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13. Interrupted

12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: The Great Cafeteria War

avatar on 2018-02-22 05:16:28
Episode last modified by Austea on 2018-02-22 05:22:39

1542 hits, 57 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm Inanimate MTF Myth NBM SciFi Super TF

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Before Jennifer's lips could connect with Karyn's, their special moment was rudely interrupted. By a feeling of something warm hitting the back of Jennifer's head. She blinked and brushed her fingers a bit on where she felt a hit and inspected them. Mashed potatoes. Slowly she turned around, looking at the direction the food came from.

The table seemed to have few upperclassmen which she recognised as football players. The matching jackets with school's football team's logo was dead giveaway. But they were not the only ones sitting near the table. There were also three girls. Girls she was quick to recognize - Sarah McMillan, Wendy Miller and Brenda Simmons. The three meanest girls in school. Every single one of them were struggling to control their chuckles and Sarah gave Jennifer a mocking smile "Potatoes suit you, lesbian loser." she said and turned away, returning attention to her cronies, already discussing how Jennifer totally had that coming and how glad they were that they did not need to see lesbians kissing.

Jennifer, however, continued to look at their direction, inwardly feeling extremely furious. "How dare she?! We were having a goddamn fucking moment there! Just after I cried remembering my grandpa's funeral too! That. Bitch. Will. Pay." She snapped a bit out of her cold fury by the feeling of Lucy's hands gently using clean handkerchief to clean mashed potatoes from her hair. Claire stood before her, looking at her eyes.

"Want me to slap the bitch?" Claire asked softly, the look in her eyes saying that she would do it if she just said yes.

Karyn moved into Jennifer's view as well. Jennifer could tell that she was no less furious than her, maybe even more so. She knelt before her, studying Jennifer's eyes for a bit and then leaned in and kissed her forehead. Moment later she stood to her full length and turned towards the table with jocks and bitches, ready to start a fight.

"Wait." Jennifer voice froze Karyn in place and she turned her head to look into Jennifer's face. Jennifer gently stopped Lucy from cleaning her hair, smiling "Thanks, Luce." She then got up herself. She looked at her tray of food that before this incident Lucy claimed as hers. Some mashed potatoes, small steak with tomato sauce and some salad. Plus a tall glass of orange juice. She picked the glass of juice and took it into her hand, her eyes looking towards the table from which irritating laughter was coming.

She studied her prey for a moment. Sarah McMillan. Perfectly groomed, silky, lustrous blonde hair. Beautiful figure. Large breasts that turned men into horny losers in her presence. Designer clothes. Practised air of confidence. Arrogance. She was used to everything going her way. To being the top bitch. To being the best. She did not think she did anything wrong. The thought would never even enter her brain. As far as she was concerned she just put someone down who was not even worthy to lick her shiny heels. A smile stretched on Jennifer's face.

She will not see this coming.

Under the stares of her two friends, her girlfriend, her sister, which she could see not far away and moving towards her (no doubt to see if everything was okay), and some of the students, who were starting to feel that something interesting was about to happen, Jennifer moved to the table before her with strong, confident steps. Sarah quickly noticed her, some surprise flashing in her eyes, quickly masked behind a look of arrogance. "Oh, what is wrong? Did little lesbian came to cry?" she mocked "Do you want me to kiss your hair better? Sorry, loser, but I don't swing that way. Run back to your loser girlfriend. I am sure she will be happy to lick it clean." she sneered, the whole table bursting into laughter.

Jennifer just smiled sweetly and brought up her glass of juice above Sarah's head, calmly spilling it all over the blonde bitch.

For a few moments time seemed to freeze. Jennifer never took much stock into saying 'you could hear a pin drop', but it was perfect way to describe the silence that followed. No one seemed to move. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Even Zoe froze in her place, a bit of distance away from them.

Jennifer, however, calmly spilled all the juice, making sure the glass was completely empty. She even shook it a few times, to get out last few drops. The look on Sarah's face was all worth it. She was sputtering a bit and trying to brush away her wet hair to a side, so the damp strands would uncover her eyes that probably stung a bit from stray orange juice dripping into them. Jennifer smiled sweetly "Oh, I am sorry. You see - I don't really speak bitch. I thought you just wanted to cool off. My bad." She said in overly sweet voice.

In the silent cafeteria those words were heard as if they were announced by the best speakers in Heavy Metal concert. Everyone heard them. Everyone looked in silent awe as a younger girl stood up to Sarah McMillan. Jennifer could see a grin that stretched on her sister's Zoe's face. She could see Lucy covering her mouth, trying to stifle the giggles that threatened to burst out. She could see Claire giving her thumbs up with a smirk. But nothing could compare to the proud look that her girlfriend was giving to her. The look filled her with warmth. Confidence. Pride.

It felt pretty good.

And then it seemed that someone decided to unfreeze time as Sarah quickly stood up to her full height, glaring hatefully at Jennifer. "You bitch!" she spat out "Do you have any fucking idea how much these clothes cost? They are worth more than every piece of clothing you will own in your entire pathetic existence! I swear to god, I..."

"You what?" Jennifer interrupted, glaring back. Something in her glare must have scared Sarah, because she even took a step back "You will go complain to your dear daddy? I hate to break it to you, bitch, but your dad does not own this town. Or this school." She saw the look on Sarah's face and scoffed. "God, that was what you were going to say, wasn't it? You are such a spoiled brat. Will you ever grow up? You are about to finish high school and go to college and you still act like kindergarten bully. I know ten year old kids more mature than you." She shook her head. "You know, part of me feels sorry for you. Because then you do finish the school you will see how all those you thought were your friends will leave you. You will be all alone. No one will ever take you seriously the way you act now. And what will you do? Will ask your dear daddy to buy you a college diploma? Find you a job?" She snorts "Good luck with that." she turned to leave "I am done here. You are not worth wasting time on." she said and walked to her friends, who were smiling brightly and then encircled Jennifer in protective way.

Jennifer stopped briefly. "Oh, and by the way - Sarah." She said, looking at the blonde's direction and smirking then she caught her attention. "Orange suits you." She then turned around and started to walk through cafeteria with her friends.

All was quite for a few moments. And then the silence was pierced through by the sound of clap. Then another. Then the sound of chairs shifting as people stood up. Jennifer could see that it was her sister Zoe who started to clap. "God, I love my little sister." Jennifer thought briefly. But Zoe was not the only one. More people stood up and started clapping. Louder and louder. Soon everyone in cafeteria who were not part of Sarah's clique were standing and clapping towards Jennifer's group. Soon different sounds could be heard. A loud 'Woo!' and then followed 'You tell her, girl!' followed by 'About time someone took down that bitch!' and many more comments praising Jennifer for standing up to Sarah McMillan. Jennifer had a decency to blush under the attention and continued to walk towards cafeteria's exit.

"Jen, watch out!" A sudden cry from her sister attracted Jennifer's attention and she turned around just in time to see Sarah's boyfriend Biff throw a whole tray of food towards her. "Figures she would have someone else do dirty job for her." Was Jennifer's thought just as the tray sailed through the air in her direction. She trailed the tray with her eyes for a bit, feeling as if static charge went through her body as it flew seemingly in slow motion. And then it overshot her, landing on the table nearby, splattering food all over a couple girls and two guys that were sitting there earlier.

Applause stopped for a moment as everyone looked at Biff and then the four teenagers, covered in food. Someone then shouted two words that made it all much worse.

"Food fight!"

And cafeteria became a war zone.

Jennifer thought that right now she could somewhat understand how war veterans felt in trenches. Enemy fire flying over their heads, loud sounds of artillery echoing around as it hit ground. She was not sure if comparing cafeteria food fight with war was fair, but at current moment her brain seemed to work in pretty strange ways.

And the previously peaceful cafeteria could be compared to battlefield, really.

Last few minutes passed in a blur. Jennifer with her friends managed to dive under tables quite fast. And then the food started flying above their heads. Everyone got into it. And seemed preferred target was Sarah and her friends. She got to give props to Biff - he was quick to turn table over and make a cover to hide behind. But it did not help for long. Food kept flying into their direction. But then someone changed directions and someone else got hit.

From then on it was free for all.

Jennifer and her friends, together with Zoe, who decided to stick close to her sister, made their way from table to table, trying to avoid the worst of the fight and slip out of cafeteria before teachers got wind of this. Sadly, there was not much success as they all were covered by some splatters of food. They were just about to bravely dash towards exit when the doors burst open and inside walked a woman.

But not a teacher.

Jennifer always thought that headmistress Veronica Adams was a beautiful, classy, yet intimidating woman. Not because of the way she looked, or dressed - it was just how she carried herself seemed to demand attention. She seemed to be the kind of woman who could silence the room with her entrance.

That theory was proven right just now.

As soon as doors burst open, everyone looked at the direction of the headmistress. Everyone froze. The woman herself seemed to calmly survey the scene. She stood at around 5'8" dressed in black business dress and black heels. She was lithe with beautifully curvy figure. Her dark brown hair fell around her face in beautiful wavy locks. Her light blue eyes calmly glanced around, freezing everyone with their chillness. Her lips, that were covered with dark red lipstick, were set in a neutral expression.

She did not seem amused.

The silence lasted for quite a few tense moments. Everyone were afraid to move or speak. Finally, after what looked like forever the headmistress broke the silence.

"So, who wants to be the first to tell me what was going on here?" The stern voice echoed through silent cafeteria with a kind of authority in it that no-one could deny.

Almost in synchronization everyone gulped.

They were so busted.

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