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29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door

11. Biff gets dressed

10. Kitchen

Next morning (Alt)

on 2021-11-24 09:24:48

988 hits, 132 views, 1 upvotes.

Omni Part Swap SciFi Super TF

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Note: Wanted to explore a bit more where no further changes happen and Biff and Jon just have to deal with the initial changes for longer.

Jon woke up the next morning utterly confused. He had a really deep sleep that night and he was groggy. It often took him a long time to full wake up in the morning. He looked around the strange room he found himself in. It was a very girly room, clearly for a baby with a changing table and baby toys, all in pastel colours. He looked down at himself, he was dressed in a soft nightdress and there was a visible bulge around his waist. He reached down under the hem of the nightie and his hands pushed up against some plastic padding. The texture and the crinkling noise made it obvious to him that he was wearing a diaper. And what was worse it, it felt like he had used it while he slept.

The memories of the last few days came flooding back to Jon. He couldn't believe all this. How could he and Biff be expected to live like this. With a new found determination, Jon resolved that he wasn't gojng to give in that easily again. He quickly climbed out of his crib and quickly pulled the night dress up over his head. His body still looked the same and looking at it in just the diaper he felt ridiculous. He opened the diaper and carefully removed it. He found some wipes and gave his crotch and butt a quick clean. He walked naked over to his dresser and looked at his options. The majority of the drawers had clothes for a baby girl but in his size. He skipped over these and went to the bottom drawer where he had stuffed the guy clothes Biff had bought for him the other day. He pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, happy to feel normal again. Next he put on a t shirt and pair of shirts. That was much better. He felt much more like himself now. He didn't know what Biff would think about all this but he hoped he could convince him that they didn't have to just roll over and accept these new roles they had been thrown into. Now that he was mostly dressed he made his way downstairs to find Biff.

He found Biff in the kitchen. He was in the middle of brewing a pot of coffee and had some fruit and toast laid out on the table. Biff didn't notice Jon at first and so Jon just studied Biff for a while. Biff, unlike Jon, was dressed for his new role. He was wearing a white blouse and a pair of navy women's pants. There was a woman's blazer on the back of a chair that matched the pants he was wearing. It was obviously part of the same suit. Jon could make out the straps of a bra underneath Biff's blouse.

Jon decided to just play it cool and hope that Biff might see how ridiculous this whole situation was. He said "Good Morning" to Biff and sat down at the table. Biff replied to him and then stared at Jon as he walked to the table.

"Jon, you know I have to drop you to daycare today? I have to go to work and I can't leave you here. We can't become shut ins here. We have to get on with things." Biff started.

"Uh, yeah, about that." Jon started to reply. "I can't do it Biff. I can't wear a diaper or some stupid dress for one more minute. You might have accepted your new role but at least you still get to be an adult. How can you expect me to spend the day with a bunch of babies in a daycare? They won't even let me use the toilet so I'd have to rely on my diapers. Have you any idea how humiliating that will be for me? "

" I understand Jon", Biff replied with sympathy, "But what choice do we have. To everyone else you're just a cute, two year old girl. How could we even start to explain to people if we reject these roles? I'm all for having a bit of normality in the evenings or at the weekend but only here, at home, and only when we can be sure no one will see us."

Jon sensed that he was losing the argument and he started to get angry. Biff wouldn't physically force him into diapers, would he? He stood up and started to raise his voice. As he started to shout he noticed Biff glancing down at his crotch. Jon didn't notice it at first but a dark, wet patch was forming on the front of his pants. He followed Biff's eyes down and stopped his shouting. The patch was growing bigger. He was peeing in his pants. He urgently tried to control himself but it was hopeless. The pee just kept coming. Jon slumped back down into his chair, utterly defeated. His anger had vanished but now he was mortified and had to fight back the tears.

Biff didn't take advantage and use this to admonish Jon or humiliate him further. Instead he spoke to Jon in a calm, loving tone. He explained that this proved his point. If Jon couldn't go half an hour without wetting himself then the diapers were essential. And to fit in at the daycare he'd have to dress the part.

Jon could barely look Biff in the eye but he knew he'd lost the battle. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he sadly admitted Biff was right. Jon made his way back upstairs to strip out of his clothes and have a quick shower.

When he got out if the shower he saw Biff had left some clothes out for him. A clean diaper and a pair of tights, t shirt and light green dungaree shorts. Jon knew arguing was pointless so he lay on the floor and put the diaper under him and managed to secure the clasps himself. He rolled the tights up and pulled them up over the top of his diaper. The t shirt was easy and then he stepped into the dungarees and fastened the buckles of each strap. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror. The diaper caused a big bulge all around his crotch but at least he wasn't in a dress, he thought to himself, trying to find even a sliver of hope in all this.

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