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20. Aqua gets her stuff

19. Her first mission is capturing

18. Aqua reports for duty

17. She does

16. Put the uniform on

15. In a Team Rocket Base

14. Misty gets a surprise

13. Misty eats her breakfasts and

12. Misty remembers

11. Having breakfast

10. Misty gets a tour of the gym

9. Meeting up with his sisters

8. Does it up like Misty's

7. Dressing up

6. Misty

5. To Cerulean City

4. Misty or one of her sisters

3. Lookalike

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Getting kitted up

on 2022-11-16 12:03:56

95 hits, 8 views, 0 upvotes.

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Leaving the mission room, Aqua made a beeline for the supply room. While most grunts usually already had a pokemon, Aqua was an exception to that room. She was fairly certain that some kind of pokemon had been on her person when she signed up, but something had happened to cause it either to abandon her or get taken away. Not that this fact mattered in the grand scheme of things.

Much like the rest of the compound, the concrete architecture had been continued here. To be expected. What oddly wasn't, was the vending machine filled with pokeballs. Aqua made her approach, paying little mind to any of the other grunts who were already in here.

"Here goes nothing." Aqua thought and punched in the vending code. She wasn't completely sure how she knew this particular combination worked, but the thought faded as quickly as it had appeared. Waiting a moment, a pokeball was dropped down. "Perfect."

Scooping her new partner up, Aqua took the time to clip it to her belt. Tempting as it was to punch in a different code, she held off for now. Instead, her attention turned to leaving the supply room and making a beeline for topside.

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