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26. Dinner time

25. Pick your battles

24. Flaw

23. Tipping the scales

22. Changing the balance

21. Simple fix

20. Something's bothering Karen

19. Preparations

18. Golden opportunity

17. Smash!

16. Friendly banter

15. Yes

14. Returning

13. Reflecting

12. Karen walks out

11. Jon's explanation

10. Karen is not happy

9. Popping the question

8. Further details

7. Karen teases Jon

Magical Dresser: Dinner Time

on 2022-11-07 16:33:20
Episode last modified by Cellda on 2022-11-07 17:02:51

1519 hits, 198 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon was unsure of how to react. That's when his mother knocked on the door.

"Jon, Karen, dinner!"

Karen bolted upright, sending more undulations through her chest.

Jon replied with a loud, "Be right there!" but his eyes were transfixed on the subsiding motion.

Karen smirked at Jon. "Guess I should put these away, huh?" She mentally unlinked her breast size from the damage meter and recalled her normal chest. Her breasts shrank back down to size, this time without the push-up effect.

"It was fun while it lasted," Jon said soberly.

With one last shove they headed downstairs for dinner.

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