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6. Jon plays damage control

5. Escalating things further

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Goddesses: Figuring this out

on 2022-06-06 02:00:02
Episode last modified by Enjeubleu on 2022-06-10 06:20:00

1337 hits, 133 views, 4 upvotes.

Body Swap FTP Musc Part Swap SciFi

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They sat in stunned silence for several moments, processing the rules that were now firmly implanted in their minds.

“Well, crap,” Karyn said to Jon, her tantalizing form still draped along his bed. “I guess I’m a goddess now, sorta? I’d say it was the coolest thing ever, if it wasn’t so… This.”

Jon winced apologetically. “I’m hating this as much as you do. But at least the rock’s safe and sound, right? Like, better me than Biff, or the cheerleaders…”

“Well I don’t want to be your freaking slave, Jon!” Sarah spat out shakily. “I have a life! I’m the queen of the school! I can’t be stuck with some… Some…”

She gave a “hmph!” as the insult failed to reach her lips.

“She’s got a point there,” Karyn said, though glaring at Sarah. “If the wishes are retroactive, what happens to us?”

“I… Didn’t even think of that,” Jon said. “Best case, everything’s fine and everyone thinks you’ve always looked like this. Worst case…”

“Nobody remembers us. Fantastic”

“Are you serious?” Sarah interrupted. “My family can’t even recognize me? This is the worst!

“I-it’s okay! Probably!” Jon said. “Look. We can still make most wishes. How about I try wishing you back to your lives, and we take night to just… Process this.”

“Usual spot, tomorrow?” Karyn asked.

“That works. Let’s try for morning break—oh, right, we’re talking about the tree with the blue branch, Sarah.”

“I hate this. I hate this so, so much.”

“Great,” Jon gave another apologetic glance to Karyn. “I’m gonna make another wish. Is that okay?”

A pause.

“…Yeah, of course,” Karyn said. “Thanks for checking, though. I… No, let’s get it over with.”

A deep breath. “I wish the stone’s avatars would live out the lives of Karyn Black and Sarah McMillan, while still staying in line with the aforementioned rules. I also wish for Karyn and Sarah to be teleported back to their homes, with no one the wiser.”

Karyn squeaked as her thighs slammed together. Sensations of warmth and yearning overwhelmed her curvaceous form, pulsing harder and harder until she could do little else but moan and clutch Jon’s at bedsheets.

“Mpmphmm…! Okay… Yeah, this is… F-fuuuuck!”

For just a second, the sensations slowed. Karyn could feel the magic swirling inside her, vague ideas and images of how the wish could be granted… But then it got bored of waiting for her and ruptured out.

“G-granted!” Karyn mewled, her pendulum hips buckling side-to-side with haphazard relief, the pleasure too sudden and massive to bear.

Everything went white. Jon opened his eyes to find himself alone. He gave a slow, unsteady sigh, and tried so very hard to ignore the growing tenseness between his legs.

“It’s okay, Jon,” He finally said to himself. “If grandpa could handle the stone, so can you. Even if everything has to be weird and horny now.”

He gazed at the stone. Then he remembered what started this whole mess.

“I wish Sarah won’t try stealing the stone anymore.”

And with that, he went to take the longest cold shower of his life.

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