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38. Who has it easier: Jon's Eveni

37. Who has it easier: Date?

36. Who has it easier: Shopping

35. Who has it easier: Lunch

34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

24. Who has it easier: The end of

23. Who has it easier: The end of

22. Gym Class

21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

Who has it easier: Jon's Evening

on 2017-02-02 15:29:35

1429 hits, 83 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware Inanimate MC Part Theft SciFi Size

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Relieved to find the house empty, Jon hurried up to Karyn's room and the first thing he did was take his jeans off. Due to the tightness he had to almost peel them off and doing so he saw his smooth, shaved legs that he had forgotten about. With the jeans off he was now slightly more comfortable but the panties were still very tight and struggling to hold his erection in. He wanted to take them off too but was worried someone might come in and see him. Deciding that he needed a distraction Jon decided to immerse himself in Karyn's homework. He didn't have too much to do so he hoped to have it done before dinner.

Jon was just finishing his homework when he heard Karyn's mom and brother coming in the front door. His plan had worked and his erection was gone. His penis was now comfortably contained inside the panties. He had just put his books away and stood up when he heard Karyn's brother bounding up the stairs. He burst into Karyn's room to tell Jon that dinner was on the table. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his sister standing in her room in just a top and a pair of panties.

"Jeez Karyn, put some pants on, will you? Mom brought home pizza and it's on the table." Karyn's brother said. Jon could feel his eyes drawn to the panties.
Embarrassed Jon told him to get out and that he'd be down in a minute. He quickly grabbed the sweatpants he had worn yesterday and pulled them on. They felt nice on his smooth legs, he thought to him. He hurried down for dinner, only now realizing how hungry he was.

Karyn's mom and brother were already eating at the table. Her dad was working late, Jon discovered. Karyn's brother made no comment about what he had seen upstairs and Jon hoped that would be the end of it.
The family made small talk over dinner. Jon told Karyn's mom that he was going out with Jon tomorrow night but didn't go into details. He didn't want to have to deal with the embarrassment of calling it a date.

Jon quickly ate some pizza and made his excuses to go back up to Karyn's room. He knew Karyn would be expecting a big effort on his part for the date tomorrow night and he wanted to be prepared. He had no clue what was involved so he decided to pick and outfit tonight and try to figure it all out.

Safely back in Karyn's room Jon took off the sweatpants and his top. He made sure the door was locked and decided to strip off completely so he could feel some kind of normality before having to go even further into the world of femininity and try on a dress.

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