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7. Eventually Jon goes home.

6. Jon's Power

5. Karyn's Power

4. Discussion, Decision and Disco

3. An obvious match

2. The Perfect Partener

1. You Are What You Wish

Perfect Partners - Jon goes home

on 2022-11-21 04:24:02

927 hits, 147 views, 4 upvotes.

Animal Body Swap FTM FTP Musc Myth Omni Part Theft Size Unaware

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They had spent the next hour making out. Feeling each other’s boobs up. Right up until Jon absolutely had to head home. True to what she had said, Karyn had not changed him back and had shown him how to put his bra back on. This involved him taking his shirt off. Karyn had enjoyed the view.

Walking Jon couldn’t help but be very aware of his altered chest. The slight motion it made in time with his steps, the direction his boobs were moving in lagging a little behind the direction his body was moving. As his steps settled into a steady rhythm, so did his bust. It bounced up and down slightly, but also swayed side to side with the slight sway of his body and the movement of his arms counterbalanced the steps. His arms pulled a little at the skin in his shoulders which in turn pulled a little on his boobs. They pulled back. It all felt new, and unlike the motions of other parts of him his awareness focused on the novel sensations.

It also brought to mind Karyn and what she could do. He knew she wouldn’t do anything that anyone but them would notice, ever, unless she was 100% sure he was alone and would remain so. However, that meant she could swap their… bits. He wasn’t sure she’d leave that alone, hell the fact that she would know he was out in public and wouldn’t be able to do anything made it more likely she might swap him. It depended on how she felt about their first time… seeing those parts of each other.

The part of that train of thought Jon was doing his best to ignore for now was that the suspense, the possibility that he might at any moment become female, at least between his legs, turned him on. He couldn't deny it to himself, the fantasy she’d described was something that he liked. However he also wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about walking around at full mast. It would be easier if she did swap us… he thought Then I wouldn’t have to worry about it showing.

He was suddenly startled by his phone going off. It was a text from Karyn.

“What do you think would be better tomorrow, sword or sheath? Would you take the sheath?”

It was obvious to Jon what she was asking, what would he find in his pants in the morning? He stopped and stared at his phone for a while, which also gave him another reminder of the boobs on his chest, since looking down at his phone meant they were visible. He thought about his response, his arousal grew.

Karyn walked back into her room after saying goodbye to Jon, closing the door behind her. Her mind was swirling with the thoughts about their new status, dating Jon, what he could do to her, what she could do to him.

Why did the stone give Jon the power to control the size of her boobs? Sure she had occasionally wanted them to be bigger before she made her errant wish, but she also didn’t really. Big boobs made her stand out, got attention, she didn’t really like being hit on, at least not by most guys, hence the figure hiding sweater. Maybe that was because part of her knew she wanted Jon all along?

She pulled her shirt off. She turned back, looking at herself in the mirror that was hung on the door. She couldn’t deny that the boobs she’d accidentally wished up looked good, especially now with her new feelings about boobs on boys, from seeing Jon topless while teaching him to put a bra on she thought his were a little nicer… but imagining her boobs on him… well they were very nice boobs. Was that part of it? The stone predicting that she’d enjoy liking boobs and that might lead to wanting her own to be bigger? Or was it that part of her wanted big boobs to feel sexy… but only for Jon?

She couldn’t help imaging Jon, walking around with his new boobs. She had a fairly good idea of what it was like due to her own gains. The extra weight and movement all at once made them hard to ignore, in a way that normal breast development didn’t. She wasn’t exactly flat chested before, but the size increase was substantial enough that it did feel very different.

Differences, movement. Jon had something else that moved as he walked, something she didn’t. She was curious what having a dick felt like… but… well it felt a bit wrong to see Jon’s dick for the first time on her own body… and she felt wrong doing that swap without asking.

She sat on her bed. Continuing to think for some time. Then she grabbed her phone. She thought again for a while, what should she say? It had to be at least a little cryptic, just in case someone else saw the message.

“What do you think would be better tomorrow, sword or sheath? Would you take the sheath?”

She hit send, and found herself nervous. What would he think of her asking that?

Her phone went off, she checked the message, it was Jon. “Surprise Me” was all it said.

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