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17. differences of experiences

16. Mist: Meeting the new class

15. Mist: First day in class

14. MYST: Biff's back

13. MYST: Biff's new life

12. MYST: The young Harpy

11. A neighbor comes calling...

10. Biff returns home, no sign of

9. MYST: Sphinx standoff

8. MYST: Another fine wish

7. Mikey continues to change

6. Jon hears about Mikey

5. MYST: The Myst falls

4. A new Education

3. Puberty can be different

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Mist: Classroom dynamics

on 2017-07-23 08:57:18

1855 hits, 88 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Herm SciFi

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Mikey took her seat in class. She folded her wings at her side, not really sure.. what to do. This was all so strange to her, not the least because she was in an unfamiliar body and didn't even have her familiar friends or classroom. Why did she have to leave her old class behind? Just because she was this bird.. creature.. thing. She looked down quite glum, moving her new hair aside with a brush of her feathered arms. The desk in front of her looked a lot nicer at least, with a surprising lack of scribbles. 'Probably because they didn't have hands either', Mikey thought with a sudden depressing realisation.

Miss Stella, the fairy-teacher with bright green eyes fluttered to Mikey's desk. It was odd to see a teacher so small compared to the rest of the students and somehow this felt even more awkward. She had some -very- small notes in her hand as she read them. "So Mikey, it looks like you're a good student. Your teacher is full of praise on your reading ability. Do you like reading?" The teacher gave a smile, her strange wings vibrated behind her. Somehow though she was quite small her voice projected quite strong to the room.

"Uh yeah," the young harpy replied still not quite believing her new teacher was this fairy. The whole situation was so stupid that she felt a weird smile creep on her lips. Her eyes moistened with tears and- she just- felt her lips quiver not quite sure what she was thinking or feeling. She wanted to hit her hands on the desk, but settled for her head instead. She didn't quite start sobbing, she didn't want to do that but- oh she was so close...

"Hey hey, please calm down," Miss Stella said. "I know it's going to be an adjustment but you'll be fine here. I'll get some reading assignments for you and we'll take it slow from there okay? Why don't we have a free study period so you all can get to know your new classmate." The fairy looked a bit concerned herself as she fluttered up to Mikey's shoulder and gave her a gentle not so well felt pat there, before fluttering to what looked like a store room.

Mikey raised her head and glanced about, noting the look of odd expression on the other changed students. Some looked confused, others concerned she didn't want to deal with them. She didn't know why she was feeling so put off by it all. In theory she was 'one of them'. A freak.. even their teacher was a freak. She got a teacher that wasn't going to be able to teach her 'anything', just because she was one of them? Why did she have to become this, why couldn't she be with her old friends and old teacher?! She suddenly felt so angry at the situation and just wanted to get out of here-

"Hi!" Another girl stepped up to Mikey. She appeared to be some kind of rabbit-girl. A pretty severe case of one too, with a furry face and long floppy ears. She wore a simple skirt but no stockings as even her legs had fur. Much like Mikey, she wore no shoes. She probably could wear them if she wanted to, but apparently the girl didn't. "So, you're really a mythy huh? I think I'm one too. Rabbits are pretty mythological in some places like the rabbit on the moon or maybe the easter rabbit," she giggled. "No idea why there's a scale to be honest."

Mikey blinked. Scale? So.. because she was a harpy she was on the 'higher' end of some weird new social order? That didn't really make her feel any better but.. "Well- I don't know. I don't.. feel special about it. I'm just a bird.." Mikey looked down at her desk. "I can't even use my hands and I'm covered in these feathers. I don't even want to know what my legs look like under them."

"Oh, you'll get used to it. I'm Alice. Nice to meet you!"

Mikey.. smiled a bit at that. It seemed to take away quite a bit of her glum feelings.

"Yes, I figure my name would cheer you up," The rabbit girl rolled her eyes. "It's not really that bad here. Miss Stella isn't a bad teacher you know. She can sneak up on us though when you least expect it."

Mikey glanced at the storeroom their teacher had gone into. It must be like a labyrinth in there to her. How did she even do anything at her size? "She might not be a bad teacher but is she a good one?" Mikey asked suddenly. "My last teacher was good, and they took her away. I don't want to just leave my class just because they tell me I'll 'fit in' here better. I liked my teacher." The whole thing felt so depressing.

Alice was saddened at that. "I know what you mean. Most of us changed happen a bit sooner then you so most of us got used to it quickly. There's stuff you will learn here things that the others don't get to learn. It's for a good reason though. The other humans can be really mean and it makes it hard to study. Not to mention some of us are a lot stronger then humans and we don't know our own strength. If we got into a fight we can really hurt them." She glanced around. "You don't know about.. tricks do you?"

Mikey frowned. "Tricks? No..."

"Oh! Well, when enough of us are around we can do these weird tricks. It's um there's this special place and-"

Suddenly Miss Stella fluttered back. "Okay Mikey, here's your assignments..." The fairy held a book in her arms- struggling a bit to fly it across. Fortunately it was a paperback though the size of it made it wobble in her small palms.

Mikey looked at the book, and adjusted it a bit with her winged hands to straighten it. "Uh.. thanks."

The fairy smiled a bit seeing Mikey was now in a better mood perhaps after talking to Alice. She fluttered back to her desk, where the odd prisms magnified her presence. Inside though she was a bit worried herself. She took out one small note and glanced at it.

'Teacher suitability assessment' "who tests the testers," she thought with a sigh. There were.. initial concerns of someone so small teaching a class. After all, a teacher needed to demonstrate some 'physical ability' to protect the kids. Not to mention the teacher had to be seen as much as spoken hence the use of these magnifiers. Yet she did fear she was disconnected to them, that a real human teacher would be better. Still there was a short supply of both changed and those willing to teach so for now, she was sure she was fine.

Jon sheepishly walked into class. That last moment with Biff had to be the most awkward thing he had ever been through. He was still blushing red and was trying hard to dismiss this as just teenage pranking gone a bit too far and it would hardly mean anything. Not to himself, or Biff.

Biff walked in next, and was now quite naked. The entire classroom hushed in their talk as they took in the 'new' student. The sphinx girl swished her tail, which seemed quite happy to be free of those confines. No sign of where those ill fitting clothes were now Her yellow fur was slightly matted but was already beginning to recover. Her wings were folded across her huge torso as each lion paw stepped in to the hushed awe of the other students.

James was there also, sitting down innocently. The jock was grinning as he eyed Jon. "Hey, that was quick."

Jon ignored him. He was more interested in watching Biff, as she struggled to sit down on a chair. She slid a big back, then arched her long back. After a bit of precarious balancing she finally sat down on the chair, looking quite tall. Though she slowly bent forwards on her desk, not really wanting to have any more attention on her.

Sarah sighed, feeling quite sorry for her but not really wanting to say anything. What could she say? If she talked to her well- it would only make things worse. For both of them. It was better to just pretend they didn't know each other.

The teacher, Mister Davison entered and.. had a glance to the sphinx. He gave a quiet sigh. It was going to be difficult, but since the change tended to effect the younger most, those who changed when older didn't have anywhere to actually go. It was likely that Biff would be the only changed his own age for quite a few miles- though the number had been increasing lately, short of sending Biff to a 'special academy' there wasn't anything else to be done. Still he decided to just gloss over the young man's transformation as it seemed best. "Welcome back Biff."

"All anyone can see when having sex with her is her back," said one student.

Biff immediately lost it. Like some deep primal instinct in her just suddenly snapped. She turned, her huge paws landing with strength and precision onto the desk behind her, as her own chair fell from the sudden gust of powerful leg muscles. Her huge paws pressed onto the boy who spoke- he didn't even know -who- it was, much less cared. "Who the fuck do you think you are!" She snarled as her claws tore into his clothes, like they were nothing but paper. Biff smelled something odd- he knew that smell instinctively the boy just -wet- himself from the sudden realisation he ticked off someone with the body of a freakin' lion! Her weight was such that the boy was now pressed against the floor prone.

"E-Enough!" The teacher Mister Davison approached but- even he dare not get physical with the sphinx.

"G-Get off me!" The boy pitiably wailed.

Biff pulled in her claws but had her giant paws pressed against his throat on the floor. "So help me if you -dare- move-"

"Biff let go of him now!" Mister Davison raised his voice though he knew there was absolutely -nothing- he could do either.

Biff.. relented and let him go. "Fine. I don't like his smell anyway. He needs to change his pants."

Mister Davison eyed the.. wetness at the boy's jeans. He took a quiet breath. Elliot, you go and.. sort yourself out. Biff you go to the principals office."

"What!" Biff Screeched the entire class room- and Jon as well, gulping.

Elliot didn't even breath as he ran away. His eyes were like those of a frightened deer. He stumbled a bit, just trying to get away from the 'dangerous animal'. If it had gone on for a second longer, he just might have gone into shock.

Davison raised his voice a bit more. "I said go to the principals office Biff! I will decide if you are still welcome in this school let alone classroom!" He meant it. He really did mean it. Biff might just get expelled for this...

Biff huffed and.. slowly made her way out.

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