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24. Henry Wilder and Mal vs. Claw

23. Henry Wilder's Partner

22. Ozmaro Vs. Liam Vs. John Uxon

21. Double Feature

20. Rin and Henry Wilder Vs. Spade

19. New Partner

18. Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

7. Picric

6. Wrestler Name

5. Allocate Points

Picric Tag Team Championship Match

avatar on 2022-12-15 10:33:26

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As the challengers we were up first. I was managing them. Byron was still a bit shocked that he was up for this match. I hope he would be able to perform well. Henry's career depended on it. I personally did not want to see him get fired. Even if they dropped the belt in a couple of weeks, that should be enough to keep him signed with a contract in the company. We made our way to the ring and Henry was super happy. After what happened last week, it was not a surprise he was hoping for a nice repeat performance. I would do my best to keep them in the fight. Then it was time for the champions. They were Raptor and Horse from the Claw and Paw faction. There were a solid 8 beastkin wrestlers in OPW. Most brands did not allow them, but this one was not the best in the world. They took what they could get. Because of this, they all were in a large rivalry showdown with the anti-beastkin faction. They were known as Pet Control. They were always scheming on each other. Sometimes it was pranks via vignette, sometimes it involved the 24/7 title. Raptor and Horse beat 10 men for the title.

Normally, they were going to defend it against 2 members of Pet Control at the pay per view. Henry and I winning put a big wrench in the plans of the rivalry. It was not a huge problem though. If Raptor and Horse won, all things were in order. If they lost, things would just get more interesting. Probably a triple threat tag team match at the pay per view. They made their way to the ring and the belts were raised high by Suzie who was the referee for the match. It was time for the bell to ring. We started up with Raptor and Byron. Both Henry and Byron were no match for the champions. That was clear as day from the way they were both getting manhandled. I was going to have to try and do what I could to keep them in the match. That meant distracting the referee constantly. It also meant yanking my team out of harm's way. I even had to pull the referee out of the ring twice. It was a miracle that I had not been ejected from ringside yet. Suzie was dangerously close to doing that though. I could tell it on her face. That was when a stray kick from Henry laid her flat. Knocked out. Hell broke loose.

Pet Control rushed out and beat up Horse and Raptor. It was 8 on 2 for a bit. Then the rest of Claw and Paw came to help. I knew Henry was the legal man so I grabbed him and took him to safety at ringside. He looked really grateful to be out of the fray. Horse was the other legal man. The 8 on 8 brawl spilled out all over the arena by the time that Suzie was stirring. Horse cleared the 3 members of Pet Control out of the ring. That was before the big faction leader took out a taser. He shocked Horse in the back and the beastkin fell, convulsing on the mat. The leader then rolled out of the ring as Suzie was getting up. I tossed Henry in there and he got the cover. Suzie saw the pin and counted it. Henry got the 3 count and the match was over. I snatched the belts from the announcer. Byron, Henry and I ran the hell out of there. Once we were backstage, I gave them the belts. "Here. You are the new champions." Henry hugged his championship and smiled. "Thanks Rin. Mal! Let's look forward to a great run as champions together." Byron smiled and said "Yeah. Let's do it." Henry then left us.

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