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23. Mom’s Home

22. Arriving home.

21. At the Bus Stop.

20. The School Day Comes to A Clos

19. Free Period

18. The kindness of the almost str

17. Journey to a forbidden land

16. Lunchtime

15. The Morning Continues…

14. Helping out the New Girl

13. Female Problems

12. The School day begins

11. The Search comes to an end.

10. A Friendly Face

9. Where Tom had went to.

8. The Office

7. Arrival

6. New Friends

5. The walk to bus

4. Monday Morning

Uniform Swap: Mom’s Home

avatar on 2020-05-28 14:22:42

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Tom spent what was left of the afternoon sitting uncomfortably in from of the tv being reminded by his sister to keep his legs together every so often. Susan had spent her time wisely. She had sent a message telling her Mom what had happened to Tom. It had taken their Mom over an hour to reply. During which she had contacted Mrs. Mahoney directly as she had been at the school when she had been a student there. She had confirmed that they had a new student called Tammy who had started that morning. After a bit of persuading Mrs. Mahoney had sent her a picture from which she had recognized her son after a few looks at it.

She was shocked as to how much like a girl Tom had looked in his new student ID picture. This had given her an idea of the perfect joke to play on Tom. He deserved it after all of the practical jokes he had played on her and his sister of the years. She then replied to Susan’s message not telling her what she was going to do but to play along with what she said when she got home.

Susan wondered what her Mom was up to but answered her telling her that she would do as she was asked. She then turned towards her brother who after all of her remarks that afternoon was now sitting like the perfect young lady. She smiled to herself and turned towards the kitchen.

Tom tried not to let his sister see his discomfort in the way he was sitting. He wondered what his Mom was going to say to him. He had still not been able to remove the makeup that Jen had applied to his face before leaving school earlier that afternoon. Surely his Mom would notice it even if his sister had not yet. At least that was what Tom thought Susan had indeed noticed the makeup on his face once she had gotten a good look at him at the bus stop it was the main reason she had stopped him from changing out of her uniform before their Mom arrived. Susan herself had gotten into trouble many times for wearing too much makeup to school and couldn’t wait for her brother to be on the end of one of her Mom’s young lady rants.

The siblings thought were interrupted by the key turning in the lock of the front door and the door opening to reveal their Mom standing there. Melissa stood there for a few seconds looking at her children, she saw Susan looking every inch the young woman that Melissa knew she had grown into but not wanting to admit. A second or two later she took in the appearance of her son. Yeah, that was her son, wasn’t it? Tom looked as much of a girl as he had in the picture she had seen. She even after seeing it still wasn’t sure it was him but now seeing someone who appeared to be as much of a young woman as her daughter did she was able to admit it to herself that it was Tom. Well, here goes she thought to herself before saying to both of them “Hello girls how was school.”

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