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19. Her first mission is capturing

18. Aqua reports for duty

17. She does

16. Put the uniform on

15. In a Team Rocket Base

14. Misty gets a surprise

13. Misty eats her breakfasts and

12. Misty remembers

11. Having breakfast

10. Misty gets a tour of the gym

9. Meeting up with his sisters

8. Does it up like Misty's

7. Dressing up

6. Misty

5. To Cerulean City

4. Misty or one of her sisters

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Capturing pokemon

on 2022-11-16 12:03:22

108 hits, 8 views, 0 upvotes.

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Looking over the options, one in particular jumped out to Aqua.

"Hm..." she whispered, clicking on the option labeled 'Capturing Pokemon'. As work went, it was on the easier end of things. Which was probably for the best. Even let her go solo.

Looking over the blurb included, Aqua learned she would be going to a nearby Pokemon Center and grabbing as many pokemon as she could.

"Let's get to it then." she thought, a twisted smile forming on her face. Giving one more click, new instructions appearing. Something about grabbing her pokemon for the mission. Which was exactly what she had in mind for the moment.

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