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14. Aftermath

13. Interrupted

12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: Aftermath

avatar on 2018-02-22 09:22:17

1375 hits, 58 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware Body Swap Inanimate MTF Magic NBM Omni

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An hour has passed since the end of what students of school have already dubbed as 'The Great Cafeteria War'. Headmistress Veronica was quick to get out a solid retelling of the events that resulted in the food fight. Everyone in cafeteria got several hours of detention right there. They then were allowed to use bathrooms to clean themselves to the best of their abilities and were ordered to return to the lessons. Well, majority of students were allowed that. Jennifer, Sarah and Biff were called aside and ordered to wait next to headmistress office.

They were waiting for about ten minutes now.

All three of them were sitting on the chairs in the waiting room, Jennifer sitting apart from both Biff and Sarah by a few chairs. All were silent and had stains of food all over their clothes. The secretary who sat at her own desk and was sorting through papers did not really pay them any attention. Her presence, however, assured Jennifer that the two people (that she really did not want to be in same room with right now) would not try anything. Jennifer did not like the look Biff was giving her. Like it was all her fault and she would pay for it. She tried to ignore it, for not the first time in last few minutes wishing that Karyn was here with her.

Sarah, however, was strangely quiet.

Jennifer wondered for a bit what the blonde was thinking right now, but decided to not bother. If her words gave the cheerleader some food for thought - good, if not - well, Sarah will learn a hard lesson eventually. Like she said in cafeteria - Sarah was not worth wasting time on. Instead Jennifer focused on what was likely to happen now.

Technically, whole food fight could be considered her fault. She could have simply ignored Sarah and left cafeteria with her friends. While Karyn was about to start something herself - she could have stopped her. She could have taken higher road and just walked away. Did she regret what she actually did, though?

Hell no.

Sarah had it coming. A lot of students were wary of fighting back against her bullying because of her father, but no-one was a saint. Someone's patience would have ended sooner or later. Jennifer briefly remembered some news about shootings in schools and shuddered slightly. It was a dark scenario to consider, but not impossible. Which was scary.

Besides that - it felt good to stand up for herself. As Jon she tended to try to blend in the background, was not prone to anger outbursts and was generally bit meek. Some of that still remained as Jennifer, but it was barely there. She had friends now. People she trusted to have her back. Her relationship with her family was greatly improved too. And she had wonderful girlfriend who she loved with all her heart. The feelings of support, trust and companionship she got from those important people in her life made her feel stronger. More confident in herself. Ready to take on the world.

So no - Jennifer did not regret what she did or say at all.

That did not mean she was not in trouble. She was likely to get suspension on top of detention she already had. Though her parents likely would not make big deal out of it after they would hear full story. And it was not as if she could not catch up to her studies later. She would have less time to hang out with her friends, but if she does get suspension she will have time to spend learning from Helia. So honestly, unless she was expelled (which she doubted would happen), she will be fine.

She still was not looking forward to the talk with headmistress, though.

Almost as summoned by her thought, headmistress walked into the room. She confidently strolled towards her own office door "All three of you - inside. Now." She sternly said and walked inside her office. All three students followed and stood inside the office before the desk. "Close the door." Headmistress ordered and Jennifer carefully closed the door behind her, returning attention to the woman who now sat behind her desk, looking at the three of them.

The woman's cool eyes studied three for few moments, her expression neutral. "I would offer you seats, but I don't want stains in my office and I believe our janitors will have their hands full for some time." She paused. "I got a pretty good recount of events that resulted in the food fight. As I understand, the conflict between you three was the trigger. Is that correct?"

The three students answered meekly "Yes, miss Adams." They all said.

Headmistress looked at all three. "Miss McMillan, step forward." She ordered. Sarah took a hesitant step and raised her head to look at Miss Adams. "I don't care about your views or opinions about other students. They are yours to make. However, bullying someone just because they are different is not acceptable. Our school prides itself for its accepting and modern views, something we encourage to develop in our students. All people can be important members of society and people with different sexualities are no less deserving of a chance to make their own place in the world than you or me. Something that as the face and leader of our school's cheerleader squad you should show by example. You, however, failed at being an acceptable representative of our school system. I have quite a pile of complains about your behaviour and you can count on your family getting a report about your transgressions. One more complaint and I will make sure that your are signed up for some mandatory sessions with our school counsellor. And you can forget the school's recommendation when you try to get into college if you step out of line again. Is that understood?"

Sarah nodded "Yes, miss Adams.

Headmistress looked at her for a few moments "You get five days of suspension. I suggest to use that time to think about your behaviour. Dismissed." She said and Sarah just nodded meekly, looking at Jennifer for a moment and then leaving the room. Veronica Adams then turned her attention towards Biff. "Mister Price, step forward."

Biff stepped forward. If not for the fact that it would be soon her turn, Jennifer would be seriously impressed how the woman before her could make the tall jock almost cover before her gaze.

Miss Adams started to speak. "I will spare you the same lecture I just told miss McMillan. Your transgressions are basically the same. My pile of complains in your case is quite a bit larger, however. I had a few complaints about you and your friends sexually harassing some girls and taking lunch money from younger students. Anything to say for yourself, mister Price?" Biff stayed silent, looking at the ground. "Will take that as a no. Your parents will be notified about your behaviour and if you step out of line again I will be forced to use some drastic measures." She paused. "You will get five days of suspension as well. On top of that you will have to attend some sessions with our school counsellor to discuss your behaviour. They are mandatory. Is that understood?"

Biff nodded "Yes, miss Adams."

Headmistress just looked at him briefly "For your own good I hope that I won't have to see you in my office again. Dismissed." She said and Biff exited the office, briefly glancing at Jennifer with intense glare that almost made her shiver. The door quietly closed behind him and Jennifer was left in the office alone with headmistress.

Miss Adams looked at Jennifer's eyes, her expression still neutral. "I should give you a lecture about values of turning another cheek when someone slaps you. However, I was never a believer of that philosophy. I like the saying 'eye for an eye' much more." She paused. "Considering that by all accounts you seemed to stand up for yourself, according to numerous eye witnesses of the event, I will let you go off lightly. That, and you seem to currently be the heroine of all students - I have no doubt that by now everyone heard about how you dealt with miss McMillan. I don't want an angry crowd of students at my doorstep for thinking you got too harsh of a punishment." A small smile tugged on her lips. "Taking into account that this is your first transgression, your impressive academic achievements and that up to this point your conduct was exemplary, I will let you go away with just a warning. You are still expected to attend your detention hours, just like everyone else that participated in this food fight, however. Is that clear, miss Madison?"

Jennifer could hardly believe her luck and just nodded "Yes, miss Adams."

Headmistress smiled "Good. You may leave my office." She said. Jennifer hurried to do just that, but before she could exit headmistress stopped her. "Oh, and miss Madison?" Jennifer looked at headmistress "Next time a slap should suffice. No need to waste good orange juice." Headmistress of the school grinned and Jennifer grinned back.

"Thank you for advice, miss Adams." She said and left the office.

As she stepped out of the office Jennifer was surprised to see her friends waiting for her outside. Karyn, Lucy and Claire were all grinning at her and rushed to surround her.

"I can't believe you did that! That was soooo cool. I wish I had a camera to take some pictures. Actually, wish I would have thought about filming it with my phone. That was epic!" Lucy was first to exclaim.

Claire grinned "It was really cool. Wish you would have let me slap her, but your way of dealing with it was pretty effective."

Karyn just pulled Jennifer into a hug "My sexy hero~ The way you stood up to that bitch was really, really hot." She smirked. "You were so amazing, Jen. And that last throw back line was perfect." She grinned "Though, enough about that. What kind of punishment you got from miss Adams?"

Jennifer blushed a bit under attention of all her friends "Er. Well, Sarah got it coming. And surprisingly I only got a warning. Miss Adams was pretty cool about whole thing. I still will have to go to detention that everyone got, though." She explained "Anyways, shouldn't you all be in class?"

Karyn grinned "Well, since it was going to be last class for today, teacher decided that we all should go home as opposed to sitting in class with stinky and unclean clothes. Apparently janitors have their hands full with cafeteria as is, so letting us go was lesser of two evils. We were just waiting for you to see how much in trouble you were."

Jennifer grinned "Cool. Don't know about you girls, but I really want to get out of these clothes and have a shower. I still have to go to mall to meet up with my new boss too."

Claire and Lucy blinked. "New boss? You did not mention you got a job." Claire said.

Jennifer blushed "Sorry, girls. I meant to tell you during lunch, but well - you know what happened. And Karyn already knew only because she was there then I ran into my new boss."

Karyn grinned "Yeah, Jennifer is going to have a part time job in this really cool shop in mall called 'Spellbound Oddities'. It has hundreds of little trinkets and cool things in it. Kinda like antique shop, I guess, but cooler." She explained.

Lucy and Claire hummed a bit. "I might drop by it sometime. Sounds interesting." Lucy said.

Claire nodded in agreement. "I might do the same. Anyways, Lucy asked me for some help at her house so we will be going ahead. You two stay out of trouble, okay?"

Jennifer giggled "Will try. See you around." The girls waved their goodbyes and soon Karyn and Jennifer were left by themselves.

Karyn looked at Jennifer, looking her over for a bit and smiling. Jennifer caught Karyn's look and tilted her head to a side a bit "What?" She asked.

Karyn leaned forward and captured Jennifer's lips with her own. Jennifer melted into a kiss and kissed back. The two girls kissed for a few moments and then Karyn pulled back, leaving Jennifer bit dazed. Karyn smirked. "I am really proud of you, Jen. I always knew that you were really strong. I am glad you stood up for yourself." She chuckled "I just hope that I won't have to beat other girls off you now." Jennifer pouted at her. "On second thought - I better find a really big stick to do that. That adorable pout of yours could make straight girl into bisexual." She teased.

"Karyn!" Jennifer whined a bit at her girlfriend's teasing, earning a giggle from Karyn.

"Just teasing, Jen. Anyways, we probably should go to our homes and change clothes. Then we could meet up and go to the mall." She offered.

Jennifer smiled "You don't have to come together, you know?"

Karyn smiled back "I know. You proved you can take care of yourself. Nonetheless - I am coming anyways. Besides, I want to browse that shop again. Did not get much of a chance to do it yesterday."

Jennifer giggled "Fair enough. Let's go."

With that the couple left the school.

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