC Magic NBM Part Theft Unaware
Who could that be?
Sara8Anthro Aware Body Swap Musc NBM Part Swap SciFi
Equipping time
Suzie remembers?
N7Animal Body Swap MC Myth NBM SciFi Super TF Unaware
I hate it when things go from worse to even worse
The Hard Way
Sara6Anthro Body Swap Herm Inanimate Magic Musc NBM Omni Super TF Unaware
Lifetime Sentence
Sara5Animal Anthro Inanimate MC Musc Myth NBM SciFi
Memory Card
Now Loading
Sara2Aware Magic Myth NBM Size
Love Slave
Rex's Place
alan_burke15Age Animal FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Aware Herm MC NBM Part Theft SciFi
I gotta be me.
On second thought...
Ardvark2FTM MTF NBM Part Swap Size TF
Honey, I’m Home!
Home again, home again.
Sara23FTP Inanimate Magic NBM Unaware
No, they don’t you need to earn them.
Cards grow on trees?
Sara22Age Body Swap Herm Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size
Here’s DAVID
Sara37Age FTM Herm MC Magic Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size TF Unaware
The BarroomGhost_Hand11Age Anthro FTM Herm Myth NBM Part Swap
Dressing room funSprintz19Age Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Omni SciFi
Regaining My SensesSprintz16FTM FTP MC MTF NBM Size Super
Meeting SuzieSprintz14Anthro Herm Inanimate NBM Unaware
Fast TripSprintz13Animal Aware Inanimate MTF NBM Omni Size Super
happiness in slaveryKevin_McConnell15Herm Magic Musc NBM Super Unaware
Big mistake
Mig mistake
none10Aware FTM FTP Magic NBM SciFi Size Super TF
Heading for Home
Going "home"
Rob13FTP Herm Magic Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Super
Further adventures in Misty-Dom
Further exploration
guy33Age Aware Body Swap MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Size
Finallyguy28Animal Aware FTP Herm Musc NBM Part Theft SciFi Size
I slipped down the helmet
Zhara27Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MTF Myth NBM SciFi Unaware
How did I know?x26Age Aware FTM Inanimate MC Musc NBM Part Swap Size Unaware
Yesguy25Anthro FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Musc Myth NBM Part Swap SciFi TF Unaware
Bad goes to worse
guy24Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTM Herm NBM Omni Part Theft Size
One option is all I got left.
guy23Aware FTP MC MTF Myth NBM Omni TF
Reality Bytes
More than you can imagine
guy22Age Anthro Herm Inanimate MC Myth NBM Omni Super
Here it is
guy21Aware Herm Magic NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size Unaware
Damn I am in trouble here.
Enter Fight
guy17Age Animal FTM FTP MC MTF Magic Myth NBM Omni Super
Sorry but change cost money
guy16Animal Body Swap FTM Magic NBM Super TF
Outside the Dance Hall
Walk Outside and Meet some players!
Ambi8Anthro Body Swap FTM FTP Herm Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft
Gotta Dance
Destination unknown
dana13Anthro FTM Inanimate MC Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Size
Hey you Devil you
Problems from the start
cvn886FTM FTP MC Musc NBM Omni Unaware
Finally, some Good Luck
Good Luck
guy9Animal FTM Herm MC MTF Myth NBM

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Oldest episodes

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