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63. Biff at work

62. New friend

61. Back to daycare

60. Late lunch

59. Walk in the park

58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

Biff at work

on 2022-03-07 19:09:06

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Meanwhile, Biff's day had been what was now a fairly regular Monday. He busied himself working away in his office. He had to attend a meeting mid morning with about 8 other people. Luckily he wasn't asked to speak during the meeting but as one of his superiors droned on and on Biff took some time to look around the room. He was one of only two "women" in the room. All the men were dressed rather sharply he had to admit, all wearing well fitting suits and nice shoes. Biff looked down at his own shoes. He was wearing high heels today and was sitting with his legs neatly folded. His panty hose covered legs sat under his navy skirt. He thought about wearing slacks and socks like the men in the room but he felt very comfortable in his current outfit. He even enjoyed the feel of his nylon covered legs running together as he walked. And knowing that underneath his professional attire was a sexy pair of black panties with their frilly waistband and delicate pattern made him feel sexy. The matching bra had the same effect and he couldn't imagine going without it. As he glanced down at the front of his blouse he could just make out the outline of his bra underneath. He knew by the way the men in the office looked at him that he must be one of the sexiest women in the office and with his changed attitude from the weekend he was using his feminine charms to maximum effect.

After lunch he had gone to get a drink from the water cooler but found it empty. There was always a spare jug of water left beside the cooler and Biff presumed he could do everyone a favour and change it. He hunkered down to pick it up, being careful to smooth the back of his skirt down as he did but when he grabbed hold of the jug to try to lift it he could barely move it. He stood back up with an exasperated exhale. One of his colleagues was passing and Biff stopped him. He turned to him and in his softest voice asked the man if he wouldn't mind changing it for him. The man, seeing an opportunity to impress a good looking woman was only too happy to help. He bent down and easily lifted the jig and put it on the cooler. He turned to Biff with a smile. Biff had been subconsciously admiring the man's arms as he lifted. He thanked the man and fluttered his eyelashes at him. The guy winked at Biff and walked away. As he winked Biff felt himself blush and his penis became erect. His panties were suddenly feeling uncomfortably tight and he quickly headed back to his office, with his erection bobbing up and down under his skirt as he walked.

Biff sat his desk, legs spread wide due to his erection. His mind was doing somersaults as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He busied himself with work to distract himself. He didn't leave his office again until it was time to go home.

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