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3. What harm can a video tape do?

2. Magic items for sale at an ani

1. The Drafting Board

Guide to Magic Girl

on 2022-10-17 17:50:15

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James Wilson had been employed as a ‘logistics assistant’ for almost ten years. Ten very long years, after finishing college. His job was… well boring to say the least he was just an ordinary guy, in a large city of millions of people. He was just shy of six feet tall; he had dulled black hair and… painfully average looks with a clean-shaven face and lightly tanned skin. He was just an average ‘wage slave’ in his thirties in what was mostly a ‘dead end’ job. He enjoyed it for the most part. It paid well enough, but the hours were hard, and he wasn’t sure what else to do… but he did want to do more. It was just hard to find any opportunities now, so he stuck with it.

Having some fun at the anime convention was a nice break.

James didn’t have many friends and given he was in entering his thirties now; he didn’t expect to make any here. (Then again, he never made any friends in his tens, or twenties either) He was here mostly for nostalgia purposes, thinking back when life felt more exciting. There were many shows he recalled and remembered from his childhood, and they made him feel like a kid again.

The man wondered through the crowds looking at various cosplayers cautiously perhaps even wistfully wishing he could have a costume too. Cat-ears, dragons, it was all wonderful. Eventually he found what seemed to be a strange outlet shop.

He stared at the items on display “Oh is that Mjölnir?” At least he could recognise that. He looked at the swords, wan.ds, and other items on display straight from some kind of ‘fantasy anime’ or comic book, rings, cute cat-ears and belts that made tails….

There were also some movies for purchase, but the strange thing was…

… he couldn’t recall ‘any’ of these titles. Maybe he had lost touch? They all seemed unique and perhaps even quite old. Surly he would know the old ones though? He began to go towards the VHS section finding some very old tapes, stumbling onto one that felt… ‘weird’ to him… unique even.

It was innocuous enough. It showed an angel woman with a gentle smile. She had a white dress and white hair… her pose looked hopeful… with a waiting expression. The title on the top was in some weird language. It almost looked Japanese, but it felt ‘off’.

“Can I help you sir?” The store owner, a short woman asked.

James blinked, somehow confused at what he was seeing. She was… so short! Adorable even, almost like a child. James felt a little grin come to his features at the short woman. “Uh… what is this tape?” he asked.

“Hmm….” she wondered over, taking the tape in her tiny hands. “It’s called Guide to becoming a Magical Girl, volume one.” She explained. “The first step towards becoming a magic girl.”

“Oh… some kind of unreleased series?” James enquired. Given the format this had to be in the 80s right?

“Well, actually, the world is facing a crisis and Magical Girls are part of it,” The girl smiled bemused at James. “Who are you thinking of buying it for? I recommend this to a young girl, about ten to sixteen is best. They will get the most out of it.”

“Oh- uh- well my niece maybe?“ James rubbed his hand a bit. He didn’t have anyone or any family of his own… but he did want to know about this new series. It sounded like a fun concept. Would it be wrong if he just… had a look?

The short woman nodded. “Uh huh. Well, if it goes to someone worthy, I suppose you can have it,” The girl nodded passing the tape.

“What… for free?” James blinked in confusion.

“Yep! It’s not like many people can play it.”

James looked at it and nodded. “Well... I feel bad to just take it. Is there nothing I can give in return at all?”

“Being a fan is honestly all I need,” The short woman nodded giving the tape. “Take care now!”

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