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15. The Diagnostic

14. Derailed

13. Breakfast Again

12. Morning

11. Dreams

10. Rattling the Cage

9. Auto Pilot

8. Andrew Tries Reason

7. Andrew Explores the Changes

6. Second Skin

5. Uh Oh

4. Incredibly Bad Timing

3. Breakfast

2. Smart Home Alone

1. The Drafting Board

Smart Home Alone: The Diagnostic

on 2022-10-22 02:32:56

426 hits, 50 views, 1 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Body Swap Herm MC NBM Size TF Unaware

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"Have you noticed..." he started again.

"I am done with these dishes," she said. And those dishes needed to be cleaned.

Andrew began to work putting the dishes in the dishwasher, putting the kitchen back into the order it was before. By the time he was done, she had left the room.

Andrew had barely noticed her leave, but went to find her, starting in the hall, then back at the charging station, then he started up the stairs to the bedrooms, and finally found her in his room, on his computer, playing a game.

He looked around the room. The bed was not made, so his next task was to make the bed. He determined the sheets needed to be changed, and placed the sheets in a nearby basket and made the bed neatly with a fresh set.

Meanwhile, the other occupant of the room was totally engrossed in the video game, and seemed to be doing really well....with almost super-human reflexes.

Andrew then left, seeing that the dirty sheets would now need to be washed. In fact, he completed a series of more activities, including starting to make lunch, where he finally got a chance to talk to the other occupant of the house again.

She was back at the table, finishing the lunch he had prepared.

"My visual analysis indicates that you are a Maidbot," he tried. "Present for inspection."

"Analyze my clothing. Is this the uniform of a Maidbot?"

"It is not."

"Return to your station and run a full diagnostic," she said.

Andrew did as she ordered, the order overriding any other tasks, and he quickly once again found himself zoning out as his body followed instructions. The charging station seemed oddly comfortable this time as he entered, and the door sealed.

The system sent a command to his receiver for him to shut his systems down for diagnostic. In Andrew's case, he interpreted as going to sleep. The diagnostic system noticed a large amount of data being received and transmitted from the unit. It assumed an update must be in progress, and waited for it to complete.

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