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29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door

11. Biff gets dressed

10. Kitchen

Next morning

on 2021-08-02 10:41:07

920 hits, 109 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal FTM Inanimate MC MTF NBM Omni Size

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While both Jon and Biff slept, the magic behind Jon's wish was making some more changes. His wish had been for "something interesting" to happen and while that was true, the open ended wish meant that further changes would happen in order to keep things interesting.

As Jon slept, his body shrank down somewhat. Not all the way down to a baby size but he was now about a foot shorter and looked like a miniature version of himself. He also went through some mental changes that would take a while for him to notice. His attention span had been reduced and he would find himself reacting to things in a more infantile way.

The changes in Biff were much more pronounced. As he lay in bed flat on his back his hips widened a little bit and his butt swelled up to a more feminine proportion. It happened slowly and his whole lower half seemed to rise up slightly with his new cushioning underneath him. His chest also swelled up leaving him with two breasts, exactly like the ones he had been so enamoured with in the photos on his phone. His pajama too became tighter on him as his chest expanded. The top button was already open and if he had been awake he would have seen some sizeable cleabmvsge forming as his breasts grew. There were not further mental changes to Biff, his adjustment to these physical changes would be "interesting" enough.

Biff was first to wake but he was not really a morning person. He had set an early alarm to give himself loads of time to get dressed for work, get Jon dressed and fed and get them both out of the house on time. The first thing Biff felt when he woke was an urgent need to pee. He struggled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He didn't notice it yet but he had a much more pronounced sway to his hips as he walked and his butt was rocking back and forth as he did. He got into the bathroom and turned on the light. He lifted the seat and looking down to find the waist of his pajamas he was amazed to see his view blocked by a big pair of breasts. Biff stood in shock, just staring at the mountainous bulge pushing out his pajama top. He reached up his hands and grabbed hold of the flesh, amazed at how strange but also how good it felt. He quickly pulled open all the buttons on his pajama top and set them free. He lifted and squeezed both breasts, enjoying the feeling. In a moment of panic he let go of his breasts, feeling them bounce around a bit and stuffed his hand inside his pajama bottoms. He was instantly relieved to feel his penis still there. He kept one hand on his penis, reassuring himself that it wasn't going anywhere and the other found its way back up to his boobs, giving them a few more squeezes.

Snapping himself out of it he took care of his business at the toilet, aiming his stream with one hand while massaging his breasts with the other. Washing up he took some time to look at himself in the mirror. His breasts didn't look quite as big as he felt they were. But looking at them in the mirror they were magnificent. He felt a certain pride in how nice they looked. They were soft and smooth, with perfect, blemish free skin. A far cry from the rough, hairy chest he was used to. His nipples were about 3 times their usual size and stood out a lot further than they used to. Looking down Biff could tell his hips were a lot wider and feeling the figgle on his butt as he moved around he could tell it was different too. He turned around and craned his neck to look over his shoulder. His butt, just like his breasts was now completely hair free. It was much rounder and wider than it used to be and was definitely a bit jigglier.

Shaking him self from his inspection, Biff hurried back to his room to get dressed for the day. He wanted to be fully dressed himself before Jon woke up.

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