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10. Body Swapper App: Go back outs

9. Body Swapper App: Take more of

8. Body Swapper App: Take the res

7. Body Swapper App: Nothing, she

6. Body Swapper App: Take somethi

5. Body Swapper App: Swap with Ja

4. Body Swapper App: Legs

3. Body Swapper App: Body Part Sw

2. Body Swapper App: The Beginnin

1. The Drafting Board

Body Swapper App: Go back outside with your friends

avatar on 2019-09-17 15:51:31

1257 hits, 106 views, 3 upvotes.

Animal FTM Inanimate MC MTF Musc Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size

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(Originally by Quicksilver)

You decide that you have spent enough time in the bathroom. Any more and your friends will wonder what you are doing. Or worse, they'll have the right idea.
You put your clothes back on. They are now quite ill fitting. Your pants are too long. They are too tight around the butt. You actually have a hard time getting into them. Your shirt is too big for your body. It comes down to your legs. Well, everywhere but the chest that is. It is much too tight there. You roll up your pant-legs a bit and go back out.

Nobody seems to notice you as you take your place back in your chair. The movie is still going on and all of your friends are still watching it.

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