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18. Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

7. Picric

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1. The Future of Gaming

Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

avatar on 2020-08-18 17:29:15

281 hits, 8 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware Inanimate MTF Part Theft SciFi

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Soon, it was my turn. I did take Bryon with me at ringside. Benson was still injured from the match. That was the main reason we were not also thrown immediately into a title defense with the Flames. It was to my benefit and I made good with the opportunity. I had Bryon because I wanted to make sure that someone would have my back during the fight. The last thing I needed was lose due to interference from a wrestler that hated me. We made our entrance together and Oscar Ramon came next. He did not wast time and began punching me as soon as he got into the ring. The bell rang and I began punching back. It very quickly devolved into a brawl. We left the ring and I threw him against the audience barricade. I punched him until he slumped down to the floor. He was dazed from the assault. I grabbed the top of the barricade and delivered pendulum knees to the face. He got up and began to fight back. He slammed my head against the barricade several times before letting me fall to the floor in a heap. This was a vicious brawl with no order in it at all. Worse still, I was in trouble.

I heard the referee count to 8. That was when Bryon got in the ring to distract the referee. I gave him a devastating low blow. He had a look on his face as though he did not believe I would do it. He fell holding his bruised junk in pain. I then choked him with my foot against his neck until he counted to 9. I then ran into the ring to beat the count of 10. Oscar was too dazed to do so. He was counted out, which gave me the win. Not only that, but it was a stolen win. I then went outside the ring and began beating on him again. When I had him down, I put a foot on his chest and then stomped on him repeatedly. I got a chair and began hitting him with it until it broke. When that was done, I left. I had made the message clear. At least I hoped that it did. If not, I might have a whole host of people that would want to get involved in my matches next week. That was the last thing I wanted. It would be much easier to get my goal of 10-0 if people did not stick their noses where it did not belong. Bryon and I went backstage and went on to watch the final match of the evening. It was a match Suzie was referee for.

The match went off without a hitch. I then went to get my match with Alvin signed off on. When she came back, we talked for a bit before we packed up for the night. "You know what? I think this is going to suck. I'm not getting anywhere by doing all this." she groaned. I shrugged and said "Hey. If you referee 200 matches, you'll be two thirds of the way to being in the Hall of Fame. You already have the 3-peat Champion criterion under your belt." She shrugged and said "Yeah. I guess. I have about 15 matches under my belt. It won't be so bad getting to 200." We then split up to get to our own homes. Thinking deeper on it, The same thing could be said about me. I was three matches off from a criterion. From there, I would focus on ladder matches. If I went full in on the specialization, I could be a Legend in no time. There were also other things that I would like to do. Before I moved on to Picric and while I was on Boom, I could do so much. I could challenge for the television title went Liam loses it one day. Until then, all I could do was focus on my own career. I went home and relaxed.

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