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12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: Lunch

avatar on 2018-02-21 14:02:33
Episode last modified by Austea on 2018-02-21 15:36:45

1495 hits, 65 views, 1 upvotes.


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Like usual the cafeteria was pretty full. Food was pretty good so most of the students chose to eat in cafeteria, though some do prefer to bring to school their own lunch. There were plenty of tables with students gathered into their preferred cliques. Jennifer, Karyn, Lucy and Claire had already occupied one of the tables in the corner of cafeteria, sitting around it with their own food trays, chatting a bit while they were eating.

Karyn looked at Jennifer "So, Jen - what did you do during spring break?" she asked. Both Lucy and Claire raised their heads from food as well to listen into conversation.

Jennifer thought for a bit about what to say. She knew what she did during spring break as Jon in the old reality. But she could not quite tell if there were any changes. "My grandpa passed away pretty much at the start of spring break in old reality. Family did not had any plans during break and a lot of time was spent in funeral... Did it happen here too? It should have, I did get inheritance..." Jennifer tried really hard to remember what happened and felt new memories enter her mind.


It was first day of spring break and whole family were excitedly packing up for a trip out of town. Jennifer was bit sad she would not get to spend time with her girlfriend, since Karyn would spent the break with her parents in the mountains. Nonetheless, spending some time with her parents and siblings out of town would be nice as well. Her parents rented out a large cabin in a forest. There was a nearby lake and whole place was very beautiful and quite away from any modern things. The plan was to spend the week without phones and computers to fish, take walk in forest, dip into lake (even if water was still bit cold at this time of spring) and just generally relax and have fun. Jennifer honestly was looking forward to it as she packed her camera, hoping to take many good pictures during trip. As she was packing she heard a phone ring downstairs and heard mom picking it up. Jennifer did not pay the call any attention as she tried to choose which sweater to take with her.

A minute or so later, just as Jennifer was almost done with her packing, she heard a knock on her door. "Jen? Can I come in?" Her mother's voice sounded from behind the door and Jennifer could instantly tell that something was wrong. It sounded weak. Sad. She got worried and walked to the door, opening it, seeing a teary face of her mother and worried faces of Jacob, Zoe and her dad behind her.

"Mom? What is wrong?" Jennifer asked softly and could see everyone's attention gathering towards her mother.

Her mother took few moments to compose herself "It's... my father... your grandpa... he is... gone."


The funeral was small. Only grandfather's closest friends and family members attended. Jennifer thought her grandpa would have liked that. He always hated crowds and huge gatherings. The weather was gloomy. Somber. Fitting for the funeral. If there could even be a fitting weather for such occasion. Jennifer was standing together with her family, all dressed in black. She wanted to not cry. She did not want to say goodbye. But tears spilled out of her eyes silently. Betraying her emotions.

She tried to remember the best moments she had with her grandpa. How he would teach her how to carefully unearth fossils in her sand pit when she was little, having hidden something there in the sand day previously. She remembered how he used to tell her stories from his expeditions and how he even took her once to one of dig sites, where both of them uncovered an animal skull. She remembered how he used to teach her about ancient civilizations and their symbols, how his expertly woven tales of how people used to live in past would awaken inside her a sense of wonder and awe. He was one of her best friends and she loved him.

And now he was gone.

She saw how her family one by one walked towards the coffin, placing a flower on top of it and saying their final goodbye. Soon it was her turn. She walked towards coffin and looked at it for a moment, placing her own red rose on it. Her grandpa always liked roses. She gave her flower a sad smile and softly whispered "Goodbye, grandpa."

Soon all the flowers were placed and the coffin was slowly lowered down below. Jennifer could hear Zoe next to her starting to sob loudly and she pulled her into a hug, her own silent tears flowing down her eyes.

After the funeral her grandmother approached her with a small package. She looked like she aged ten years in last few days, and Jennifer could understand that. She did lose her husband, after all. Grandma passed the package to Jennifer who looked at it and then at her with bit of confused look. Grandmother Andrea smiled sadly and explained "He said that if something ever happened to him to give this to you. Said it would be his last parting gift for all the birthdays he was going to miss." she chuckled in hollow tone. "He always loved you, sweetie. And he always will live on in my heart." she paused. "Yours too."

Jennifer nodded slightly and gave her grandmother a hug "Thank you." she whispered softly.


Few days after funeral, the atmosphere back at home was still sad. Grandpa's will was read a day after funeral. He entrusted most of his money into college fund that would fund Jennifer's, Zoe's and Jacob's education. Rest of the money and the house were left to grandma Andrea. Jennifer's mother was left with a few valuable paintings he collected in his life and some rare books. Zoe got his old expedition journals, describing all of his adventures and an amber collection. Jacob got a few small fossil skeletons that her grandfather assembled and his old stamp and baseball card collections. Jennifer herself got a few old maps and some of grandpa's research journals besides the package that grandma already gave her. She looked at it briefly. It was letter and jewelry box with key. She did not really feel like reading letter or looking inside. Not yet. So she hid them away.

Most of the things family inherited were placed in the attic, for now. It still hurt to look at them. They all silently agreed that they will took them out then it hurt less. Whenever that would be.

She did not know who first broke the sad routine they got into. But little, by little they talked. They healed. They shared with each other the best memories they had with a great man, friend and family member that passed away. Little by little they smiled. Not much, at first, but with each day more. And sometimes Jennifer thought that grandpa was still with them. Smiling and laughing together.

The thought made her smile more.

~Flashback end~

Jennifer did not really feel how she was crying right now. It took her few moments to recover from the memory. It was not much different from how it happened back when she was Jon. Except for the bit about family trip. There was no family trip planned in old life. The raw emotion she felt from memory left her shaken, though. She could see her friends looking at her with worry and Karyn gently used her own hand to brush away a tear that escaped, looking at her with concern.

"Jen, love, what is wrong?" she asked softly.

Jennifer took in a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "My grandpa... he passed away. During spring break I and family attended the funeral... I... it is... memories rushed into my mind again and I teared up... Sorry for worrying you girls." she said.

All three of the girls looked at each other, as if coming to silent agreement and moments later Jennifer was surrounded by all sides and pulled into a group hug, which attracted a few eyes from other students in cafeteria, not that they cared.

"I am so sorry, Jen. My condolences." Karyn whispered gently.

"If there is anything I can do to help, let me know." Claire, ever the mature one of the group, offered.

Lucy just seemed to want to hug the life out of Jennifer as she clung to her as tightly as she could.

Jennifer hugged all girls back with weak smile "Thank you girls. And I am fine. Really... err... please.... air?" She asked.

With some reluctance the three girls released Jennifer from their hug, returning to their seats. For a few moments there was a bit of uncomfortable silence around the table, which was broken by Karyn.

"Sorry about bringing that up, Jen. No wonder you avoided the question about break yesterday. God, I feel like shit." She said.

Jennifer was quick to reassure her girlfriend "It is fine, Karyn. Really. I had time to grieve. It still hurts... but not as much anymore." She wrapped her hand around Karyn's waist and pulled the two closer together, resting her head on Karyn's shoulder.

Lucy seemed to be bit teary herself, but she was always bit sensitive. She took a few deep breaths and calmed down, looking at Jennifer "I am sorry for your loss, Jen. I decided I will do my best to cheer you up this weekend. Operation 'Cheer up Jen' commences now." she said seriously, nodding to herself and probably already planning up a list of activities in her head.

Jennifer smiled a bit "Thanks, Lucy."

Claire just looked at Jennifer's eyes for a few moments. She then stretched her hand and placed it on her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze, still looking at Jennifer's eyes. No words were needed as Claire silently conveyed more with one gesture than she could have possibly said with hundred words. After a moment, Jennifer gave a thankful nod and Claire took back her arm.

Jennifer could not help but smile "You girls are the best."

All three smirked back and in unison said "We know."

All of the girls burst into giggles, the previously sad atmosphere broken completely. Jennifer looked down at her food and shook her head "Don't really feel hungry anymore. Anyone want seconds?"

Lucy quickly pulled Jennifer's tray towards her "I will take that."

Claire chuckled "Always the glutton."

Lucy pouted "Am not!"

The two girls got into a playful argument, teasing each other. Jennifer watched the two with a small smile and then felt how Karyn's hand found it's way around her own waist and gently pulled her closer. She look at Karyn's eyes and smiled gratefully. Deciding that her wonderful girlfriend deserved a reward she started to lean in for a kiss.

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