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30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door

11. Biff gets dressed


on 2021-11-24 10:44:53

1103 hits, 102 views, 0 upvotes.


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Jon came back downstairs to see Biff putting on his coat. Biff smiled at him and said, "Thanks Jon. I know this is really hard for you but I need you to play along for now. When we get home this evening we'll try to figure things out but who knows how long this will go on and I need to keep my job to pay the bills."

"I know, Biff", Jon replied, "I'm just finding this really hard. It's so embarrassing to lose control and soak my diaper but I don't know what I can do about it. I don't even notice until it's already happened. I'll play my part for now. It might be a bit less embarrassing if I just get into the role of a baby today."

" Glad to hear it Jon. We really don't have any option. And I promise, as soon as we get home this evening, you can change out of those baby clothes if you like. I don't want you to be miserable."

With the matter settled for now, Biff handed Jon a coat and they headed out to the car. To keep up appearances Biff helped Jon into his seat and fastened his straps. Jon got an up close and personal look at Biff while he was doing this. His clothes looked very professional, for a woman that is. And Jon got a faint sniff of some flowery perfume from Biff too.

The drive to the daycare didn't take long and Jon had to muster up some courage to get out of the car. He allowed Biff to put his little Peppa Pig school bag on his shoulders and taking Biff's hand he allowed himself be lead in the door.

One of the staff greeted them at the door and immediately hunkered down in front of Jon and welcomed him in. The first thing Jon noticed was how good looking she was but sadly, he knew he didn't have even the slightest chance as she was talking to him and looking at him like he was a two year old girl. She ushered Biff out the door and then lead Jon into the main room. It was a flurry of activity, with kids of various ages playing and chattering away to each other. Jon made his way over to two girls who were colouring at a big table. They both smiled at him and attempted to speak but didn't form any actual words. Jon said hi but was careful not to say anything else in case he was overheard. He sat with them and started to colour too. After a few minutes he noticed that his colouring was years ahead of what they could manage so he deliberately started to mess it up a bit. The teachers were hovering around the room, keeping an eye on everything. One of them stopped at Jon and his friends to compliment them on their work.

Jon decided to test the limits of this new reality he found himself in and looked up at the woman and said, "I was colouring mine in a bit too well so I decided to mess it up a bit to fit in better with my two friends here." The teacher just continued to smile at him and he could tell she didn't understand anything he had said. She just patted him on the head and said,"Yes. Sweetie. You did a great job. We'll put this one in your bag to show mommy." Jon wasn't sure if he should be surprised or annoyed that she hadn't understood him. At least it might make blending in a bit easier.

As the day went on, Jon tried to distract himself and just go with the flow. At one point the attractive teacher who had met him at the door came over to ask him if he needed to be changed. This was one thing he had been dreading. He looked at her and told her that he was fine but again, she didn't seem to understand him and instead she reached her hand inside the leg of his dungaree shorts and gave his diaper a little squeeze to check if it was wet. Jon was shocked to have such an attractive woman out her hands so close to his junk. He was further surprised when her invasive move had confirmed to her that he in fact had wet his diaper. Jon had no idea when it had happened but now that she mentioned it he could feel that it was cold and wet. She led Jon into a separate room and helped him up onto a changing table. She opened his diaper and removed it. Jon now felt extremely exposed. He hoped he didn't get an erection but was fairly sure she wouldn't even notice if he did. Instead he looked away until she was finished. Before long, he was in a clean diaper and back on his feet. He went back into the room and got back to playing, hoping it might make the way go quicker.

The whole day seemed to be planned out. Playtime was followed by snack time, then some time outside. After that was lunch and then some story books were read to the kids as they all sat down on soft mats. Jon watched as the other kids drifted off to sleep one by one. He didn't notice himself yawn and quickly followed them.

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