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95. Trevor has a bath

94. Back at Karyns

93. Trevor gets home

92. Biff arrives at Karyns

91. Trevor dreams

90. Karyn gets ready

89. Jon tries to talk to Karyn

88. Sharon bumps into Biff

87. Biff takes a quick detour

86. Karyn brings Jon home

85. Biff's Sexual Tension

84. Ladies room

83. Jon and Biff at the mall

82. Trevor at the mall

81. Trevor faces the day

80. Trevor wakes again

79. Biff and Jon get up and out

78. Trevor's Breakfast

77. Biff's night in

76. Trevor gets home

Trevor has a bath

on 2022-11-11 19:57:39

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Trevor had finished feeding a while ago but he was In no hurry to stop sucking on Sharon's breast. Sharon was happy to allow him to continue, knowing he was comforted and giving her some time to finish her dinner. When she had finished she gently lifted Trevor to a seated position and told him it was time for his bath. Trevor's mind was in a fog from all the milk and from how relaxed he was feeling. He had no idea what Sharon was saying to him but he knew it must be nice from the tone of her voice. He just stared blankly at her with a smile on his face. Sharon was rubbing Trevor back gently through the soft material of his dress. After she had rubbed him for a moment he uncontrollably let out a burp which caused him to giggle. He burped again and actually spat up a bit of milk,which wet the front of his dress slightly. Sharon laughed at this and at the look of pure satisfaction on Trevor's face. She gently removed his dress, leaving him sitting on her lap in just his diaper. Trevor was still a bit confused by everything that was going on and just giggled and leaned forward to hug Sharon, burying his face in her exposed breasts and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. As he did this he started to gain his normal brain function but was reminded of his lack of physical control as he felt himself wetting his diaper again. Sharon noticed his diaper growing a bit heavier and figured this was as good a time as any to bathe him.

She quickly stood up, not bothering to cover her breasts and carried him to the bathroom. She placed him at the side of the tub where he could hold on and balance himself while she filled it. As the water warmed up Sharon decided she was going to join Trevor in the tub. It was hard for her to find time to shower since she had to care for Trevor all day long. Trevor watched eagerly as Sharon removed her dress fully by sliding it down over her hips and letting it drop to the floor. Her opened bra fell with it and without any fuss she removed her panties too and stood naked next to Trevor. Trevor tried not to stare but it was hard for him. He squirmed in his diaper a little as he felt himself growing aroused again. Sharon saw him squirming and took this as a cento take his diaper off. She lifted Trevor over the side of the tun and popped him in before climbing I beside him. Trevor didn't really have the balance to be left alone so Sharon sat with her legs spread and positioned Trevor between her legs as she started to gently rub him with a sponge. Trevor turned his back to Sharon and scotted back a bit. He could feel her breasts pressing up against his back and when he scooted his butt back a bit he felt it coming into contact with Sharon's naked crotch. He tried to control his emotions, not wanting to make a mess in the water so he just tried to relax and enjoy the bath for what it was.

Sharon was being very gentle and caring to Trevor as she washed him all over. He was a bit surprised to feel her running the wet sponge between his legs, cleaning his crotch and his butt. After about 10 minutes Trevor felt himself getting a bit cold and found himself starting to shiver and heard a few whimpers coming out of his mouth. He couldn't help himself. Sharon knew it was time to end the bath so she pulled the plug and stood up before getting out and then lifted Trevor out. She placed him down on a bath mat but was moving fairly quickly. She smiled at Trevor and said, "let's get you dried up baby and into a diaper before you pee all over the floor." Trevor wanted to say that he wasn't going to pee but he had accepted the fact that that wasn't something ghe could promise. He watched Sharon wrap a towel around herself just under her shoulders, covering her breasts. She then very gently patted Trevor dry before carrying him naked back to his room. She then quickly put a clean diaper on him and pulled a pink night dress over his head.

Sharon knew that one more short feed and Trevor would settle down for the night so she carried him over to a chair in his room that she kept just for that purpose. She opened the towel she was wrapped in and was now sitting naked in the chair as she positioned Trevor on her side and encouraged him to have another drink from her breast. Trevor didn't have to be told twice, quickly latching on and before he knew it he was drifting off to sleep.

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