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60. Biff gets ready

59. Having a chat

58. Lazy morning

57. Waking again

56. Back to bed

55. Jon wakes

54. Biff wakes

53. Going to bed

52. Getting ready for bed

51. The rest of the game

50. TV Dinner

49. Boys clothes

48. Men's clothes

47. Night in

46. Work, Friday

45. Daycare, Friday

44. Friday morning

43. Work, Thursday

42. Daycare, Thursday

41. Early rise

Biff gets ready

on 2021-08-11 19:08:21

737 hits, 94 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro Body Swap Herm Inanimate MTF Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft

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They didn't do much that day. Neither was really in the mood to leave the house. Biff busied himself with some housework while Jon watched TV. Biff was yet to get used to the feeling of emptiness between his legs. As he walked he had even more of a sway to his hips and his legs rubbed against each other even more now that there was nothing dangling between them. He did some laundry, tidied up around the house and finished by vacuuming the entire downstairs. By lunchtime he had worked up a bit of a sweat and even that felt different to him now. His dress was quite breezy and his arms were exposed so he didn't have much sweat under his arms. It was mainly focused around his breasts and where they sat on his chest. Biff got himself a cold drink and a juice box for Jon and sat on the couch to take a break. He hadn't heard Jon using the toilet at all today and he was beginning to wonder if the success he had yesterday was just a fluke.

Jon happily gulped the juice down. He still hadn't gotten dressed and was sat, legs crossed on the floor in nothing but a pink diaper. When Jon finished his juice Biff asked him if he needed to use the toilet. The mere mention of the word caused Jon to blush and unknown to Biff this had opened the floodgates and Jon had instantly soaked his diaper. Jon just shook his head and then admitted to Biff that he had used his diaper. Even as he was telling him he felt the last few spurts of pee coming out. He was helpless to stop it. It dawned on Jon that if he was to conquer this and ever get out of diapers then it was going to take a huge effort. Biff finished up his drink and stood up, fixing his dress and adjusting his bra strap as he did. He told Jon to head upstairs and that he'd be up to change him in a minute. It was about time for Jon to get dressed now anyway. Biff brought his glass and Jon's empty juice box into the kitchen and then followed him upstairs.

He quickly changed Jon and then picked out a dress from his wardrobe. It was a simple dress, like Biff's but in a bright green. He put it on Jon and decided he didn't need tights as it was such a warm day anyway. They made their way downstairs and had some lunch before Biff got back to his chores. Jon followed him around trying to help him but his reduced size meant he wasn't much help. The rest of the day went by fairly quickly and then Biff told Jon it was time for him to get ready. Sarah would be over to babysit in about an hour and Biff had a lot to do to get ready. Jon didn't really know what to do with himself so he just continued to follow Biff, watching him every step of the way as he got ready.

The first thing Biff did was make his way into the bathroom to have a shower. He was so used to Jon being around now that he didn't hesitate in taking his clothes off in front of him. He first pulled off his dress and then reached behind and unhooked his bra. He folded both neatly and placed them on a shelf. Finally, he took off his panties and was about to get in the shower before he felt the urge to pee. Just like he had done this morning, he turned his back to the toilet and lowered his larger rear onto the seat. He kept up conversation with Jon like it was no big deal as he relaxed his muscles and heard the spray of pee hitting the toiler bowl. He wiped himself clean before flushing the toilet and closing the lid. He picked Jon up and sat him down on the toilet seat and got into the shower. Biff washed his hair and then used conditioner. There were so many different bottles in the shower but he knew what most of them were for. He lathered his whole body in soap, taking a little bit longer on his breasts. His hands ran down from his breasts, over his smaller stomach and finally ran over his flat crotch, soaping it up like the rest of him but trying not to think about it too much. A part of him still expected to find his penis sitting proudly down there but this wasn't the case in reality. After rinsing the soap off Biff ran his hands down his legs, noting that they weren't as smooth as they could be. He grabbed his razor and gave them a quick shave. He rinsed off one last time and shut off the shower. He stepped out onto the matt ignoring the stares from Jon. He dried himself off with a towel before wrapping it around his chest and wrapping another one around his head. He headed for his bedroom, asking Jon if he was coming. Jon hopped down from the toilet and eagerly followed.

Inside his room Biff first sat at his vanity table and removed the towel from around his head. He found a hairdryer and brush and got to work on this wet hair, brushing it out as he dried it. This technique gave his hair a lot more volume and he was happy with how it sat on his head. He used a few hair pins to fix the sides into position. He rummaged through the various makeup products on the table. He didn't know what a lot of them were for but he knew enough to apply a light layer of foundation and some eye liner. He finished the simple look off with a bright red lipstick before turning to Jon to ask how he looked. Jon just babbled a few things that Biff didn't understand but he thought he heard he word "pretty" in there somewhere.

Biff, once again, stood up and removed the towel he had been wearing. He found a very soft, silky pair of French cut panties in a navy blue colour. He pulled them up his legs and ran his fingers through the elastic at the legs to get them to sit right. They hugged his butt tight, curving around it and tucking in underneath just a little bit. The result was that his butt looked rounder and tighter than ever. He found a matching bra which he quickly put on. The constant jiggling of his breasts and the extra weight was starting to bother him. With that he picked out the dress the Laura had provided and wiggled his way into it. The dress clung to every curve and looked amazing on him. He heard Jon say "wow" and he giggled and smiled down at him. Lastly, he put on a pair of 3 inch black heels that matched the dress and his outfit was complete. He hadn't really appreciated how long all this would take but a few minutes after he put the shoes on the doorbell rang. Assuming it was Sarah he wiggled his way out of the room and downstairs to let her in.

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