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4. Moose on the Loose

3. Moose meat

2. Payback is sweet

1. You Are What You Wish

Moose on the Loose

on 2001-12-19 04:16:47

1996 hits, 85 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTM MTF Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware

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Karyn was beside herself. "Get a look at Moose. Is that a bra I see? Oh, this is perfect. The look on his face is precious. Jon, can we please take care of the Stud now?"

"Not yet. This was our first wish, and I want to make sure it doesn't backfire on us before we move on to any more wishing."

"You worry too much. If you won't do it, then hand over the stone and let me at it." But Jon guarded the backpack it was stashed in.

"Why don't we see how the day goes, and after school we can start working on plans for Stud."

"Oh, all right. But can we at least wish to listen in on his thoughts as the day goes on?"

Jon relented and this minor wish was made.

By now it was time for the school day to begin, and by coincidence Jon, Karyn, Moose and the Stud all shared the same morning schedule. More than once Jon and Karyn were reprimanded for talking in class, as they couldn't help but gloat at Moose's predicament, and Karyn kept slipping suggestions to Jon regarding Stud's imminent fate. The nervous, almost pained expresion on Moose's his face said it all. At recess he shyed away from his normal gang of friends, afraid of their snickers and comments, though none were heard.

As lunch time approached it was obvious that Moose was developing. In the lunch hall Moose's nerves were getting more than a little frayed as he noticed a few guys actually staring at his chest, going so far as to threaten one poor sap with a beating he'd never forget if he didn't stop staring. While taking a leak after lunch, he caught a profiled view of his body in the bathroom mirror and nearly hurled his lunch. "Oh shit, they grew some more and I've got gym class next. I can't do this, they'll laugh me out of the building." Partly out of curiosity and partly from a need to know, he quickly locked himself into an available stall. In one fluid motion, he pulled the t-shirt over his head, noting the new sensation of the material passing over his all too sensitive breasts. Looking down, he saw the extent of the morning's growth. There pushing out of his chest encased in a satiny bra were two adolescent, slightly conical, female breasts. This led to the obvious next step - to remove the bra and check out what it was hiding. The bra came off like he'd been doing it for years, noting as it was about to get hung up that it was now a size 44A. Sure enough, his tits had grown. Not nearly as big as he'd seen on many of his girlfriends, but big enough to play with - were they on some girl. Thoughts of someone - anyone playing with his little titties now sprang to mind, and it was with all his mental strength, that he managed to get dressed without fondling himself." got to get out of here."

All he needed to make his escape was to grab his car keys out of his locker - but the Stud was waiting there for him.

"Wazzup?" Stud could see the determined look on his friend's face as he approached.

"I'm skipping this aft. You coming?"

"Why you skipping? We've got gym next. It's the slackest afternoon all week."

"I can't go looking like this." He cupped his breasts to make his point, feeling the jolt right down to his near bursting hard-on.

"So they're a bit bigger than last week, no biggie."

"Say what? Last week? last week I wasn't wearing a bra."

"What are you talking about, of course you were. I remember you changing your t-shirt after class and making a mental note of how cute your nipples were, poking through that peach colored satin bra."

"Have you lost your freakin' mind, or have I? Not only didn't I wear a bra last week, I didn't need one 'till this morning. I don't see you wearing one."

"Moose, get a grip man. Of course I don't wear one, but you do, and from the looks of it, you're filling this one out nicely. Now come on and let's go to class." As much as he'd wanted to - needed to leave mere moments ago, now he was quietly heading off to gym.

Moose knew without a doubt that every pair of eyes in the boys locker room were
glued to his chest as he changed tops for the class, though no one so much as snickered. Still, Moose wanted to sink through the floor.

The class started with a warm-up jog like none other before, with an all too new and discomforting bounce to his chest. Then came a rousing game of basketball, that is until he got elbowed in the left breast. The pain was like getting kicked in the nuts, and a sympathetic coach let him sit out the remainder of the class.

By the time school let out, the pain had subsided, but that was little comfort as poor Moose made a hasty retreat home. And there in the privacy of his bedroom, he undressed to change out of his sweaty clothes and to see how badly the elbowing had bruised him. And lo and behold he'd grown to a B cup, which also aroused him. True to form he barely had time to drop his pants before he felt his orgasm approach. Not wanting to make a mess like the day before, he grabbed the first thing he could - his bra, just in the nick of time.

Back at Jon's house, Jon and Karyn were getting ready to do in 'the Stud', and could see all what was happening to Moose in their mind's eye. "Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole. I can't wait 'till he reaches his full potential" said Karyn, with her ever present satisfied smirk.

"Okay, I think it's time to improve 'the Stud's' outlook on life. Ready?"

"Please Jon, let me read it."

"Here ya go"and he slid the small wooden box across the table to her along with the carefully worded wish.

"Here goes nothing. I wish that..."

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