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Henry Wilder's Ultimatum

avatar on 2020-08-18 18:28:31

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On Picric, we were backstage when Henry Wilder was in the ring. He was pissed that he was not getting any title shots. He was a B-tier wrestler at best. "I am not going to leave the ring until I get a response." He then crossed both his arms and refused to leave. I rolled my eyes and waited for the response. The GM did come out. He said that Henry had a losing record. In fact, he was currently in a 12 match loss streak. Even I did not think you could be that bad and still have a job. Henry still held his ground and demanded a shot to prove himself. Eventually the GM gave in. He said he would give him a title shot if he could win a match. "Win any match tonight. I don't care the stipulation or the opponent. I know you will somehow find a way to fuck this up. But if you lose, not only will you not get a title shot... you're fired!!!" he said. He then turned around. I was not too concerned. If he was fired for this, that would serve him right. The matches were then able to start. I watched the first two matches with interest. The camera then went backstage to Henry looking for a match for tonight.

No one wanted to have anything to do with him. He was going from person to person. He was getting rebuffed until two wrestlers approached him. It was Spade and Clover. They were a tag team that had good promos and an awesome entrance. They were popular with the fans, but not so much with management. "Heard what was going on. We can help you." Spade said. Henry looked hopeful and said "Oh Thank you so much. You're a godsend. I won't forget this f-." Clover placed a finger on his lips. "Don't thank us yet. We went straight to the top here. The deal is if you win, you get a title shot, right?" Henry's eyes narrowed slightly in confusion. "We thought that it was a bit too low stakes for an opponent. So, we got a deal that if we beat you, we get the title shot next week." "A tag team match, huh?" Henry said. He rubbed the back of his head, unsure if he should agree. "We don't want to take up too much of your time. You looked so busy with all the other offers you were getting." Spade said. They had Henry by the balls and everyone watching knew it. He agreed and they smiled wide.

Clover said "Better find a partner." They both left. Henry looked at a clock on the wall. "Shit! I have to go or I'm going to run out of time." he than ran out of the shot. More matches and promos happened before it was time for a certain defeat for Henry Wilder. Spade and Clover went out and looked really confident. Henry went out in his regular street clothes. He had a microphone and a backpack. "I know what you all are thinking. 'Oh. Henry doesn't know what he's doing. He's in over his head.' Well you can stop saying that. I got something that will help me. If I don't have a prayer, I might have a chance in Hell." He then dumped the contents of his backpack and it was full of red Spider Lilies. I held my head in my hands and groaned. Everyone else just laughed at me. "So? Are you going to go or not!?" Liam said. Personally, I did not want to go, but it would look bad on me if I did not take this opportunity. I was already in gear as it was policy to always be ready to go. Especially with the 24/7 championship floating around, kayfabe was very important. I made my way down to the ring.

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