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8. Door to door werewolf service

7. Stanley gives in to put on a t

6. Stanley’s ex-girlfriend

5. the old fashioned solution

4. completing the look

3. Karen asks for a little sanity

2. A slip of the tongue...

1. You Are What You Wish

Door to door werewolf service

on 2022-06-16 08:10:35
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-06-16 08:30:41

384 hits, 40 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Aware FTM FTP MC Magic Musc Part Theft SciFi

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“Do you have anyone in mind?” Clara asked Stan.

“Anyone in mind?”


“I don’t know what you mean,” Stan said confused.

“What do you mean what do I mean, it was your idea!”

“What was my idea?”

“Converting new people into werewolves, do you have any two people in particular in mind as recipients of these two tails! Do you want to just go out and attack the first two people we find at random and hold them down and attach the tails to them? What was your plan for converting new werewolves.”

“…Oh god, I’m such an idiot.”

“It’s ok, you’re under a lot of stress,” Clara said, sensuously rubbing Stan’s shoulders from behind, standing around her massive bushy tails while Stan awkwardly unintentionally started trying to wag them. Clara started laughing, and then Stan did too.

“It’s so weird hearing your laugh and knowing that’s you Stan.”

“Yeah I know, I sound like a girl now,” Stan said with embarrassment.

“Well yeah, but what I meant was that it sounds totally adorable,” Clara said back. “It is weird to realize that’s your voice but it also makes me happy to hear it. I wouldn’t mind hearing it more often.”

“Well, well anyway, let’s try asking the neighbors if they want these tails. There are only two of them for now. We’ll just go door to door asking around until we get two takers.”

Clara looked over at wonder at Stan as they departed, as she was surrounded by her own luxurious furry tails wrapped around her body and also carried the two severed ones. Clara was thinking about offering to carry one or even both of them, but also thought it seemed like Stanley wanted to feel like a man by carrying everything and didn’t want to take that away from her if that was what she wanted.

It turned out that it was actually pretty hard to convince random people at their front doors to pull down their pants and let you stick bleeding giant wolf tails on their butts under normal conditions, but when you also told them it would turn them into werewolf girls, it also got them to think you were crazy. And the tails were still bloody. They weren’t healing over on their ends like the four tails had been when Stan brought them home. It was after their fourth house that the cops pulled over next to them to tell them there had been some complaints and that they needed to stop. They didn’t have the boldness to ask the cop if he wanted to put on a tail and be converted into a female werewolf. Making a regular person think you’re crazy was one thing, but do that to a cop and you’ll probably end up in jail.

“Let’s just go back and you put them on me after all,” Clara said.

“What?” Stan said. “But then you’d just be stuck with three tails too.”

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” Clara said with jealousy, eyeing Stan’s three tails. “I told you I wouldn’t mind matching you.”

“Clara, these things weigh about as much as the rest of me combined! It hurts just to walk with them on this tiny body, it’s like carrying a hundred pound backpack though it doesn’t help that you’ve been making me carry around both of the cut off ones on top of that, and as you may have noticed, I can’t even balance with them all behind me, which is why I’ve been walking around with them wrapped around myself. You don’t know what you’re asking to get into. There’s no way I would agree to go along with that.”

“Well I think you’re sexy as hell like that, and I wanted to try out all sorts of sexual things with you, while your tails were wrapped around my body, and my tails were wrapped around yours,” Clara said back.

Stan’s mouth was wide open at that and she didn’t say anything for several seconds. “Well ok then, drop your pants and I’ll put them right on.”

“Shouldn’t we wait until we’re b…”

“I don’t want to risk it, what if the tails go bad in the next few minutes?” Stan said urgently.

“But it’s gotten dark now, you should do it in light so you can see what you’re doing,” Clara said back.

“I’m a werewolf Clara, I can see pretty well in the dark, for god’s sake Clara no one’s around, let me have this!”

“Ok, ok, hold on,” Clara said smiling at the enthusiastic 180 Stanley had just done, as she lowered her pants. “But make sure you do it right, make a triangle with them, put the two new ones below the first one and to the left and right of it, and be careful, rotate them the right way and don’t mess it up ok?”

“I got it I got it,” Stan said. After pondering the exact placement, she expertly connected the tails.

Clara was pleased as she felt feeling in her new parts and finally got what she wanted.

“Perfect. Wow, having 3 is kind of even more amazing, I don’t think I regret this. Hey Stanley whatcha looking at?”

Clara looked over at Stan. After attaching Clara’s new tails, Stan was now looking up at the sky. Clara followed her gaze and looked up. At the full moon. This was still a day of a full moon. And they weren’t looking at it with sunglasses. The two of them stared up at the sky as their bodies changed in other ways. Possessing 3 werewolf tails each now, they were changing to a form physically far surpassing that of a regular werewolf, as they each grew to over 9 feet tall, their bodies filling in with muscles, huge claws growing from their fingers and toes, and instincts of bloodlust filling their minds.

“Oh man, I’m glad I took care of that problem,” Karyn said to herself as she sat down on her currently tailless butt and turned on her television.

“Awoooooooooo!” she heard the sounds of two werewolves howling together in the distance.

“Damn dogs,” Karyn said to herself as she raised the volume of the tv.

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