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44. First Stage

43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

40. Chihiro In the House

39. Juro and Akita

38. Waking Up

37. Cold Feet

36. Akita and Natsuji

35. Some Progress

34. The Fitting

33. A Tradition

32. Marriage Proposal

31. Clan Mission 10

30. Mission Aftermath

29. Clan Meeting

28. Kazuya Returns

27. The Elder

26. Clan Mission 9

25. Clan Mission 8

The First Stage

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That got through to them as we got off of the train at our stop. Once we got off the train at the capitol city, we needed to find the secret entrance to the chunin exam venue. That was part of the exam. There were 12 of us in the clan for the exams. That meant we could spread out. They had cellphones for the purpose of this mission. I was taken aback the first time I saw it. They could text us if they found it. We then split up. After an hour, Kyoko was the one to find it. She got the info by finding another squad and giving them all blowjobs. I could not blame her as that was simply part of her job to use sex and espionage to accomplish her goals. "What happened to the guys you met? Will we have them as allies in the exams?" I asked. She shook her head. "No way. Those weaklings could barely last a minute each. I killed them after I got the location." she said, making an annoyed face. "Let's hope the information they had was correct." Keisuke said placatingly. I just rolled my eyes. If they were wrong this would have been a massive waste of time. They had the right place. Rest in Peace.

Once we entered the venue we were told what we needed to do. This was an alternative exit during the construction phase of the city catacombs. The final project saw this one sealed and the other 3 were left for the public, city officials and maintenance crews. The ninja and criminals of the city quickly unsealed this entrance and have been using it for illicit activity and transporting contraband ever since. The first task is to find 1 of 3 scrolls: bright red, light green and dark blue. Then we are to exit any of the 4 entryways. We could search for and acquire the hidden scrolls in whatever way we liked. There were 45 squads so far and only 21 scrolls. More than half of those attending would get failed right at the start. The next stage is among the squads that passed. the first 5 teams got to bypass the tournament altogether and automatically got the rank of chunin. The other 16 would need to win the first round to get it officially. Therefore, only 13 teams of 6, meaning at most 78 ninja would be made chunin. I thought it was brutal. At most because one could die on a winning team.

Due to the strength of numbers, I proposed that we go through the catacombs together. Keisuke liked the idea and we went through with it. Searching the catacombs I decided to look in all of the graves of those that were buried. The amount of traps waiting for me was surprisingly high. I lost a lot of health. Keisuke found a commoner that was out in the open holding a dark blue scroll. Since Keisuke himself found it, there was no doubt that his team should keep it. At the bottom of a pit, there was a light green scroll. There was also a sheer surface and a 21 foot drop. Hibiki found it. I asked if he could get it. He looked at the walls and thought for a moment. "I think if one of us were to rapid dash across the 4 walls, I can get back up." I pat him on the back. "If you think that you can do it, go for it." I encouraged. He scoffed and said "I wouldn't say anything if I didn't think so." Hibiki dropped down and stuck the landing. He was a trained ninja. Hibiki knew how to fall without hurting himself. He got the scroll and crouched. "Clear the hole! I need space." he called up. We all moved back.


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