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27. Moving Up

26. OPW Energized

25. Ramifications

24. Henry Wilder and Mal vs. Claw

23. Henry Wilder's Partner

22. Ozmaro Vs. Liam Vs. John Uxon

21. Double Feature

20. Rin and Henry Wilder Vs. Spade

19. New Partner

18. Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

Bigger Goals

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Doing that would make us closer to the Legend and Hall of Fame status. He agreed with me, and we both entered the tournament to become the Television Champion. I wanted to win. There were 8 of us in the running. My first match was with Alvin Milton. I made quick work of him. Then it was Wendolyn Wembley. In the finals, it was just me and John Uxon. He had beaten Benson in the previous round. That really sucked. Benson was managing me though. I could take heart in that fact. It was a very hard fight. He was simply too strong, but I was able get Benson to distract the referee long enough for me to hit him with a low blow and DDT him on a chair Benson slid in earlier under the nose of the ref. Being a heel was great. You could lie cheat and steal your way to the top. With him out cold, I slid the chair away and pinned him. The referee turned around to see me and I got the 3 count. I was a double champion and the next pay per view was still a good month away. That meant that I would be able to add another notch under my belt. Picric was where the others were now. I was happy.

Not only was Byron doing well on Picric as a mid-carder, but Benson and I had more time to shine on our own on Boom. Speaking of Picric. When Liam got to Picric, the first thing he did was demand a title shot from Byron. He could not actually refuse. Henry did. So did the GM. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I know that you're pretty new to how things are done on Picric, but we don't just let randoms call out title shots." "Not without risking it all." he added when Henry began to silently cheer and gloat. The team of Liam and Owen were going to have to go through several tag teams if they wanted that title shot at the pay per view. It was Emerald and Ruby first, then a very fresh Zippy and Zappy, then Pet Control, then Claw and Paw, then the championship match. If they lost any match, they were back of the line for the year for the tag titles. The winners would then face the champions at the new pay per view. Liam was fine with that. He saw himself as more of a singles competitor anyway. He wanted quick and easy gold around his waist since he had to vacate the Television Championship.

They got through the first 2 weeks just fine. It was when Pet Control started to cheat that they got injured. Owen came in clutch with the win, but they were not match for the new configuration of Horse and Ox. They were totally demolished. That made them #1 contenders and Liam began pursuing the International Championship. Henry was getting nervous. This was his first title reign ever. He had been champion for over a month, but he could see the writing on the walls. They were not going to be able to beat Ox in a fair fight. It made him think of what he could possibly do to retain the titles. He decided on making it a ladder match. It would negate his poor skill at wrestling. All he and Byron had to do was climb and take the titles down. Benson and I won our tag titles in a ladder match, so Byron was fine with the concept. It was all a coping strategy to prolong the inevitable. There were a series of vignettes about it. Henry was taking it very seriously with Mal effortlessly outdoing him. Whether it was climbing, lifting, exercising or running. Mal was the better man. Or, sex demon as it were.

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