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35. After dinner

34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

After dinner

on 2021-12-03 05:08:29

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Biff could tell from the way Jon was sitting and how he was eating that he was exhausted. He actually found it funny. It was only 7:30 in the evening but Jon could barely keep his eyes open. In his tired state Jon was obviously letting his guard down and some more babyish behaviours were coming through. He had gotten some food on his face around his mouth as he was trying to eat and whenever Biff tried to talk to him Jon's responses were all quite babyish. Wanting to put Jon out of his misery Biff asked him if he would like to go to bed. Jon just nodded with a big yawn and kind of slumped in his chair.

Biff went over to him and decided to try picking him up. Biff was one of the strongest guys in school and could have picked up Jon in the last but when he picked him up now he was surprised with how much lighter Jon actually felt. Biff was able to hold him with one arm. He held Jon next to his chest as he put his chair back in. Jon seemed to be almost in full baby mode now. He was well on his way to falling asleep. He put his arms around Biff's neck and nuzzled his head into Biff's shoulder. Biff rubbed Jon's back with his free hand as he climbed the stairs. He hoped that Jon would stay asleep and give him some time to himself before he needed to go to bed. Biff stopped to look at himself in the hallway mirror. A part of his mind thought it was a ridiculous sight, him a well built football player in a pair of silk pyjamas cradling a other teenager in his arms. But another part saw it as completely natural. While it was obvious Jon was still a teenager the fact that Biff could hold him so easily and the fact that his diaper was clearly visible under his nightie gave Biff the impression that Jon was, in fact, a helpless baby girl. He continued into Jon's room and gently placed him down in the crib. Jon didn't stir and when Biff pulled the blanket over him Jon just smiled to himself and turned over to his side.

Biff tiptoed out of the room and crept down the stairs. Now that Jon was taken care of he could be alone with his thoughts. He grabbed his phone and sat down on the couch, subconsciously tucking his legs in under himself and enjoying the sensual feelings of the silk material on his skin. He opened his phone and reread the text from earlier. Who was this guy? He had to find out. He opened up his Facebook to try to learn more. He hadn't posted anything since his change but when he went to look at his photo albums he knew he'd soon find out what he needed. He saw photo after photo of the pretty woman whose life he found himself living. She was very attractive and seemed quite popular. There were lots of photos of her out with friends. The more recent photos seemed to focus on her darling daughter, Jon. Before that there were lots of photos of this woman with a guy called Ken. That must be who text her. The text had ended with K. Biff learned after a bit of digging that he and Ken had been dating up to about 3 years ago. He filled in some blanks and gathered that when he had become pregnant with Jon this had scared Ken off and the relationship ended. Biff thought this guy must be a bit of a jerk to abandon this woman with her new born baby. He thought about giving this jerk a piece of his mind. He had written several angry texts but deleted each before sending it. There was something stopping him. He could really do with some help. If this guy was willing to share time with Jon now then he should at least try it and see how it went.

He decided on a much more diplomatic response. He told Ken that he was glad to hear he was taking this seriously. It would be good for Jon to spend some time with "her daddy". And he agreed to have a chat on Sunday evening when Jon was back home. Biff hit send on this one and waited. As he waited he looked back at some more of his photos. He started to wonder what his life would be like if he stayed like this. He was glad that the woman everyone saw him as was attractive. But what were his prospects for romance now? He couldn't imagine being intimate with another man but maybe he could try a lesbian relationship.
Biff looked at all this woman's friends on Facebook. He found a lot of them attractive. He saw some group photos of him and his friends at the beach, all dressed in bikinis and looking very happy. As he looked at the photos he felt himself growing aroused. His penis grew hard and was really straining against his panties and pyjama pants. Neither were designed to accommodate his penis, they were meant to sit smoothly against female crotches.

Biff gave his penis a rub through the soft material. It felt amazing but he needed some release. He decided to continue this up in his bed. He quickly and quietly made his way back upstairs and crawled under his covers. His bed sheets were much softer than he was used to and the sensation of his smooth pyjamas sliding over the bed sheets was driving him wild. He squirmed around a bit on the bed and a soft moan escaped his lips. He reached into his pyjamas and felt around the soft material of his panties. He put his hand under the frilly waistband and freed his erection which was ready to blow. He grabbed a few tissues from his locker and did the deed. It only took him a few minutes before he finished. He lay back panting, his erection subsided and his penis retreated back to its cozy home, nestled in his panties. With a satisfied grin, Biff soon drifted off to sleep.

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