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9. Fat Sarah and Zoe

8. Fat Sarah meets...her girlfrie

7. Far Sarah learns more of her N

6. Sarah wakes up fat.

5. In the Morning

4. Sarah Wakes Up

3. Elsewhere in Town

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Fat Sarah and Zoe

on 2010-01-23 13:51:27

996 hits, 60 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM FTP Inanimate Magic Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super

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Homeroom went slowly, as did the next period. Those who she rememberd as her friends either ignored, shunned or peppered her with petty indignities. She ate steadily and continuiously the whole time, trying to bury her unhappiness in schoolwork and calories. She often thought of Zoe with mixed feelings, knowing she couldn't go through the rest of the school year as the baby-goths girlfriend.

Granted, it wasn't as though she hated the girl. So far today, the affection shown to her by Zoe was the only bright spot she'd had. She thought of the girl - the oddly beautiful girl with the sweet, talented tongue and soft...loving hands...

She'd have to tell her it was over. She'd...just have to. She'd try to be nice about it, though. She had to. After all, the girl loved her...

Third period was her cooking class, and here she finally found some happiness. Mrs. Darling was a teacher she'd never met before, but the jolly, plump woman lavished praise on Sarah. Sarah wasn't sure why, as she didn't have the slightest idea how... That was wrong. As soon as she found herself in a kitchen setting with a recepie before her, instinct took over and she moved swiftly through the tasks at hand. She mixed and melted. Buttered and sifted. Rolled and blended all the ingredients into four dozen homemade cupcakes that oozed with chocolete. She gasped at what she'd made, and Mrs. Darling went to her and pinched her cheeks, gushing "You are my greatest pupil, Sarah!"

Sarah McMillain wanted to be insulted that this dumpy woman was touching her in such a familliar way...but she was genuinly pleased and proud of Mrs. Darlings words. She blushed and giggled, looking down and saying "Thank you, Mrs. Darling. I...I am a good cook, aren't I?"

"You should be, Sarah. Nobody likes to eat as much as you do." said one of her classmates.

The class laughed, and Sarah - sensing that it was a joke and not intended as an insult - laughed and cramed one of the cakes into her mouth. They all laughed, and she swooned at the rich flavor of her creation. It was AMAZING that she'd made these delicious treats! Had she always been able to do so?

She handed out some of the cupcakes to her fellow students - who were the first people outside of Zoe to be nice to her, even of they also laughed and treated her like a baffoon. Better to be an object of amusement then scorn. By the end of her class, she still had a dozen cupcakes left, and was quite used to the jokes and laughter of her friends. What was wrong with being laughed at? Nothing. Not when the people who laughed were nice about it. She giggled and laughed as a boy poked her in the belly, and was glad that she had one class she liked.

The next class was Math, and she was able to better handle the little cruelties of her former friends. She ignored them for the most part, but stunned one girl who sneered at her by turning and backing her to the wall, using her far superior bulk as a tool of intimidation.

"You skinny little bonebag..." she snarled "...if you ever talk to me like that again I'll flatten you."

Unused to the obese girl defending herself, the teacher muttered "Uh, that's enough, Sarah. Take your seat."

Sarah waddled - ponderious and slow - back to the three chairs that she had to use to support her bulk. She sat and made a show of not looking about, then began her work. She ate the whole time, and thought of Zoe. She couldn't wait to meet her again at lunch and tell her about how she'd finaly stood up to someone. She still intended to breakup with the girl, but wanted to preserve a friendship if she could. She looked at the box of cupcakes, and decided to gift them to Zoe.

Finally...lunch time. Sarah hurried into the cafeteria and took her place in line. She found it easy to ignore the little things people whispered about her, and word had gotten about that she'd backed one of the cheerleaders down. She ignored them all, focusing on the foods that were offered. She heaped her platter with chicken, potatoes, corn, gravy and biskits. It was like something out of a comedy, but she paid for her food and took a table alone in the back. She fell to on the platter like a starving person, and ate with gusto and relish. Was there ever a joy to equal the simple pleasures of gluttony? To gorge and gorge and not stop till her huge belly was taught and full? No, it was plain that though she'd enjoyed cheerleading and fashion and being popular, she had finaly found something she loved more. She glanced at a window, and saw the reflection of a giganticly fat girl stuffing her mouth with every tasty morsel on her plate, and felt...there was no shame in that. Why shouldn't she eat? Eating was so much fun!

"Hey, Jumbo..." Zoe said as she slid into a chair next to Sarah. "...I heard of the way you put that bitch Missy Parker in her place. Nice to see you flashing the fangs at those preppy losers."

Missy Parker? Was that the girl she'd backed into the wall? She'd not recognized her at the time, but now...she remembered that she and Missy had been very close. Had she changed so much that she was forgetting who her old friends were?

Zoe snuggled close to her and kissed Sarah. Sarah kissed back, but prepared to tell her that she had to...

OH! The cupcakes!

"These are for you, Zoe." Sarah suddenly said, handing the box to Zoe.

Zoe smelled the contents and gave Sarah a sly smile. "Did you make these?"

"Uh-huh..." Sarah said, feeling proud.

"Can I do what I want with them?"

"Sure, Zoe. But...I have to tell you something..."

"Later, honey pie. Right now..." she plucked a cupcake from the box and held it out with a smile. " wide."

Sarah blinked and locked eyes with Zoe. She wanted to tell the girl about how she just couldn't be with her. She opened her mouth...

Zoe stuffed the cupcake into Sarahs mouth, and Sarah moaned in pure sexual and gustatory gratification. What had she ever known that could equal the pure joy only found in eating? In abandoning all reserve and simply allowing her belly to lead the way in all things. All day she'd struggled against it, but now...she knew the truth. She was fat. She would always be fat. She always SHOULD be fat.

She smacked and licked her lips, and Zoe stuffed another cupcake into her mouth. Another and another followed, untill finally the box was empty. Sarah was lost in the pure joy that radiated from her belly, and she smiled at Zoe. She was so glad she had a lover who understood her. Who would always be there with her, feeding her and encouraging her to ever greater feasts. Zoe was her soul mate. Wasn't that what she was going to say. Certainly it must be.


Jon had woke with a terrible head cold, and though he wished the cold away...he decided to stay home anyway. He wondered what the interesting thing he had wished for was, and after seeing nothing much on television or in his room, he had decided that it must have been his headcold. Interesting, but not very entertaining. He thought the wish had been a dud, but intended to take his time with the next one. After blowing his day off in searching for evidence of some magical change, he decided to just go back to sleep so he dodge his anoying sister and her weird friends. He heard them come in, but sat up once she heard Sarah McMillans voice. He got his robe on and went out to tell the stupid cheerleader bitch to stay away from his sister.

It was Sarah. Or rather, it was a massive fat girl who LOOKED like Sarah in the face and with all the blond hair. She was sitting on Zoes bed and was in the act of making out with Zoe. The huge Senior and the tiny Freshman were locked in an embrace, and both glanced up as Jon entered Zoes room.

"Hi, Jon!" chirped Sarah as she giggled. Zoe was less polite, snapping "Knock much, shit for brains?"

Sarah and Zoe? And what was wrong...who could be...

The stone. THIS was the interesting thing!

Zoe watched Jon as he gaped and looked both amused and a little frightened. Sarah didn't care much. All she wanted was to get her clothes off and let Zoe have her way with her. Sarah embraced her roll as Zoes inferior. She now followed Zoe about, giggling at her every joke and swooning at her attentions. Sarah knew in her heart that Zoe made the rules and she followed them to the letter.

"Jon, what do you want?" asked Zoe, losing patience. She had some serious fucking planned this evening, and she wanted to get started as soon as possible.

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