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8. Genital Cycles: They walk to J

7. Jon is unsure.

6. Karyn Adds a cycle for men

5. The Genital Cycle

4. Jon's bizarre fantasy

3. After school the next day

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Genital Cycles: They walk to Jon's house

on 2018-04-10 02:20:55
Episode last modified by bigbustgazer on 2018-09-12 01:48:53

2888 hits, 177 views, 4 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Herm MTF Musc Part Theft SciFi Super

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Karyn started walking into the store, quickly scanning the aisle signs to find the one she needed.

When she saw it she looked around again to see if anyone she knew was in the store, being a teenager she was still embarrassed about sex and especially being a woman buying condoms.

Seeing no-one she went up the aisle and found the condoms and started looking at them. As soon as she saw sizes she realised she had no idea how big her penis was. She thought for a moment.

"I'll just get a few normal size ones and a few bigger ones just in case."

Grabbing her selection she hurried to the checkout. Feeling her cheeks flush slightly as she layed out her purchase to be rung up by the cashier, an attractive man in his early twenties, making her all the more uncomfortable. When he gave her a wink as he handed her her change.

Karen took her purchases and dropped them into her purse and went outside to meet back up with Jon.

"Hey! What took you?" Jon said as she walked up to him.

Karyn waited until she was close and said quietly "There's sizes, and I don't know which one I need"

Jon looked mildly amused "I hadn't thought of that!" He said as they started walking together towards his house.

They both felt slightly awkward about the situation and the conversation they'd been having before. They tried a few times to chat but both were a wrapped up in thought.

As they walked Karyn was glad that she wasn't facing Jon since it made focusing easier when his chest wasn't in her direct line of sight. She'd have to ask Jon how he dealt with distracting boobs when they got to his house.

"I wonder if he'll change his mind?" She thought. "Do I really want him to?" She had asked him in as spur of the moment thing driven by his sudden wish. With time to consider she was no longer so certain she was prepared to have that kind of relationship with Jon.

Though her hormones were making a strong argument.

Jon was also thinking about weather he wanted to find out what sex would be like with a vagina, if he was really OK with having sex with Karen, and he was distracted by the way his boobs moved slightly with each step even though he was wearing a bra. When he'd made his wish he mostly wanted Karyn to hear it so he'd have someone who knew about the old world and he hadn't really thought through the implications of the fact that Karyn was going to be affected by it. Karyn's first accidental wish giving her big boobs made her more attractive to him, did that make it worth risking their current relationship for something more? Would he be able to go through with it on this part of their genital cycle where he had a vagina and she had a penis.

This led him back to her comment about "sizes" and not knowing which one she needed, how big was her penis? And suddenly he was forced to confront the fact that on this part of his cycle penises on his sexual partner were something he liked, as the image of a hypothetical penis on Karen came to mind, and he had the same experience Karen did when she first noticed how she felt about his breasts.

Jon's hormones were making a strong argument too.

When they got to Jon's house, as Karyn had wished nobody else was home, they went in and sat in the living room, Karyn on the couch, Jon in a chair, facing eachother.

Karyn was again somewhat distracted by Jon's chest, reminding her to ask him about how he dealt with it.

"So..." Jon said.

"First can I ask you a question?" Karyn said.

"Sure." Jon said, slightly surprised.

"I know for a fact that you like big boobs, I've seen you look at other girls sometimes."

Jon was confused, surprised that she had noticed, and slightly embarrased. "Yeah..." he said hesantintly.

"Well it comes down to, how are you not distracted by mine right now when I can't help but keep looking at yours?"

Jon glanced down at his chest, noticing that he was sporting cleavage, then back to Karyn "I, uh... Well... Your boobs are distracting, but I'm just not staring, it's not like I haven't ever looked."

"Coulda fooled me, the whole time we've been talking you've been looking me in the eyes or not at me."

"Maybe it's because I'm used to liking boobs and you're not?"

Karyn thought for a moment, and as she was thinking again found her gaze drifting to Jon's chest. She realised what she was doing and forced herself not to look. "I guess that make sense."

They lapsed into silence for a few moments. Both wondering if they should bring up Karyn's request to 'test things out'.

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