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5. Colin comes home

4. A diaper

3. Two roommates in their mid twe

2. The Randoms!

1. The Drafting Board

Colin comes home

on 2021-11-07 10:44:30

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Colin burst into the room in his usual enthusiastic manner. He greeted Greg, "Hey dude, how was your day?" Greg just gave a generic answer. He studied his roommate for a minute. He had the same obvious bulge in his pants as Greg did. Greg didn't have to wait long for more evidence as Colin took off his coat and said, "Anything good on TV tonight? I've had such a boring day. I just wanna kick back and chill out for the evening. I'm just gonna change my diaper and then ill be straight back. It's fit to burst now, I changed at lunch time but pissed myself again on the bus home." Colin tossed Greg a small bag of weed he'd brought home with him, encouraging him to roll a joint while he took care of his diaper.

Finding himself alone again Colin had some time to process everything. Greg was affected just like he was. He was wearing a diaper and had spoken casually about using it. But Colin didn't seem to think anything strange about these facts. Greg wondered if either of them had any control over when they used their diapers. He figured he'd find out soon enough as he finished off his beer.

A few minutes later, Colin came back into the room. He had changed out of his work clothes and was now wearing a band t shirt. From the waist down he was covered only by his diaper. Another change from The Random, Greg figured. Colin wasn't at all embarrassed about wearing the diaper and was acting completely normal apart from that. He carried two beers in with him and handed one to Greg before sitting down in an armchair opposite his friend. He sat with his legs spread widely, like he often did but now the diaper he was wearing would have made it difficult to sit any other way. Greg finished rolling up the joint he was working on and stole a few glances at his roommate. His diaper was a plain white colour with some cartoon like graphics on the front just beside the velcro straps. It looked just like a baby's diaper apart from the size. It fit very snugly, completely enveloping his crotch.

"Aren't you gonna change too, dude?" Colin asked. Greg was still wearing his work uniform. He wondered if it was a regular thing for both of them to just hang out in their diapers like Colin was doing now. Greg said he was just about to. He handed the joint to Colin and headed for his own room. When he got there he removed his work shirt and jeans, standing for a moment to look at himself in just his diaper. His was light blue and quite childish looking just like Colin's. It fit him just as snugly too. He found his favourite t shirt and put it on before heading back to the living room.

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