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16. Cat Girl: Confrontation

15. Cat Girl: Revelation

14. Cat Girl: fun with deprogrammi

13. Cat Girl: la resistance

12. Cat Girl Pet: Karyn

11. Cat Girl: Zoe has a Guest

10. Cat Girl: There is No Such Per

9. Cat Girl: Place

8. Cat Girl: Training

7. First Day (Alt)

6. Cat Girl!

5. Strange Changes

4. The Treatments Begin

3. Bizarre Punishment

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Cat Girl: Confrontation

on 2022-05-28 16:29:08
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-29 02:28:05

560 hits, 65 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Body Swap Herm MC MTF NBM TF Unaware

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Jen had been dreading the mile long journey she was going to have to make in her new tiny body, but when she had to follow through with it, was surprised by how easy it was. She really was physically fit as her current self, and found she could run at completely unreasonable and unexpected speeds. A mile long journey was barely even exercise to her as she took the first half of it in about two minutes without particular effort or even getting out of breath. Yet another way it was really cool being like that. But she didn’t want to come into her destination running like it looked liker her life depended on it, so she slowed down to a casual walk for the last half mile, which at her current size was scarcely one mile per hour.

She looked down at herself. As part of her immediate family’s dehumanizing efforts, she had been going around naked, while all the cat people at Karyn’s underground shelter had been wearing casual clothes for young children and for a few minutes only, Jen got to try that style out, which totally made Jen feel like her human self. But apparently the rogue furry bioengineer’s personal pets were equipped somewhere in between, in skimpy outfits. And now for the first time, Jen was wearing slutty sort of clothes. She looked like she was cosplaying as Jeanie from I Dream of Jeanie except with 3 pairs of breasts. It was weird that being totally naked and looking down at her newly female body with her sexy tits didn’t bother her or make her reconsider things, she just enjoyed that, while she now felt at her most awkward since coming to this alternate world. She didn’t like dressing this way. It really hit her now, how weird it was, that she was now female, that she was a cat girl, and that she potentially always would be. It was weird that this all started with some sexual fantasies while playing with his cock and now after thinking with said cock, he no longer had it. But she reminded herself that it wasn’t bad. She enjoyed it, and Karyn enjoyed it. She could certainly easily live with it, and she honestly didn’t miss what she had lost and more valued what she had gained. In a weird way it was most weird to her at the moment just that she had the option of dressing this way.

She finally got to the house. She still had a mission to accomplish. One she really didn’t want to do. To kill her own grandfather, who she had only just learned she had gotten back upon becoming a part of this strange world. But apparently he was oppressing the whole world. It sounded like this was an evil version of her grandpa.

She witnessed another cat girl pet dressed much like Jeanie from I Dream of Jeanie enter the house through a cat door, so Jen appeared at least not to be out of place. She squeezed through the pet door herself and was suspiciously regarded by the one who had just gone in before her as well as two others. One of them hissed at her. Jen held out her paws parallel to the ground and meowed frantically as if in desperate denial of any wrongdoing, while one of the three others sniffed at her, and then touched noses with her, while Jen tentatively purred at her. They all sniffed at her a bit, and then seemed to accept her. But Jen needed to remind herself not to rest easy, even if they had accepted some mental programming, they still had human comparable intelligence and weren’t going to be satiated and satisfied just by sniffing at her. That was when a surprising thing happened.

One of them, who wore a necklace which looked just to be part of her outfit, said “Who are you?” She hadn’t herself spoken, but the sound had come from the necklace, which glowed white as it made the sound.

“Meowww…” Jen said, as if to say ummm, and then the one wearing the necklace slipped another necklace around Jen’s neck, though hers more resembled a collar.

“Is that going to let me talk too, oh holy shit!” Jen’s necklace said in a high piched but sultry voice. “Oh no, it’s reading my thoughts, ok, I just have to not think about anything. Oh no, I can’t not think about anything, they’re going to find out why I’m here!” Jen covered her mouth. “Of course I’m not talking with my mouth so covering my mouth won’t stop myself from spilling the beans blah blah blah blah Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb!”

“Why are you here?” the other cat girl pet in the necklace asked.

“I’m totally not here to kill your master and save the world blah blah blah yeah that’ll work I’m so screwed nice going Jon…” Jen blundered into saying.

“Jon? As in Jon Gibson?”

“Yes I am Jon Gibson but I am also going by Jen now since I’m a girl now I like being a girl it’s so fun not having a dick oh god how the hell do you control your thoughts and only say what you want to say no don’t think about sex they’ll think I’m a pervert I wish Karyn would fuck me so hard I want to have her kittens I want her to fill me with kittens no stop thinking that”

The two cat girls not wearing translation necklaces were trying hard to hold back the giggles, and then one of them broke down into quiet half meow half laughs, while the one interrogating her didn’t even smile or show a shred of any emotion.

“I have a very disciplined mind,” the professional seeming one wearing the necklace said back matter of factly. “How were you planning on killing our master?”

“Don’t think about the needle in the hair clip oh god damn it!”

The one who had been speaking to Jen through the necklace swiftly swept away the hairclip from Jen’s hair with a paw faster than Jen could even think of reacting. And of course to her continued embarrassment, that necklace continued to announce every little thought that crossed Jen’s mind. “Oh shit she’s frighteningly fast, that’s speed like I imagine a superhero might possess. I wonder if she has superpowers she’s so cool if things were different she Karyn and me could have been lovers that would have been nice, but she’s very dangerous, they’re all still really pretty though at least 9.5 I wonder what lesbian sex with them would be like, I hope they don’t hate me but they probably do, I don’t want such pretty girls to hate me, I don’t think she’s a mere cat girl pet defending her master, she’s probably actually a professional guard, and not all of the ‘cat folk supersoldiers’ take the form of dumb 8 foot tall oafs. There probably was never any getting through grandpa’s defenses. I’m such a dumbass just thinking all this I can’t hide anything they even all know I think they’re hot and they’re all going to make fun of me now this is so embarrassing.”

At this point the two with the giggles had gotten over it, as Jen’s humiliating exposition of thoughts were kind of awkward at this point and they felt a bit sorry for her, and besides it made them feel good to hear she thought they were pretty.

“Do you have anything else as a fallback after the hairpin.”

“No I’m just a powerless weak stupid pathetic cat girl I can’t do anything I suck so hard.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. Also if it makes you feel better about it, you wouldn’t have stood a chance against me when you were a human male either. Follow me,” she said to Jen.

“Where are we going, a dungeon of course of course it’s going to be a dungeon and then they won’t even need to torture me for information because I’ll just tell them everything because of this damn collar and then they’ll capture Karyn and all those cat people she’s trying to rescue and it’s all my fault…”

“I’m taking you to see your grandfather. Also known as the rogue furry bioengineer.”

“Of course you might as well send me to him since I’m powerless so he can gloat before I’m executed.”

“On the contrary, he has been expecting you, and very much wants to see how his grandson is doing and cares about him very much.” She knocked on a door, and a strangely feminine voice from the other side was heard saying “Come in.”

The dangerous and powerful cat girl opened the door and then the entourage of cat girls filed into the room.

“How are you doing Jon?”

Jon/Jen looked with her jaw dropped, while her talking necklace/collar just would not shut up, “Oh my god, he turned himself into a hot young cat girl too except full human size Jesus she’s hot and she looks like she’s 20 years old damn that probably means he’s really cracked biology entirely oh god that’s my grandpa stop thinking about how hot she is shit she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen no stop that stupid stupid…”

“I’ve missed you too, Jon, and if you don’t mind me saying, you look pretty good like that too,” the rogue furry bioengineer said, with a slight smirk, the tip of her tail twitching just a bit.

“Shit that’s hot too maybe I should twitch my tail like that,” her collar betrayed of her thoughts.

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