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34. Daycare

33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping


on 2021-08-04 04:40:45

716 hits, 91 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal

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Jon had been worried yesterday about blending in at daycare and not giving away the fact that he wasn't the baby girl that everyone saw him as but he needn't have worried. He was fitting right in with the other babies. His new, lower attention span meant he was moving fairly quickly from one activity to the next. He paused a few times throughout the day to observe the room but each time he'd fairly quickly forget why and go back to playing with a doll or blocks or whatever caught his attention next.

When Biff had handed him over at the door Jon had felt a momentary panic but this quickly passed as the woman he had been given to had distracted him with some toys and he quickly forgot his worries about being away from Biff for the whole day. Jon was interacting well with the other babies, babbling away to them in the same way they were talking to him. He was happy to share toys with anyone and even played along with two other baby girls when they had setup a tea party for their dollies.

Around mid morning Jon felt a stream of pee filling his diaper but he barely paid it any notice, having too much fun playing. After the second time that he peed and his diaper became a bit more full he was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. One of the staff noticed his discomfort and before his discomfort could turn into crying she scooped him up and carried him into the bathroom. She was talking away to Jon in a sweet voice, doing a running commentary on what was happening. Jon found her voice very calming and he didn't worry one bit when she removed his diaper, exposing his penis to the cold air. She wiped him down and had a new diaper on him in no time. When she picked him up again and held him up to her chest, Jon gave her a quick hug to thank her.

The day carried on much like this, lunch consisted of all the babies sitting around a table and being handed whatever lunch had been packed for them. After lunch Jon was handed a warm bottle of milk which he quickly started to nurse. All the kids made their way over to a big matt with blankets on it and got comfortable for story time. Jon barely heard two pages of the story before he's eyes grew heavy and he quickly drifted off the sleep.

Jon woke from his nap to find he had soaked his diaper again. He played for a little while, ignoring the soggy, sagging diaper. Not long after he was scooped up again and the process of changing him was repeated. Jon giggled along as the woman tickled his belly and made funny faces at him. He resumed playing and noticed some of the children being collected by their parents. He started to worry irrationally that Biff would forget about him. It was causing him stress and just as he could feel himself getting a bit upset and starting to whimper he heard the gate opening and saw Biff sauntering in across the yard. Jon dropped what he was doing with a shout of, "Mommy, mommy, mommy," and he ran over to the door just as Biff was coming in.

Biff crouched down as Jon ran to him and he scooped Jon up, squeezing him tight into his breasts, giving him a big hug. Biff missed Jon on the cheek and told him he missed him. Thanking the staff Biff carried Jon out to the car and headed home.

On the drive home, Biff asked Jon how his day had been. Jon spoke enthusiastically about all the fun he had, bouncing from one thing to the next. When Jon calmed down a bit he spoke about more normally and told Biff everything was fine. He found it easy to play his role and blended in well with the real babies. Biff told Jon about his day. It didn't sound as much fun as Jon's but they had both made it through the day which was good.

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