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44. Who has it easier: Girl's spor

43. Who has it easier: Jon heads t

42. Who has it easier: Before Scho

41. Who has it easier: waking slow

40. Who has it easier: Dressing fo

39. Who has it easier: Preparing

38. Who has it easier: Jon's Eveni

37. Who has it easier: Date?

36. Who has it easier: Shopping

35. Who has it easier: Lunch

34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

Who has it easier: Girl's sports

on 2022-05-16 06:37:32
Episode last modified by belchest on 2022-05-16 07:44:06

770 hits, 96 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware FTP Magic

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Jon had just said hello to Karyn's friend when he heard a loud whistle. A woman gym teacher had come over to the group and said, "OK ladies, enough chit chat. Split into 4 groups of 11. We'll be playing soccer, girls against girls for now. We've the pitch split in two so 2 teams per half. We'll play 10 minutes a side and then swap opponents. Then we'll have a shirt break and then we'll be playing some mixed games with girls and boys."

The girls seemed to naturally split into teams. Most teams were based on social groups with a few random girls divided out among the teams. Jon joined a team and looked around at his team mates and their opponents. All the girls were dressed similarly to him, in shorts and tees. Every last one of them had sports bras on too. Looking around Jon estimated he was a good 4 inches taller than any of the other girls, as well as much stronger looking. He was average for a guy but would stand out against the girls. "This should be fun," he thought to himself, excited about having a sporting advantage for once in his life.

The game started and Jon took his position in the middle of the field. One of his opponents had the ball and was running right towards him. Normally, he'd be terrified but given his size advantage he simply stood his ground and the other girl bumped into him and easily fell over. He took the ball and ran with it, easily running passed two other girls before taking a shot which went in. Some of his team mates ran over. "Wow Karyn, that was amazing." said one girl. "You've never played like that before," said another. Both girls hugged him in celebration and he relished the feeling of being hugged from both side. He could feel both of their boobs pressing into his arms as they did.

The match continued like this for a while, with Jon completely dominating the field. He was loudly encouraging his team mates, directing them into position and calling for passes when he wanted them.

Karyn was watching all of this with a bit of embarrassment. Jon was taking this way too seriously. She didn't want to have to play for any team after today so she knew she'd have to have a quick word with Jon between games.

During the break, Karyn approached Jon and. She told him it was impressive how well he was playing, adding, "for a girl" with a wink. Jon laughed at this. Karyn then said "but seriously Jon, stop being so competitive." Jon didn't have time to respond before the gym teachers blew their whistles again and started calling out names. They were carefully picking the teams for the mixed gender games to try and balance them well.

Jon made his way over to his team, not noticing the slight sway in his hips that had begun as soon as Karyn made her wish.

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