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219. PEA Try 2

218. PEA Try

217. The Results

216. A Surgery

215. Busy Work

214. Show Offs

213. Rebellion

212. Our PEAs

211. Scouting

210. Recruitment

209. AEP and PEA

208. The Preparations

207. New Target

206. War Footing

205. Picked Up

204. Our Prize

203. The Battle

202. The Bunker

201. Nova City

200. The Payload

The Successes

avatar on 2022-12-21 06:58:11
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2022-12-25 09:16:16

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Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap MC Myth NBM Size Super

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Theta was able to keep it up for the full 5 minutes without issue. "Memory nanite ejection in 10... 9..." he counted down. It seemed it was better to adjust the impact of the thrusts rather than the tempo. It was their first time fucking after all. This time something different happened. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." was what Theta said, like all the ones before him. He then pulled out of 05-003's genital slit. After 25 thrusts, 05-003 had a bit of a panicked look on his face. It was his turn to use his glutes as he gave 3 massive thrusts that managed to jostle the benches a bit. The nanites were expelled. "Major data leakage confirmed. AEP memory chip creation aborted." he said, this time with a relieved sigh. I saw that something definitely changed. Something after 25 thrusts was happening and it put pressure on him. That was all the critical successes that we had. The normal successes could get it done, but it was less likely. We started off with Eta. He really wanted to prove himself. I could see from how he strut over that he wanted to show off. Eta was also looking right at me for every step of it.

With direct eye contact, Eta said "Memory nanite volume sufficient." I decided to play along with him. Maybe him feeling better about himself would push him to do better here. "This toy is even worse that the others. At least they were not obsessed with you like a human child." Eta was pissed off. "That's not fucking true! I worked hard for this moment" he argued. "Taking inventory of the labs!? So labor intensive." 05-003 mocked him. Eta looked really unsettled. "Just ignore him. He's the one trapped and held prisoner. Not you." I said. Sticking up for my clanmates was something that I was not shy about. Eta was able to shake it off. "Initiating penetration." he said tersely. I hoped he would be fine after this. The initial penetration was good. Eta used a hand to stifle his moan. "Attempting high tempo thrust rhythm." he said after taking a deep breath. That was certainly bold. Epsilon could not handle moderate and he actually had a critical success. Eta could not handle it either. He lost the tempo much more than Epsilon. It delayed the ejection greatly. Worse, he slipped outside during the ejection.

It was right at the end of the countdown. There was nothing he could do to stop it. Black nanites slashed over 05-003's tummy. They were black because it was so new. I just facepalmed at the sight of this critical failure. From my notes, the nanites changed color as the unit in question progressed. From 5 to 9.9% the nanites were black. It looked like an oil spill. From 10 to 19.9% they were white. At 20% they turned red. At 30% yellow. Then green, blue and purple. At 70%, the memory nanites turned brown and then a cool bronze at 80%. Next was silver at 90%. It became gold and sparkly at 100% The memory chips produced had the same color scheme. Even when you had a nice chip, you could always upgrade it by going on more missions. If you died along the way, you were simply resurrected in another body with the progress you had from the time that chip was made. Looking back to Eta, he was on the verge of tears. "Memory nanite ejection error." he reported in shame. "What did I tell you? A useless toy, too busy shaking his tail for a human." the AEP unit said. I said "Try it again." I told him. He nodded.

Eta got back into and lined up his dick with the genital slit. That was when it went soft. He gasped. I asked what was wrong. "Memory nanite volume insufficient." he told me sadly. Well, there was nothing anyone could do about that. Eta got up and joined me. It was now time for our first female to try this. I told Gamma to go. She straddled him and pressed her pussy against his genital slit. "Memory nanite volume sufficient. Requesting retrieval link." she said out loud. From what I read, the AEP unit, who was technically both sexes, could grow a dick and slurp up the nanites from inside female PEA units. It was the reason they could make one even though they had not been given their sexual upgrades. 05-003 shifted his hips a bit. It was supposed to be automatic. However, he was hostile. "Req-request... denied." he stuttered a bit. It was taking a lot out of the little energy he had been given to just resist forming the dick. She asked twice more, but he still refused. She came back over to us and shrugged. It was not like she could force him to get hard if 05-003 did not want to. That was it.

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