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15. Cat Girl: Revelation

14. Cat Girl: fun with deprogrammi

13. Cat Girl: la resistance

12. Cat Girl Pet: Karyn

11. Cat Girl: Zoe has a Guest

10. Cat Girl: There is No Such Per

9. Cat Girl: Place

8. Cat Girl: Training

7. First Day (Alt)

6. Cat Girl!

5. Strange Changes

4. The Treatments Begin

3. Bizarre Punishment

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Cat Girl: Revelation

on 2022-05-27 23:22:32
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-28 06:49:52

566 hits, 67 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware Magic Part Theft SciFi Super TF

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Jen was feeling pretty good as she washed her body in the bathtub, with a curtain drawn around it so it could function as a shower, in not a separate bathroom but rather in full view of Karyn in that same strange room they had just had aggressive lesbian sex in. She also felt she was thinking pretty clearly. It was like several fogs had been lifted at once. All her anxiety was gone, and she felt she knew who she was again, and she felt like she had been left only with the best parts of being each species. Well, she still could only speak in cat sounds, but that too felt natural to her. She still felt like she could do anything, and she didn’t even feel small, even though she knew she was, but of course everything is relative and it seemed more to her just like she was in a strange world where everything was just made in oversized proportions. Of course much of this was the fault of the motivational directives to counteract the submissiveness ones Zoe had given her. More than counteract. And it was during her first sexual experience as a female, and with her Karyn no less, so of course she was feeling on top of the world. She was also at peace with her new body and gender, feeling like both a cat girl who was proud of her body and also merely as a heterosexual male who was not upset about being in a sexy female body but rather who could appreciate it as a heterosexual male could. She rubbed deeply into her middle pair of breasts with her sudzed up paws while the little something extra she now had in back wriggled and teased at the entrance to the little something different she had in front. She had certainly driven Karyn wild with her tail a few minutes earlier, it was only natural she would want to try it out on herself too.

“Jon, I mean, Jen, I don’t mean to interfere with your fun just to be a buzzkill, but could you refrain from that for now? I have to wash up too,” Karyn said, slightly annoyed. “And you know I’m the one who has to pay the gas bill, and the water bill.”

“Meow,” Jen said, a bit ashamed of herself. She finished cleaning her body in 2 minutes and switched out with Karyn, but gave her naked body a wolf whistle and thumbs up when she got a good look at it. Jen had figured out that she could still whistle, even though she could no longer talk.

“I think maybe I gave you a bit too much confidence and self determination with that deprogramming,” Karyn tsked at Jen. “But you’re clear on the plan then, right?”

“Meow,” Jen shrugged.

Jen would infiltrate what was believed to be the residence of the rogue furry bioengineer, located about 100 miles away to the south, impersonating one of his pets of which he had so many he probably couldn’t even keep straight, and go in for the kill. The man just couldn’t live a modest life, he always gave himself away with having way too many feline pets and house slaves, even though he had the sense to live in regular upper middle class houses instead of showy mansions. Yet he had always gotten away. He had plenty of muscle hidden in the area, and it would actually take an army to get through to him openly, but if the assassin instead was an innocent looking cat girl pet on the other hand, no one would be paying attention to that.

Nevertheless they wouldn’t be able to drive up very close. Karyn would drop Jen off about a mile away and she would have to walk the rest herself. All this would be in the dead of night tonight, so they had to get a move on.

They finished cleaning up and went back outside. To Jen’s amazement, the vehicle they had come here in was now gone and a different one was parked in its place. Jen had been worried anout that, if that big cat goon had quickly identified them from their vehicle before, now that she was thinking more clearly, it was striking her as a very foolish move to just leave it out in the open parked in the parking lot of their resistance movement’s secret base. Did someone else here switch out the vehicles? Well whatever the cause, it was a relief to see the problem she had been worried about wasn’t a problem. What was with that car though, it had some sort of James Bond sort of device in it to electrocute people on the outside?

“Oh that’s right, it was already a red Ford Focus for a while last week,” Karyn said. “Stupid AI.” Karyn brought out some sort of remote control from a purple purse she had been carrying with her and pressed a few buttons, and before her eyes, Jen watched as that red Ford Focus turned into some other vehicle she didn’t recognize, because Jon had never been an expert on cars or particularly interested in them anyway and wouldn’t know one subtly different car from another, unless it was something super iconic and recognizable like a Delorean or a VW Beetle. But the car now looked completely different. It really was a car up 007’s alley! The technology in this alternate Earth was certainly unexpected. And then she realized, of course, that wasn’t technology from this alternate Earth, that must have been the result of a wish made in this alternate timeline. Jon and Karyn must have had the stone in this alternate world at some point in the past, and had wished for this super vehicle. But then, what happened to the stone after that then? Did they still have it? Surely not or they would have used it to save the world and end the reign of the rogue furry bioengineer.

“All right Jon. Er, ‘Jen’. I’m sorry but it’s hard to get used to that. All right, Jen, I guess we’re ready. Let’s go kill your grandpa.”

Jen walked several paces without thinking too deeply about what Karyn had just said, when it suddenly hit her.

“Meow??!!” Jen said, absolute shock on her face. The rogue furry bioengineer was… her grandfather?!

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