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17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

7. Picric

6. Wrestler Name

5. Allocate Points

4. Pro Wrestling

3. Random Options

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Title Defense Announcement

avatar on 2020-08-18 15:25:34

307 hits, 11 views, 2 upvotes.

Animal Magic NBM Unaware

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The next Boom began with us in the ring. Liam had a microphone. "When I did my summoning ritual, everyone thought I was crazy. 'Delusional.' they said. 'Sperging out.' they said. 'A waste of time.' they said." He then took a pause to laugh. We all stood at his side and smiled. Owen, Benson and I had our belts. Owen had his slung over his shoulder. Benson and I had our belts on around our waists backwards. The plates were behind us. I thought it would be a quirky thing for us to have. "Now, the reason that I summoned them was to help me take Boom and OPW by storm. That's why I will be crowned champion tonight." Before Owen could say anything, John's music began playing he walked down the ramp and entered the ring with his own microphone. "I don't care about magic. and I don't care about you. To be honest you're right: I thought it was nerd crap you were doing." He then took a look at Owen. "What I do care about is that you and your hell groupies have been running around and messing Boom up. That title is mine and I'm getting it back with my rematch clause." he said.

He did have one. And that was a big problem. The GM of Boom came out and addressed us from the ramp. "I have to say that I agree with both of you. Anyone could be reaping the benefits if they helped with the ritual. Your faction has captured over a dozen championships between the five of you. The ratings have been up slightly since you've shaken up the status quo here. Seeing a Mage led show would be interesting." he said. "Thank you. I'd carry the show to new heights." Liam said confidently. The GM cut him off and said "However, I have to say that I am obligated to give him a shot at the title. I have a way to settle this. Next week will be a Triple Threat for the title. And to prevent any interference, I am making it a steel cage match." Neither Liam nor John were too pleased with that. The GM was not finished. "And to make sure that the three of you have the preparation needed, I'm giving you all matches today." he added before leaving. We then preceded to beat down John in anger. That would soften him up for his match and hopefully he would not be 100% for his match.

I was not too concerned about it. I was the current tag team champion. As far as I was concerned, I had accomplished too much to be thrown away by the company. Not after the GM himself acknowledged us. Even if we were wiped out somehow, I would still be okay. That did not mean I could slack off. No one was allowed at ringside during the three matches that were set up. Each of them were given jobbers that were easy to crush. Owen took a longer time taunting his opponent and drawing out his misery. The others were brief. Suzie came to visit me. "How's it feel to be champion?" she asked. "We've both been champions before." I said. She rolled her eyes and just said "Real champions, then." I knew where she was coming from. The 24/7 championship was nice, but it was a bit too gimmicky and easy to hold any real weight in having it. I said "It's pretty good. The pay increase for the title is pretty good. It really is like an advantage. You need to win a championship to get the goog bonuses needed for being a serious contender. It's kinda backwards." "That's life." she agreed.

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