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31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door


on 2021-11-26 05:58:35

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Jon felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a warm voice saying, "Come on sweetie. Time to wake up. Mommy will be collecting you soon."

He didn't know how long he was asleep but as he started to stir he was sure if one thing. He had been asleep long enough to soak his diaper again. He could feel it sagging as he got to his feet. He reached down to give it a squeeze to confirm that it was soaked. He looked at the woman who had been waking him and saw it was the same, attractive woman from earlier. She noticed him squeezing his diaper and knew what that meant. She took his hand and lead him to the changing room. She was talking away to him the whole time but Jon wasn't replying. He was still tired and now was super embarrassed to require changing again. He didn't resist and simply climbed up onto the changing table and lay back.

The woman opened the snaps in the crotch of his dungarees and quickly removed his diaper. Jon looked into her eyes and said, "Ugh. I'm sorry you have to do this. This is so embarrassing for me. I just can't help myself now. What I wouldn't give to be able to use the toilet again."

The woman simply smiled at him, showing no signs of having understood a word he said. She cheerily replied, "That's right honey. We'll get a clean diaper on you and you can get ready for home time. You're just the cutest. Yes, you are."

Jon was amused by this. He could basically say whatever he wanted and all she would hear is a baby babbling. He allowed himself to be helped down and lead back to the main room. A lot of the other kids had already been collected and the energy in the room was much calmer compared to earlier. Happy to be out if the wet diaper, Jon amused himself with some building blocks as he waited for Biff.

He didn't have to wait long as a few minutes later he saw Biff parking outside and sauntering towards the door. Biff came in and greeted the woman who had changed Jon. Biff smiled at Jon and Jon smiled back. He was genuinely happy to see Biff and go home. He waddled over to Biff, his diaper preventing him from walking normally. As he got closer he said, "Hey Biff. Glad you're here. I'm getting bored now and just want to go home and get out if these dumb baby clothes."
Biff looked at Jon with surprise. He glanced at the teacher, expecting her to be surprised by the way Jon was talking but she didn't seem to notice. She just remarked that Jon seemed happy to see Biff and she would see them both again in the morning. Biff took Jon's hand and lead him out to the car. Once they were both in the car Biff turned to face Jon and asked him, "What was all that Jon? Aren't you worried how people will react if you don't play your part?"
Jon replied, "That's the thing Biff. I think you are the only one who can understand me. I spoke normally a few times but people just reacted like I was talking gibberish. It's actually kinda funny. Can I borrow your phone for a minute. I want to test something out?"

Biff was curious to see what Jon wanted to do so he took his phone out of his purse, unlocked it and handed it to Jon. Jon opened up the voice recorder app and hit record. He started to speak into the microphone,
"My name is Jon Gibson. I'm a 16 year old boy. For the last few days I've been forced to live the life of a two year old baby girl."
He stopped recording and then hit the button to play it back. Jon and Biff were both surprised by what they heard. They heard a high pitched m, soft baby voice say,
"Me Jon googaa....aba ga.... Baba... Baba."
"Holy shit Jon. Is that what other people hear when you talk? That's crazy. We're lucky I can understand you. Imagine how much harder this would all be if I didn't." Biff said. Jon agreed. He would probably go crazy if he couldn't talk to Biff. He handed Biff back his phone and Biff started the car to head home.

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