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3. ...A deadbeat son and his sing

2. The Randoms!

1. The Drafting Board

The Randoms: Going Nowhere Fast.

on 2020-03-29 22:45:54

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That place was the Vasquez Residence. It was in a small town, not the best place there, but not that shabby either. It was held up by Alejandra Vasquez, a 35 year old woman working two jobs at a local diner, and a bar across town. It was stressful, and the hours and commute meant she wasn't home enough for her son. Marcus Vasquez was her only son, and her husband had left 20 years ago, right when he was born. It was soul crushing to her, but she lived on. Still, it had an effect on her son. He was a misbehaving careless stoner. Marcus got away with a lot considering that she was barely home. She loved him, but hated his behavior. After leaving high school he really went nowhere with his life. Barely had a job, that he left in an angry outburst, and whatever money he had he spent it on pot.

It was one of those days Marcus had brought some pot, he was enjoying it in his room listening to metal music. The room was filled with blaring music and thick skunky smoke. He didn't realize his mother had been sent home early from work at the bar, as that night was particularly dead. She didn't have much complaint, she could use a day off even if it meant less cash. On the way home she was scrolling through her phone. There were a few stories on some news sites about the Randoms. Apparently there had been a few Randoms outbreak in a far off country she'd never heard of. It wasn't very pleasant news, like one small town all being turned living objects like an animated movie come to life. In another region a couple got caught in the middle of having sex, and expanded to the size of giants. The weirdest part is they continued to fuck for hours in this giant form. Luckily they didn't do too much damage to the environment, as they were locked into very tame missionary for the duration. The most distressing was the group of scientists that tried to survey the areas affected. The transmission rate between people was unpredictable, per its name. The researchers were quite unlucky, as they all ended up stuck in one body, a young female researcher and forced to all fight for control over the body.

She put away her phone. That was too much to read about. The only consoleing thing is that the Randoms typically resolved themselves after a while and went away for months or even years. They were so sparse and short lived most people didn't bother. Still, some people believed some conspiracies about the Randoms. Some said it was a tool to keep people in line. Others said an experiment went awry. Another claimed that the Randoms didn't resolve, and were not as infrequent as they were led to believe. Some people out there claim there's permanent changes, but we can't perceive it. All those thoughts made Alejandra anxious. It really took up her mind as the Taxi driver got her home.

When she entered her home she already knew something was amiss. There was loud music from down the hallway, and a faint stench. She walked towards her son's room and recognized the smell. It was something that her younger coworkers loved, marijuana. She despised it, it was something that her old lost partner used to smoke. She hated it, it upset her a ton and was deeply furious her son brought it into her house.

"Marcus Christopher Vasquez, do not let me see you with what I think you have!"

She walked in on her son. only to see him.....

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