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6. That evening

5. Colin comes home

4. A diaper

3. Two roommates in their mid twe

2. The Randoms!

1. The Drafting Board

That evening

on 2021-11-12 08:19:29

535 hits, 60 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Aware FTP MTF Myth NBM Unaware

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As the evening went on both Colin and Greg were smoking a few joints and drinking a few beers. Greg was feeling a good buzz and had pretty much forgotten about the changes caused by The Random. In a bit of a daze he excused himself and headed for the bathroom. Feeling the effects of the beers on his bladder now.

He turned on the light and stepped into the bathroom. It was only when he saw the lack of a toilet that his mind cleared and he looked down at his diaper. "Shit," he thought to himself, "what am I going to do now?" The need to piss was growing more urgent. He was just considering pissing in the sink when he felt his bladder lose control and he filled his diaper. He felt it growing even thicker and a warm feeling enveloped his crotch. He stood still, face red, mortified that he had just lost control like that. But he resigned himself to the fact that he didn't really have any other choice and his using a diaper was seen as normal now anyway. Finished peeing for now, he opened the straps and took the now heavy diaper off. He wiped himself down with some wet wipes and rolled the wipes up in the diaper before putting it in a trash can. He thought about not putting on another diaper and just throwing on a pair of shorts or something but he didn't know how this would be perceived so he instead put on a clean diaper, composed himself and went back to the living room.

Colin didn't seem to notice him coming or going, being a bit stoned and drunk himself.

They watched a bit more TV before Greg decided to go to bed for the night. He said goodnight to Colin who had the same idea himself. Colin had stood up to turn off the TV and tidy up a little bit. He gathered up the empty bottles and turned to say something to Greg. Just as he was about to speak, he stopped on the spot, grunted a little bit and his face went red. A couple of seconds later he stood back up straight and continued on like nothing had happened. Colin just said good night and headed out to the kitchen, this time walking a little bit awkwardly.

"Did he just shit himself right in front of me?" Greg thought to himself. This was getting weirder and weirder. He hoped he might find things back to normal in the morning. Greg headed into his bedroom, not bothering to turn the light on. He lay down on his bed and within a minute he was fast asleep.

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